Louis's P.O.V
"Ladddsss! I'm going to the cafe to get some drinks. Everyone want the usual?" I hollered.
"Yes please!" Liam said.
"Of course!" Zayn added.
"Yes boobear." Harry laughed.
"Yup." Niall said with no enthusiasm. I knew from the moment he lost Elsa, he would never be the same. She was the love of his life and he lost her and couldn't even give her a proper goodbye.
"I'll be back soon." I said and exited the flat. It was a cool August day and I decided to take the long way to the cafe. I always enjoyed walking and the summer breeze always felt amazing. I decided to put my headphones in and listen to Ed Sheeran on my way to the cafe. I thought about the recent phone call I shared with Elsa's sister and maybe Sutton is right. Maybe it is time to let Elsa go, move on. I guess it's time to let go and realize that Elsa is no more than just a part of my history. Hell, what am I saying? I can't just forget about her, she's like my sister, my best friend, and I can't just forget about her. Zayn's taking her death a lot harder than the rest of us though. He says it doesn't bother him, but beneath all that cover up, I know it's killing him. I broke away from my train of thought and just kept walking down the sidewalk.
I was about a few feet away when I had a head on collision with some stranger. They were coming at me as I was going towards the door of the cafe.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry love." I said as I noticed it was a girl I had collided with. Her friend grabbed her arm and helped her up as I grabbed her hand.
"I'm so sorry." I said again.
"It's fine, I should have been watching where I was going." she said as her head hung low. Her friend was staring at me with daggers and I swear I've seen her face somewhere. And that voice was so familiar.
"Elsa, we gotta go." she whispered to her, thinking I didn't hear. I let them walk first and as I watched them walk towards the door of the café, it hit me. I felt like my body literally stopped and I couldn't move. I suddenly broke out of my trance and butterflies ran through my stomach.
"Elsa?!" I screamed. The girls both stopped and then the girl on the right turned around and I nearly almost had a heart attack.
Elsa's P.O.V.
"Yay we're finally here." I laughed as I walked towards the door. As I went to grab the handle to open it, another person had the same intention and we ran straight into each other. I instantly fell to the ground and I watched as the man struggled to get to his feet.
"I'm so sorry love." he said once he was up. Lucille grabbed my arm and then I felt the stranger's hand grab my hand and help me up.
"I'm so sorry." he said again. That voice. It was just so familiar.
"It's fine." I mumbled and stared down at the ground.
"Elsa, we gotta go." Lucille said. I felt her grip tighten on me and she instantly began to drag me inside. As we were walking, I heard a shout that literally made my heart stop beating.
"Elsa!?" the stranger shouted. I slowly turned around and that's when I noticed it was none other than Louis Tomlinson. My Louis Tomlinson.
"Louis?" I asked with complete shock in my voice. I couldn't believe this was really happening.
Louis's P.O.V.
"Louis?" she asked in her American accent. I watched her take a couple steps towards me, leaving her friend behind.
"Louis?" she asked again. I walked towards her and put my hand on her cheek and I watched as she stared at me in disbelief.
"Elsa, it's really you." I said. I felt the tears form in my eyes and I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight.
"How the actual fuck is this possible?! Are you real?!" I cried.
"I don't know. I just woke up. And yes I'm real." she said.
"Woke up? We all thought you were dead." I said as I made eye contact with her again.
"I woke up right before my family was going to turn off life support. It's a miracle Lou." she said.
"I'm just in shock. I can't believe this." I said as she held on to my hands. "You're real and alive."
"I am and I'm not going anywhere." she smiled.
"I've missed my best friend and wingman so much. I can't believe it's been nine months." I said. I watched as her hand went to my face and she wiped away a tear.
"I've missed you too Lou." she said. "Wanna join us for coffee?"
"I would love to but I have to get back to the boys with their coffee." he said.
"Oh. I understand. Is Niall there?" she asked. I stood there frozen (hehe) for a minute. Elsa has no idea Niall has a new girlfriend and Niall has no idea she is alive. Wait, he told us she was dead.
"Louis, why did Niall give up on me?" she asked with sadness in her voice.
"Give up on you? He told all of us that you were gone." I explained.
"Why would he do that? I was never dead. I was in a coma where I wasn't supposed to wake up, but I was never dead." she explained.
"I don't know babe. Do you want to come with me? Back to the flat, I mean?" I asked.
There was a long pause and she finally looked up at me.
"Yes." she said.
Elsa's P.O.V
"I don't know babe. Do you want to come with me? Back to the flat, I mean?" he asked.
I thought for a long time and then my heart took over and I knew I needed to see him.
"Yes." I said.
"Alright then. Let's go Els." he said and held his hand out.
"Just one sec." I said and skipped back to Lucille.
"Luce, I need to go with him. I need to see Niall." I explained.
"I understand sweetie. Just go. I'll grab some coffee and head back to the flat." she smiled.
"Thanks. You're the best." I said and hugged her tightly. I then released her and walked back to Louis.
"Ready?" he asked with his hand out.
"Yes." I smiled and took his hand.

The Perfect Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionIt's the kind of story you would only expect to see in a movie. A twisted version of a Nicholas Spark novel or even a cliche fanfic. Elsa and Niall were only two teenagers that fell completely head over heels for each other, and within a blink of an...