2 months later.
Elsa's P.O.V.
“Zaynnnnnn. The boys are here for our game night!” I hollered as I ran to answer the door. I opened the door and Louis instantly pulled me into a hug.
“How's my favorite American?!” he hollered.
“I'm great Lou, but you're currently choking me.” I laughed.
“Sorry Els.” he laughed and then walked past me.
“Hey babe.” Harry said and kissed my cheek. He then walked past me and Liam was the last one in.
“How are you love?” he asked and pulled me into a hug.
“I'm still great.” I smiled.
“Good.” he said and kissed my cheek.
“Alright boys and girl, let's play our first game!” Zayn hollered and walked into the living room.
After beating the boys asses in candy lane, clue, and chutes&ladders, we decided to make some food and I went to grab more games from the closet. As I was grabbing games, I heard a door slam shut hard, and then yelling.
“Thanks for the invite best friends!” his angelic, yet anger filled voice yelled.
“Niall, calm down. It's not like we didn't want to invite you, we just couldn't.” Harry said.
“Oh humor me, why couldn't you invite me?” he snapped. This was it. I knew I had to go out there. I couldn't hide any longer. I listened as the boys said nothing and I made my way to the living room.
“Why boys?!” he yelled.
“Because of me.” I said as I entered the living room. Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry all looked at me with huge eyes and then I looked over at Niall. His face was completely white and he looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Surprised to see me Niall?” I asked while walking towards Zayn. He then put an arm around my waist and Niall continued to stare me down. I watched as Niall just stood there, speechless, with his jaw practically on the ground. I watched as he felt around for something to hold him up, and he gripped tightly to the corner of the couch and slightly leaned over.
“Well say something mate.” Louis said.
Niall instantly looked back up stared into my eyes but still didn't say anything.
“Elsa? You're alive?” he stuttered.
“What does it look Niall?” I asked in the most innocent voice.
“How are you alive?” he asked.
“Well you would know that if you would have stuck around instead of leaving me. Remember that night on the rocks, you swore to protect me and always be there for me?” I asked as tears filled my eyes. “Where were you when I needed you the most?”
Niall was now completely sobbing and I wanted so badly to wrap my arms around him and tell him it was going to be okay, but I couldn't.
“Elsa, you don't understand.” he said.
“Understand what Niall?! Why you left me?! You're right. I don't understand! You left me when I needed you the most!” I screamed. I was now in hysterics and Zayn was rubbing my back to calm me down. “I loved you and you just deserted me!”
“Elsa, you can't just say that. I thought you were gone. I was broken and I didn't know what else to do.” he said.
“Niall I loved you so much and you told me you loved me, but if you loved me at all, you never would have left me. I gave you my heart and you just broke it.” I cried.
“Elsa, I do lo...” he said but I cut him off before he could say it.
“Just save it Niall.” I said. I then turned my face to Zayn and he held on to me.
“How long have you all known about this?!” he yelled.
“About three months.” Liam said.
“Three months?! And you didn't bother to tell me!?” he screamed through the tears.
“Stop yelling at them. It was my decision not tell you.” I said.
“Why Elsa? Shouldn't I have been the first to know?” he snapped.
“Why would you care? You're not my boyfriend and you have a new girlfriend anyway.” I snapped.
“How do you know that? I only brought her to the Zayn's once...wait, you were there weren't you?” he asked.
“Ya I was. I didn't need to see you all over your new girlfriend.” I said. I watched as he looked around and started to recognize all my stuff.
“She's living with you?!” Niall hollered and charged towards Zayn. Zayn then passed me off to Louis and he held on to me.
“Niall, relax. She needed me and I was here for her.” he explained.
“Oh she needed you and you were there for her? Oh how nice of you Zayn. Thanks for filling me in!” Niall shouted and then shoved him back into the counter. Zayn then went after him and I let out a loud scream.
“Guys! Stop it!” I hollered. I watched as they continued to fight and then I ran out the door.
“Elsa!” I heard one of them shout. I didn't know where I was going, I just had to leave. I was having too much anxiety.
Liam's P.O.V.
I watched as Niall shoved Zayn into the counter and then Zayn went after him and they began fighting.
“Guys! Stop it!” Elsa screamed. I looked over at Elsa and she let out another loud scream and then ran out the door.
“Elsa!” Louis screamed as Harry and I tried breaking Zayn and Niall up. He then went after her and me and Harry managed to get the two apart.
“What is wrong with you two?!” I hollered.
“Zayn's the problem! He went after my girlfriend and basically took her from me.” Niall snapped.
“First of all I didn't take anyone from you! You lost your chances when you left her! She's not your girlfriend and probably never will be again! Besides she's more like a sister to me than a girlfriend! I would never date her!” Zayn shouted.
“This is just ridiculous. She just came back to us and now you've made her run off.” Harry yelled.
“You better hope Louis comes back with her.” I snapped.
About fifteen minutes later, Louis came back with no Elsa.
“Louis, where is she?” I asked.
“I can't find her anywhere. Liam, I'm really worried about her.” Louis said.
“You shouldn't be too worried, you know Elsa can take care of herself.” Niall said.
“Are you serious Niall? She just got out of the hospital 4 months ago. Liam, I know I shouldn't have, but I was looking at her meds in the bathroom, and she takes pills for anxiety. What if she has a panic attack and we're not there?” Lou asked.
“Come on guys. We need to find her. Niall, I guess you can help.” I said.

The Perfect Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionIt's the kind of story you would only expect to see in a movie. A twisted version of a Nicholas Spark novel or even a cliche fanfic. Elsa and Niall were only two teenagers that fell completely head over heels for each other, and within a blink of an...