Can I have this dance? (Catradora Soulmate AU)

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Requested by Birth_Giver
Thanks for requesting!
•Slight Angst
•Princess Prom

Some quick info
A/N: I must apologize for not updating in so long, my motivation to do it isn't that good, ngl. But because this is my only story that's gotten a lot of reads, I'm going to continue writing. Ik that's a lame reason and I shouldn't really care, but you guys seem to like it so whatever.
About the AU:
Basically the soulmate stuff doesn't happen until they reach a certain age, and when they touch their soulmate they get stuck together (AND EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I GET THIS FEELING AND EVERYTIME WE KISS I SWEAR I CAN FLY) idk, this was a rushed scenario so just roll with it like I am.

Adora P.O.V

I was in my room with Glimmer, explaining to her the important guests, correct posture, and rules of the Princess Prom.
"So! What're you going to wear?" Glimmer asked, I shrugged a little and looked to the side "Oh, I was just going to go as She-Ra, she has better hair then me,".
"Well you can't go as She-Ra! There's a "no weapons allowed" rule! I thought you said you read everything!" Glimmer exclaimed, I groaned and flopped down on the couch behind me.
I heard my small friend gasp , "You know what this means!"
I groaned again, " what?"
"Makeover time!!" Glimmer chirped.
And the next thing I know I'm flung into a makeover montage that takes about two minutes but it seemed longer then that.
I ended up wearing a silk red dress with a golden sash around my waist, and some weirdly strong, gold clip through my pony tail.

• • •

The whole time during the montage I was working out how to get Princess Frosta to join the Rebellion, and strategies if things go side ways. For example if a certain feline girl infiltrates the ice castle, I would need to know what to do right away.
I was too busy thinking that I didn't notice how fast I was dragged to the Princess Prom, I was snapped out of it when Glimmer took my sword away from me. "What do you think your doing?" I asked, Glimmer rolled her eyes and pointed to a man behind an ice counter with weapons on the wall behind him. "No weapons, remember?," The smaller princess sighed and walked me over to the counter.

After fighting with the weapon guard we finally made it in, lots of people were gathered, talking, drinking, and dancing. I felt myself panic a little but I quickly remembered why I was there in the first place, Get Princess Frosta to join the Rebellion. Me and Glimmer made our way through the crowds and got in line to greet the host.

"I'm 11 so shut the fuck up." was what Frosta said after I called her a 9 year old that could've gone better I thought to myself, me and Glimmer watched as Scorpia and Catra approached to greet the host. "Beloved hostess, you can't let them in! They're from the Horde!" I exclaimed, slightly irritated that they were even allowed on the premises, and because Catra was sticking her tongue out at me.

"Princess Frosta, Scorpia is a princess and I am her plus one, therefore we're allowed here." Catra purred, knowing that she's already gotten under my skin. Frosta let them stay because nothing was going against the rules, me and Glimmer decided to keep an eye on Scorpia and Catra, who split up in different directions. I ended up following Catra everywhere, and I eventually lost her at the edge of the dance floor.

Suddenly, the music for the first dance of the princess prom started, and I was pulled onto the glowing floor. I slightly panicked, I had practiced in private the dance, but in order to dance at the prom, you needed a partner. I looked to my right and there she was, an evident smirk on her face and her tail twitching excitedly. Catra held her hand out for me and raised an eyebrow, suggesting I dance with her.

I ended up taking it, and I accordingly put my free arm behind my back and we dancing in sync with everyone else. Except that when we had to switch partners, Catra's hand wouldn't move, I tried tugging mine away but it was like they were stuck to each other. "What the hell?" Catra muttered, "maybe it's my gloves," she concluded and tried getting her hand out of her leather fingerless glove. But it wouldn't budge. We looked at each other in sudden realization, our eyes were wide with shock. I snapped out of it and noticed we were still in the middle of the dance floor, I dragged Catra away and out of sight so nobody could see us.

"Ok, quit it. Now." I ordered, "what do you mean 'quit it'?! I haven't done a thing!" The cat hissed at me, giving me a death glare. "That's obviously a lie! You're probably just doing this to distract me while Scorpia does something bad!" I countered, Catra scoffed and rolled her heterochromatic eyes. She was going to say something but we were interrupted

"Adora?" I heard Glimmer call, I panicked and looked around for a hiding place. A door was placed behind me and I pulled Catra in and I slammed the door behind us. The closet was really dark, and all I could see was Catra's beautiful eyes- wait...what?

A few seconds later, Catra found the light switch and clicked it on. I blinked a few times and managed to get a proper look at the feline. Her suit was incredible, even though she didn't have the tie in a knot. "Adora, snap out of it." Catra hissed, I flinched and looked away quickly, a light blush creeping up on my face. "Lets see if we can find something that'll help our situation. Then, we can pretend this never happened." I stammered, we looked everywhere and tried everything, but our hands wouldn't budge. I started to panic, my breathing quickened and the bad scenarios rushed in my head. "Adora, c'mon breathe! I don't need you freaking out like this right now!" Catra's grip on my hand tightened.

"Are you kidding? I have every right to freak out right now! Catra, if this isn't glue, and this isn't you doing this either, then..." I widened my eyes in horror, Catra grabbed the side of my face gently "Adora look at me."

"N-no!" I yelled, "Look at me Adora!" The cat urged, I looked up at her with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. She wiped said tears away and looked at me, her gaze was gentle and was lit in concern. "Adora, we're soulmate's." She muttered to me, I stared at her for a few heartbeats, I was trying to process it all but I just didn't want to understand it.

Catra steadied me when I started to slowly panic again, "C-Catra, what can we do? You're in the Horde and I'm with the Rebellion, and neither of us are willing to switch sides!" Catra sighed after a moment and helped me up, "Lets not think about that right now, ok?"

I nodded slowly and I flinched when Catra fixed her hand on my hip. "May I have this dance?" She asked, I smiled softly
"of course you can..." I replied shyly, I put my free hand on her shoulder and our hands that were stuck were interlocked. Catra led, and we danced in the little closet. I brought myself closer and we stared at each other again for a few moments before Catra leaned forward and grabbed my face. My breath hitched as her lips pressed onto mine, I took a moment and decided to kiss her back.

I felt my heartbeat calm down again, our kiss was sadly broken when someone knocked on the door. "Adora?!" Glimmer yelled from the other side, I immediately started to panic yet again, "don't worry, I've got this." Catra pecked my lips one more time before she unlocked the closet door "in here Sparkles,"

Glimmer walked in and was filled with utter shock, "Oh no."
"Oh but yes, princess." Catra rolled her eyes, "You're-"
"Soulmates." I finished for Glimmer.

After that Glimmer helped us with our little situation, apparently we had to make promises that we were going to be together forever, and Catra ended up confessing that she felt that she was wrong about the Rebellion and so was Scorpia. They ended up joining us despite the crimes they committed, and even though our hands weren't stuck anymore, me and Catra never wanted to let go. So we held hands all the way home.


I updated. I apologize for not updating in so long. I say last season was best season and Catradora is canon. I also say that thank you for 30K reads, very cool. I thank you for reading, started this book in 2018 now look where we got.

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