Chapter 3 -- Reality Sets In

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Elsa's P.O.V.

“How could he do this to me?” I cried. I was literally bawling my eyes out and couldn't stop.

“Honey, we don't know. We called so many times but he never picked up. Eventually his number changed and we gave up.” my dad explained. "Your brother and sister even tried contacting the other boys and we couldn't even reach them."

“But I loved him. I don't understand.” I sobbed.

“We don't either sweetie. I hate to see you like this.” my mom said.

I weeped more and pulled the covers up to my chin and sighed.

“I just wanna go home.” I explained.

“We will soon baby girl. We rented a flat here and we just updated for another 6 months so we have to wait it out and then we'll go home to Virginia.” my dad said and kissed my forehead.

There was a knock at my door and then the doctor and nurse came in.

“Well Ms. Blake, your tests results came back and it seems that you are very healthy and you can head home.” he said. “You just need to take it easy for a while and don't do a lot of physical activity. I have all the rules of what you can and can't do, and what you can and can't eat in this folder.” he said and handed it to Zeke.

“I'm so happy for you Ms. Blake. I'll see you at your next checkup.” he said and started to exit the room.

“Thanks and goodbye.” I said.

“Alright, let's head to the flat.” my mom said.

“Did you sign the release papers Olivia?” my dad asked.

“Yes honey I did.” she smiled.

“Good.” he said and kissed her cheek.

“Mom, dad, what am I gonna do about school?” I asked.

“Well, since you only had a few months of school left, your high school in Virginia passed you anyways because you had a 4.0 and all A's.” my dad explained.

“Oh, okay.” I replied.

“Here Els, let me help you. It's gonna be hard to walk.” Zeke said as he grabbed my arm.

“Baby steps.” my mom said.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and held on to Zeke's hands as I stepped for the first time in 8 months. I stumbled a bit, but Zeke held me up and helped me walk. It took me a few minutes to get the hang of it, but after a few steps I was fine. My family led me out to the car and we started driving home. As we were driving, Sutton turned on the radio and instantly I wanted to scream and punch the nearest wall. What Makes You Beautiful was on and I soon felt the tears pour out of my eyes.

“Sut, turn it off. Now.” my mom said. I watched as she reached for the volume and she turned it off.

The whole drive home, I just stared out the window as my family talked. Things happened throughout the time I was gone and they knew things that I didn't. I listened as they talked about their different events, their new friends, and it made me feel lost. I realized then and there, I was never going to be the same. Niall made me who I was. He completed me and without him, I know won't be the same.

“Come on sweetie, we're home.” my mom smiled and she held her hand out for me to take. I got out of the car and my family led me up the stairs to our home. Once I saw the living room, I definitely knew this place belonged to my parents. The decoration and interior was totally them.

“Els, I'll show you your room.” Sutton said and dragged me to my room. Once we reached it, I saw just a plain and simple purple room. Exactly how I like it.

“Thanks Sutton.” I smiled and she left me to be alone in my room.

I still can't believe I have been asleep for eight months straight. As I was looking around, I spotted my phone and my mind instantly thought of twitter. I grabbed it and logged into my account, surprisingly I still remembered my password and username. Once I got to my newsfeed, I couldn't believe how many tweets there were. There were so many questions about where I was and tweets about how much the fans missed me. I'm curious as to what Niall told his fans about me. I typed Niall's name in the search bar but quickly cleared it out and set my phone back down on the nightstand. For a couple hours I sat in my room and tried to wrap my mind around the idea that I was alive and I got a second chance at life, but honestly, I don't know if I really want a second chance at life if Niall isn't in it. He is my everything, well at least I thought he was, and I don't know how I'm going to make it through these new adjustments without him. As I was laying there, I heard a slight knock on my door.

“Els?” a familiar voice asked. “Knock knock.”

“Come in.” I said.

“Hey sis.” Zeke said as he stood in my doorway. “Can I come in?”

“Of course.” I said. I sat up on my bed and watched as Zeke entered my room and sat next to me. He looked at me and I knew he could tell I had been crying.

“Have you been crying?” he asked.

“No.” I lied.

“Els, I know you. You can't lie to me.” he said.

“Fine. I have been crying.” I admitted.

“Why sis?” he asked.

I sighed and then shook my head as I looked around the room, trying to make eye contact with anything but Zeke.

“Elsa, look at me.” he said. I paused for a minute and then looked up at him. “Why have you been crying?”

“Niall.” I said.

“Elsa, that douche bag isn't worth your tears.” he said.

“Zeke.” I said. “Don't be so rude.”

“Don't defend him Elsa. That asshole left you, and didn't even care whether you lived or not.” Zeke said. “He's not worth your time.”

“Zeke, it's not that simple. I love him.” I said. “Well, did love him.”

“Elsa, please. Forget about him.” Zeke pleaded.

“Stop pestering me about it Zeke! I just fricken woke up from a coma, found out I was in deathly car accident, and somehow survived, and then I come to find out the love of my life left me! Just leave me alone!” I screamed. As I was screaming, I literally felt like all the blood rushed to my head and then I started hyperventilating. I tucked my knees into my chest and started rocking back and forth as my breathing increased.

“Elsa? Elsa, what's wrong?!” Zeke asked but I ket breathing oddly and then I started shaking.

“Mom! Dad!” I heard Zeke scream and then it all went black.

~Time Skip~

“Thanks again doctor.” my dad said as he shook the doctor's hand. My mom was holding on to me tightly as we walked out of the room and back outside to our car. Zeke was following close behind, along with Sutton, as my dad led the way out.

“Great, so now I'm labeled as the freak, coma girl with the panic attacks.” I said.

“Elsa don't say that. You're not a freak.” my mom said. “A lot of normal people have panic attacks. You went through a very traumatic thing and it's okay if you're traumatized by it.”

“I guess, but I just wish I could have my life back. My real life. I wish the accident would never had happened.” I cried.

“Honey, you can't change what happened. What's done is done and you have to learn to get past it and don't let it stop you from living your life. It's a miracle that you're even alive.” my mom said. “I don't know what I would have done without my baby girl.”

“I love you mom.” I said and wrapped my arms around her.

“I love you too. Just remember baby girl, we're gonna go through this together. I'm with you every step of the way and so is your father, your brother, and your sister.” she said.

 “I know and I'm lucky to have you all.” I said.

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