Elsa's P.O.V.
As Liam and I were dancing, I told him everything that happened with Niall and he was shocked at first.
“I always knew you two still loved each other. I can see it whenever you two are together.” he said. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
“What should I do?” I asked.
“Go find him and see if he'll dance with you again.” he suggested.
“Alright. Come with me?” I asked.
“Of course.” he said and kissed my cheek. I held Liam's hand tightly as we made our way through a group of people and then I realized we were cut off from the other side of the room by some stupid fence. I scanned the crowd and that's when I saw him. There he was. All over some fake, blonde chick. As she turned around, I realized it was Amelia. How the actual fuck did she get here?
“Liam, I need to leave.” I said as my anxiety started to take over.
“Why what's wrong Els?” he asked as he scanned the crowd. His grip on my hand tightened and that's when I knew he saw him.
“That douche bag.” he said.
“Liam please. Help me find Zayn. My anxiety is building up.” I said as my breathing changed.
“Okay, come on Els.” he said. The tears were blurring my vision and by the time we found Zayn, all my mascara was running down my face. When Zayn saw me, he instantly got up from his seat and ran to me.
“Els, what's wrong?!” he asked in a frantic.
“Niall professed his love for me and then kissed me and I found him hanging all over a girl and it was his fucking girlfriend.” I sobbed. “He broke my heart again Zayn. I can't do this. I need to get out of here. My anxiety is overwhelming me.”
“Okay come on sweetie. Let's go back to the penthouse. Lou, Harry. Are you coming with?” he asked.
“Ya, Niall can fend for himself.” they said.
Zayn then grabbed my hand and instantly led me out of the club with Liam, Lou, and Harry following close behind.
Niall's P.O.V.
I can't believe I just kissed Elsa. I don't know what came over me, but the rush I got when our lips collided felt amazing. I felt that connection that we always had before. I never felt that spark when I was with Amelia. I need her and I know she needs me. As I was walking back to find Elsa, I was grabbed by some random girl and turned around. My eyes then suddenly came in contact with Amelia.
“Amelia, what are you doing here?” I asked.
“I came to surprise you babe.” she smiled and slammed her lips on mine. She ran her hands through my hair and played with the zipper on my jeans. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, but I still didn't feel that connection that I felt when I kissed Elsa.
“Amelia, I can't do this here.” I said.
“Perfect, let's go back to your room.” she smiled. She then laced our fingers together and we headed back to the penthouse. Once we got back to our room, I noticed that the other boys and Elsie were here.
“Amelia, we're not doing anything. Not while they're here.” I said as we hustled into my room.
“Niall, when are you ever gonna satisfy my needs. I wanna steal your V-card.” she purred in my ear.
Little did she know that my V-card has someone else's named engraved on it and I'm waiting for it to be swiped by Elsa.
Elsa's P.O.V.
“Elsa, breath please. Take slow breaths.” Harry said as we walked through the doors of our penthouse. My left arm was slung over Liam's shoulders and my right was over Louis's. They were attempting to help me back in the room before I actually had a panic attack and everything would go black. They led me over to the couch and that's when I started shaking.
“Harry, my pills. They're in the bathroom.” I stuttered. Liam sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. He then started rubbing my back and cooing in my ear to calm me down.
“Here Els. Take these. Quickly.” Harry said. I took the pills and then downed them with the water Harry had handed me. As soon as the water was down, I let out a sigh of relief and rested my head on Liam's shoulder.
“You're gonna be alright Els. I promise.” he said and kissed my temple. I sighed and felt my eyes starting to close and eventually I was asleep. After awhile, the boys must have thought I was sleeping still, and they started talking.
“What are we gonna do lads?” Louis asked as he stroked my hair.
“Niall does not deserve her back. I thought he did, but I was completely wrong.” Zayn said.
“It's hard watching her go through so much pain.” Liam added.
“We need to make her happy and make sure she has an amazing time with us on tour.” Harry said.
“Agreed.” Liam said.
“Let's make it happen.” Louis said.
“We'll start tomorrow, but as for right now, one of us needs to carry her to bed.” Liam said.
“I've got it.” Harry said. I suddenly felt two strong arms go underneath me and scoop me up in their arms. I nuzzled my face into his chest and let out slight groan.
“It's alright E. Just go back to sleep. I've got you. I'll protect you.” Harry whispered as he carried me to my room. He eventually lay me down gently and as he turned to leave I grabbed his hand.
“Stay.” I mumbled.
“Anything for you.” Harry said and walked to the other side of the bed. I watched as he took off his pants and then his shirt, leaving himself in his boxers, and then he crawled in next to me. He turned so that my back was pressed into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in between my neck and shoulder.
The next morning I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I got a text from Zayn saying that I needed to be in my swimsuit ASAP. So I grabbed my favorite suit, slipped it on, and then put on a cute a crop top and pair of high waisted jean shorts. I then headed towards the kitchen and that's when I saw her. Amelia was sitting at the counter talking to Niall, so I rushed past them and made my way to Zayn's room.
“Zayn.” I said and walked in.
“You're lucky I wasn't naked.” he laughed.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” I asked.
“Who?” he asked.
We both peered out of the door and saw Amelia throwing herself at Niall.
“Shit. I don't know.” Zayn mumbled. I watched them a little bit longer and of course the tears came back. I backed away from the door and looked up at Zayn who was running his hands through his hair.
“Els, this vacation was supposed to be fun for you. Not ruined by that whore.” Zayn said. He eventually looked at me and ran to my side when he saw how upset I was.
“Come here sweetie.” he said and engulfed me in his arms.
“Zayn, why is he playing me?” I cried.
“I don't know babe, but I'm gonna beat the living shit out of him for it.” he said.
“No please don't. He's one of your best friends. Don't fight with him because of me.” I begged.
“Ya, well you're one of my best friends too and I hate to see you hurting.” he said. “You're worth fighting for.”
“Thanks Zayn. I love you.” I smiled up at him.
“I love you too.” he said and kissed my forehead.

The Perfect Storm (Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanficIt's the kind of story you would only expect to see in a movie. A twisted version of a Nicholas Spark novel or even a cliche fanfic. Elsa and Niall were only two teenagers that fell completely head over heels for each other, and within a blink of an...