Hey Adora Prt 3 (Catradora)

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Wowie you guys really like this story so I guess ill keep going lol

Remember to respect every ship!

Ever since they got off the ship Catra has been super protective of Adora. No one knew what had happened in Adora's cell and no one will ever know. Catra would take Adora on small walks around the base they were at, they'd talk for hours, in secret of course. But of course some people would notice Catra's clingy-ness, but whenever Catra caught them staring she'd hiss at them. Catra never considered Adora her prisoner until she was reminded why she was at the base.

It had been months, and Adora seemed less talkative then before. Catra lead the blonde into her room, frowning "what's wrong princess?". But the heroine only stayed silent for a few heartbeats until she looked at the cat. "I miss my friends at Bright Moon Catra". The wild-cat looked at Adora wide eyed, but it wasn't surprising that Adora would talk about this. "I know you do" Catra sighed "but I have no choice, I have to keep you here I'm sorry" the cat pried but Adora only turned her head and stayed silent.

"Your better then this Catra..." Adora muttered at last, Catra sighed again "I've must've heard that a thousand times from you...". The cat stared into Adora's blue eyes, but only saw sorrow. "I thought...you loved me?" The cat whimpered, "I do Catra, but I feel so lonely" Adora whined. They stayed silent again, the sadness overtook the room. "I'm not losing you again Adora, not again." Catra said as a tear rolled down her tan cheek.

Another week passed, and Bright Moon was seen attacking Horde bases claiming they'd never stop until they get Adora back. Adora desperately tried to convince Catra to let her go and join her. But would the Rebellion really accept her? After everything she's done? But Catra refused, and had to lock Adora up again until it was safe. It hurt, watching the blonde suffer as people fought to save her. But, the Rebellion got closer and closer to them as the days passed. And Adora had stopped talking to Catra, the base was full of tension and angst, making things a whole lot worse. Finally the Rebellion struck their base one morning, Catra had been protecting Adora that day.

"For She-Ra!" Adora heard and cringed, she hasn't been She-Ra for a long time. She didn't even know where her sword was, so she didn't bother trying to use it to escape. And besides, it might still be infected. Catra looked at Adora with sadness and begging in her eyes "don't leave me", those words made Adora wince in guilt. Knowing that her relationship with Catra would be gone forever if she left. Suddenly she felt her hands cuffed again, "I'm sorry" Catra said and ran out, barricading the door behind her.

Catra fought the Rebellion soldiers, Perfuma, Frosta, and Glimmer were there. The she-cat lashed her tail and pounced on one of them, only getting iced in the face. She stood up, making herself face-to-face with Glimmer. "Give us back Adora!" The purple haired girl yelled, "Never!" Catra screeched. The princess teleported forward and punched the cat, making Catra hiss. Catra jumped up and landed on Glimmer, making her land face first into the snow. Catra got up and looked around for Glimmer, only to see her running towards the base. The cat chased her but was pushed away by huge vines by Perfuma. "No!!" Catra yelled, then was shot in the back by one of the Horde's guns. She turned around and saw Bow, with a Horde disguise on. Catra fell to the ground and went unconscious.

Glimmer teleported inside Adora's cell, "Adora!" The purple haired girl gasped, she ran and hugged the blonde with tears streaming down her face. "Glimmer! Oh thank god!" Adora sighed in relief. Outside, there was absolute chaos, Scorpia attacking Perfuma, Rogelio and Kyle guarding a injured Lonnie, and Entrapta was no where to be seen. But where was Catra? Adora looked around the battlefield anxiously, finally she spotted the cat lying unconscious in the snow with a big wound in her back. "No!!" Adora screamed and raced to Catra's side, she checked the other girls pulse and thanked God that she was breathing.

Catra woke with a jump, gasping for air. She looked around, seeing the bright walls around her. She was in Bright Moon she guessed, she was topless but her chest was complete with bandages, freshly changed. "Your awake!" A voice behind her said, startling the cat. "A-Adora!" The two threw their arms around each other and kissed deeply. "Oh thank god your ok! I was so worried!" Adora laughed, Catra smiled and poked Adora's forehead "your such a dork".

Adora began explaining why Catra was in Bright Moon, Catra was completely shocked they'd help heal her when she was a top enemy and nuisance to the Rebellion. And even more surprised when Adora shared the news of the kingdom letting her stay with them. After awhile of talking Adora and Catra walked out into the hall, the guards at the door was shocked to see Catra awake. And they immediately went to full alert, but Adora motioned that that was not needed. "Where are we going?" Catra sighed loudly, feeling a bit uncomfortable being in the current place.

"We're coming out as lovers" Adora replied smoothly, Catra blushed warmly and smirked her sly, evil smirk. "Is that what we are now? Lovers?" The cat teased, Adora stopped walking and faced the wild girl, "uh yes? Don't tell me we're not dating after all that confessing on the boat?" The blonde frowned. Catra laughed and pecked Adora's lips, "I'm just kidding! Of course we're dating now!" She exclaimed. Adora punched the cat's shoulder playfully and they both walked nervously into the common area where everyone was waiting anxiously.

"Everyone! I have some important news!" Adora yelled cheerfully. Everyone turned to look up at the blonde heroine, and shocked faces looked up at Catra holding Adora's hand. "Catra will be staying in Bright Moon, with me". Voices broke out in disagreement, "how do we know if she's not spying on us?!" A voice in the back yelled, earning agreeing nods. Adora signaled for silence with just a wave of her hand, "listen, I was from the Horde too, and you guys learned to trust me!" She pried. "Yeah but that was because your She-Ra!". The same person before yelled.

"So you only trust her because she can turn 8 feet with a sword?!" Catra snapped, "I trust her because she's my best friend!....And my girlfriend!" The cat confessed, getting back shock from the crowd as a response.
"I called it! I knew she liked Adora!" Bow cheered and grinned at Glimmer. Obviously they had made a bet on Catra liking Adora before, Adora glared at the boy and he quickly went quiet.
"Yes, it is true, me and Catra are a couple, and we both are coming out as lesbian" Adora announced, "yeah! And we don't care if you don't like it! We love each other!" Catra yelled.

Surprisingly enough, people seemed to understand, and disagreed no more. Leaving Catra and Adora to their final conclusion, Catra's apology.
Adora looked at the nervous she-cat and nodded reassuringly, Catra let out a long sigh and turned to the crowd, "I'm very sorry for making myself a nuisance to all of you! I promise, that I will fight by your side against Hordak and the rest of the Horde! If you will let me, I will stand by you in these times! Please accept me here as your own!" The cat finished, people smiled and nodded in praise. Making Catra light up in relief.

After the huge announcement Adora and Catra went to their room, Adora kissed Catra softly earning a kiss back from the other girl. Catra broke away and hugged Adora, "Thank you..." she whimpered. Adora smiled in empathy, "I won't ever leave you again Catra...I love you"

"I love you too Adora"


Yay! It's over! I'm getting to some requests soon I just need to take another break I guess. But feel free to ask for more one shots!

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