Elsa's P.O.V.
After a long flight, we finally made it to Mullingar. The airport was quiet and empty because fans thought we were flying into Dublin and not directly into Mullingar. We had a taxi waiting for us and it was taking us directly to his house. His mum knew he was coming home, so she told Bobby, Greg, and Denise to come over, but they had no idea I was going to be with them. As we were approaching the familiar street, I saw his parents and brother and Denise holding up a sign that said "Welcome Home Niall".
"Aww that's so sweet." I said.
"It is. Now you stay here and I'll give the driver a nod and then he'll give you the okay to come out." Niall said.
"Alright sounds good." I smiled.
He smiled at me and then gave me a quick kiss and sighed when he pulled away.
"I'm so happy to have my queen back." he said and kissed my forehead.
"Alright, now go out there." I said.
Niall's P.O.V.
"I'm so happy to have my queen back." I said and kissed her forehead. She let out a slight giggled and then smiled at me.
"Alright. Now go out there." she said while ushering me out the door. As I stepped out, I saw my family and jogged towards them.
"Mum! Dad!" I said and ran into their arms.
"Niall, we're so happy you're home for a visit." my mum said. I managed to get out of my mum's arms and my brother walked over and engulfed me into a huge hug.
"Great to see ya bro." he said.
"You too." I said. I then made my way over to Denise and hugged her as well.
"Good to see you Niall." she said.
"You too. Now where's my perfect little nephew?" I asked.
"He's asleep inside." she said.
"Oh alright." I said and walked towards my parents.
"Now what brings you home sweetheart?" my mum asked.
"Well, you remember how I dumped Amelia right?" I asked.
They all nodded their heads and I could tell my mom wasn't liking where this was going.
"Well I would like you all to meet my new girlfriend." I said.
"Oh Niall, another one already?" my mum sighed.
"Don't worry mum. I know you will like her and you will get along great." I said. I turned my attention to the driver and watched as he leaned back and told Elsa to come outside. I watched as the door opened, and then she stepped outside. She was looking down at the ground, and when she brought her head up, my mum gasped.
"Hi everyone." she said and waved her hand.
"Elsa?" my mum asked.
"Hi Maura." she said. I watched as my mum made her way to Elsa's and stopped in front of her.
"Elsa, it's really you." she said.
"It's me Maura. I'm home." Elsa said.
"Oh." my mom cried and threw her arms around her.
Surprisingly, tears fell down my face as I watched my mum hug my girlfriend.
"Niall, how is this possible?" Gregg asked in shock.
"Let her explain." I said.
Elsa's P.O.V.
I watched as Niall and his family said their hellos and exchanged hugs and kissed. Suddenly, Niall turned to the driver and gave him the nod.
"Alright Miss Elsa, you can go out now." he said.
"Okay. Thank you." I smiled. I slowly opened the door and kept my head down and stepped outside. I then brought my head up and smiled. Maura gasped and I watched as the tears started forming in her eyes.
"Hi everyone." I said and waved a little. Maura started crying even harder and I smiled.
"Elsa?" she asked.
"Hi Maura." I said. She slowly started making her way towards me and stopped about a foot a way from me.
"Elsa, it's really you." she said as she touched my cheek.
"It's me Maura. I'm home." I said.
"Oh." she cried and threw her arms around her. She started crying into my shoulder and I stroked her back.
"Mum, come on. Let's head inside so Elsa can explain." Niall said.
Maura pulled her head up from shoulder and looked at me. She then grabbed my hand and walked up with me to the house.

The Perfect Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionIt's the kind of story you would only expect to see in a movie. A twisted version of a Nicholas Spark novel or even a cliche fanfic. Elsa and Niall were only two teenagers that fell completely head over heels for each other, and within a blink of an...