Unteleport-able love(Glimmadora)

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I'll continue the Catradora part 2 soon, just need a new ship to focus on today lel.

Every sad and depressing song I hear about ex's I automatically go- "wow this is such a Catra song".

I also recently bought a Catra t-shirt on Amazon, total 5-star.

Remember SPOP shippers, drink your daily love juice and respect every ship with care. We all have our preferences!


Glimmer's mind was focused on a particular blonde, she had been thinking about Adora in a odd way. A way that confused and flustered Glimmer, it made her heat up or turn red just being near Adora. The princess was frustrated at these newfound feelings, especially when it was towards her bestfriend! She couldn't tell Bow, he would judge her completely. (lol Bow has gay parents) There could only be one person she could talk to..."ADORA?!"- "SHHHH!" Glimmer shut Swift Wind's mouth up, "I don't know how to get over it! You've gotta help me! It's been weeks!" she removed her hand from the Pegasus' snout and teleport-ed in-front of him. It gave tons of bribing to get Swift Wind to not tell anybody, especially Adora. "Ok...Ok! I'll help you!" he shakily stammered.

Adora was training with Bow outside nearby the stables. The two smiling in the competition, Adora charged at her friend as Bow shot arrows at her. The blonde heroine dodged them and booped Bow's forehead, "I win!" they both laughed and started to head back to BrightMoon. "Hey is that Glimmer talking to Swift Wind?" Bow pointed out, making Adora see the short Princess conversing with the horse. "Hey! Glimmer!" Adora shouted, grabbing Glimmer's unnoticed attention. Glimmer looked rather red in the face, "O-oh! H-Hi Adora!" she stuttered. "Why are you talking to Swift Wind?" Bow questioned, only to be interrupted by the very horse himself "Why?! Is there something wrong with talking to me?? HMMM?!" he nervously snorted.

"No, No of course not!- uhm What were you two talking about?" asked Adora, making Swift Wind have a devious idea. "Glimmer was just asking me about who you like Adora, and I mean have a crush on" he snickered. Glimmer turned red even more, stomping on Swift Wind's hoof. "Why?" Adora furrowed her eyebrows, with a light tint of pink splattered onto her cheeks. "Just wanted to know that's all! We've really never discussed things like that together Adora!" Glimmer nervously and playfully punched Adora's shoulder. "Well ok, but Bow can't know" Adora said without hesitation.

Moments later they were sitting in Glimmer's room, Glimmer cursing out Swift Wind in her head. "So you wanted to know who I liked in BrightMoon?" Adora blurted out, making Glimmer snap out of her head. "O-oh yeah! I guess..." she hesitated to say those words but her heart couldn't take anymore. Adora and Glimmer stayed silent for a few heartbeats until the blonde broke the tension. "You promise you won't judge?" she said nervously, twiddling with her hair. "P-Promise..." Glimmer said as she accepted defeat as she probably realized that Adora liked someone else. "I'm lesbian" Adora whispered the last word but it was made clear that it was embarrassing. "Oh thank god" Glimmer sighed but then slapped her mouth shut quickly as she was almost giving up everything. "What?" Adora furrowed her eyebrows and stared at the red princess, "what do you mean - oh thank god -?" It was time, time to destroy the incredible friendship she had with the all mighty she-ra it was time to put a bomb on it. "I-I think I might have a...crush on you Adora..." Glimmer felt herself go light headed saying those words.

Adora's eye's went wide in surprise, "You do?" was all she could choke out. Her face was probably a tomato, because she too, had a crush on Glimmer. Her heart skipped a beat as the room went silent, until Glimmer looked away and sniffed. Is she...crying? Adora frowned, "It's probably just a faze just please don't ha-" Adora grabbed Glimmer and pressed her lips against the princess's. Glimmer's lips were soft, and surprisingly Glimmer didn't pull away. Adora could hear the thumping of Glimmer's heart and her own, it sounded as if they were connected rhythmically. Glimmer slightly grasped Adora's wrists and kissed her back gently, then as romantic as it was, they pulled apart for air. Glimmer wiped drool off her lip and blushed incredibly. "I love you too Glimmer" Adora smiled.

"Y-you're...You're so good at that..." Glimmer admitted, "Good at what?" the blonde giggled. Glimmer smiled a bit "at kissing!.." Adora laughed "yeah I know". "Wait- What? This wasn't your first kiss?" Glimmer frowned. "No. My first kiss was when I was with the Horde with..." Adora went quiet and tears started to form. "...Catra?!" Glimmer's mouth gaped wide. The blonde heroine nodded slowly and wiped the tears away and sniffled. "But it doesn't mean anything...not anymore" . Glimmer nodded, still in shock from the whole Catra and Adora deal. Maybe that's why Catra hates Adora so much... Glimmer leaned forward and kissed Adora passionately and released. "I won't hate you, not like Catra does" she said and the two held hands.

Two months later, Glimmer and Adora were in a serious relationship. A secret one too, no one but Swift Wind knew. Adora came back as She-Ra from training with the blue hologram, Light Hope. She marched into BrightMoon and was welcomed by Glimmer. The two smiled lovingly at each other and Adora noticed no one was around. So did Glimmer, she stood on her toes and tried reaching She-Ra's face. "What are you doing?" Adora laughed, "Just stand still!" Glimmer stammered as she shimmied up onto She-Ra and perked her lips, trying to kiss the heroine.

"Pfft" Adora snorted trying to hold back laughter and turned her face away, "ADORAAAAA" Glimmer sighed loudly. Adora lifted Glimmer up and pecked her lips, "your so cute" she laughed, Glimmer groaned at Adora humor but blushed lightly. "I love you princess Glimmer" Adora joked in a low gentleman voice to be funny, Glimmer softly and playfully slapped Adora's face away, "oh shut up". Glimmer giggled and was put down, and Adora transformed to her original self. "I love you too goofball" Glimmer sighed and hugged the blonde.

So uh, yeah, I don't know how to end it from this so, uh. Just consider this as a "the end"? lol alright catradora shippers your part two is coming right up!

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