The Prom Bet (Catradora) Fluff

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Requested by DatOneDumPerson
High school AU

A bit sad

Alright here's a fluff, kinda excited to see how this will turn out. Kind of depressed at the moment but I'm sure it'll be alright as soon as I finish this request :D.

Adora was in the middle of a bet against her frenemy, Catra, if Adora could get two people to go to the Prom she'd win and get twenty dollars. But if Catra won, Adora would be forced to go to the Prom with the cat.
"Please you guys, you'd make a lovely couple!" Adora begged Bow and Glimmer, the boy looked at Glimmer getting a look in return. They both exploded in laughter, "Adora I have a boyfriend!" Bow laughed, Glimmer wiped tears out of her eyes. "Yeah, and we ship you with Catra so no. You're going to the Prom with your soul mate!"
The two cooed, Adora growled at them "She is NOT my soul mate! There's no way I'm going to the stupid dance with HER"

"Aw you don't mean that~" Catra purred behind Adora, making the blonde jump, Adora growled at the tan girl's mischievous smirk. "Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Catra laughed at her own pun and spun Adora around neatly. "Guess whose going to the Prom with little" Catra purred, Adora turned pinkish around the cheeks "there's no way you could've gotten two people to go already?!" Adora snapped, but Catra only laughed.
"Oh yes I have, Kyle and Rogelio are going now thanks to me".
"You stupid cat I'm gonn-" Catra placed a finger on Adora's lips before the blonde could finish her threat. "Uh uh uh Adora, I won the bet fair and square, you have to go to Prom with me~"


Adora growled as Glimmer slid in a golden hair clip into her pony tail. "Please don't make me go Glimmer!.." The blonde whined, she was in a red velvet dress with a thin gold belt around the waist.
"You have to Adora! You have to explore your love life!"
Glimmer smiled at her work, "you look perfect for your date!".
Adora tapped her foot annoyingly, "I can't believe this...".

Bow ran in excitedly, "guys! Guys! She's here!". Adora went pink and tried to shack off the butterflies in her stomach.
"You're going to do great Adora!" Bow cheered and watched beside Glimmer as Adora walked out of the room to see a stunning Catra in a dark velvet blazer, pants, a blood red dress shirt and a dark red tie. The cat had her hands at her hips and smirked at Adora, "nobody told me I was taking a princess to the prom~" she teased.
Adora blushed and rolled her eyes, "let's just get this over with...".
The two walked, the school in the distance with purple and violet lights dancing inside of the Windows.
They stayed silent, the only sound that was made was Catra's purring. "What're you so happy about?" Adora commented as she noticed the low rumbling coming from the other girl.
"I've never been to the Prom" Catra replied, half telling the truth.
Adora nodded in return and it went silent again.

The Prom

Music sounded from every inch of the gymnasium, pink and purple streamers where lined across the ceiling and a disco ball was placed in the center, beaming with bright colors.
Couples swayed to a beat for the first slow dance.
Catra sighed in disappointment, they didn't make it.
Adora leaned against the desert bar with a fruit punch in hand, watching as Catra talked to Rogelio and Kyle after the song was over.

It was over, everyone was walking home. Catra and Adora stayed behind because Catra didn't want to leave yet.
The whole gym was empty and the lights were still up, "why are we still here?!" Adora whined. Catra took the blondes hand and ran to the center of the room with her.

Catra held out her phone and plugged it into an aux cord, making it go to the speaker's. It began playing soft music Catra found on YouTube and she dashed back to Adora.
"May I have this dance?" Catra purred, holding out her hand. Adora took it without hesitation and Catra placed the hand on her shoulders. Adora put her arms around Catra's neck while Catra put her tan hands on Adora's waist, they swayed and spun and giggled. Their eyes locked in the rhythm and a small smirk was put across Catra's face.
"Clever cat..." Adora joked and smiled.

Sorry it was short, I'm like totally slacking off sorry.
Sorry sorry.
I guess I'm going to chill until I get some ideas flowing through my nog-a-roonie.
-Ari-Senpai~ ;)

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