I still love you {Catradora Angst and 🍋}

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Requested by SmollKitty12
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·Suicide attempt
·Triggering subjects

If you are against any of these subjects PLEASE don't read. I don't want to be the reason for people's sadness(or hate)!
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A/N: hey guys, I'm still on a half hiatus since I'm recovering from being sick. Just to let you guys know, this is my first angst one shot so I don't know how this is going to go. So some backup rules, if you are younger than eighteen please don't read this, smut or not, there are some things in here that might get into your head. I can't entirely stop you from reading because I literally...can't. Anyways just a warning.

3rd Person

Catra sat there on a ledge, the same ledge Adora and her used to hang out on. She looked down it, not feeling any fear, or any emotion really. Catra's eye's were dull and she stayed absolutely still, thinking if this was really it this time. She'd decided she'd rather die on her own terms than die because of She-Ra. She-Ra... Catra thought, thinking of Adora again for the seventh time.
The cat girl groaned and got up from the edge and turned on her heel the other direction, they won't find my body here, but they will in BrightMoon. I want them to see what pain they've caused me...

Catra's condition worsened over time, from Adora leaving the Horde; Shadow weaver abusing her, always being in second place, to Scorpia leaving the Horde as well.
Catra took a skiff and carefully sneaked to the outer territories of BrightMoon.
The tan girl was agile and could climb and such, so it wouldn't be any trouble climbing the gates and maybe into Adora's room. I'll jump off her balcony...and maybe I could see her one last time...

Adora twisted and turned in her bed, she groaned and whined whenever she couldn't drift off to sleep. This specific night she couldn't stop thinking about a specific girl, with a specific tail...and ears...and...eyes. Ugh!! Adora get your head out of the clouds!! The blonde face planted into her pillow and groaned again. She was just in a bra and boxer briefs, and her hair was down and a mess.
Adora glanced at her sword in the corner, which was newly polished and shined before she went to bed. The blonde took a moment to enjoy the swords cleaness it's just going to get bloody again! Why worship the Damn sword all the time!? Adora was going to turn again in the sheets but she stopped dead in her movements and looked at the sword again.

There it was, there was a reflection from the weapon. And in it was a figure, in Adora's room, on the balcony, just sitting there. The blondie's heart beated a million times per second, she put her left hand over her mouth to stop herself from breathing loudly and her other hand searched under the pillow for her knife.
It's not here!! Adora started to panic. She looked back into the sword and saw the figure looked right at her, Adora's breath hitched as she realized who this was, Catra?! .

"Glad you're awake. At least someone could witness this. "
Catra spoke. She turned back to the balcony and perched on the railing.

" C-Catra? " Adora tried not to sound all shaken up but failed miserably as her voice cracked in the beginning.
The cat didn't respond and just looked down, it wasn't as high as the ledge in the Fright Zone, it'll have to do...
Catra turned to look back at Adora, who was now sitting up in her bed. " you aren't...attacking me? " Catra asked, realizing Adora hadn't even tried to reach the sword in the corner. The blonde shook her head and kept her focus on the girl feet from her, " I would if there were more Horde soldiers with you... ".
Catra let out a weak laugh, " Course you would...always had to maintain a reputation, didn't you, Adora...?"
Adora frowned, "I'd never hurt you on purpose Catra"
This was when the cat girl had to laugh for real, "really?! OH what a sad excuse! Did you not remember that punch you gave me after you destroyed the portal!?"

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