Nerd {Pertrapta Fluff}

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This wasn't requested by anybody but we have too much smut going on that we need some sweet wholesome fluff in here.
F l u f f

·Cute gay shit
·A few memes

»Entrapta P.O.V«

I walked through the school doors slumped over and looking at my feet, like I usually do at school in between classes. I made my way to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for classes today, I closed the metal door and jumped. Catra was there, smirking. "Hey nerd " She purred, I stared at her without expression, and just awaited what was to come.
Catra has her red bandana on with a black jean jacket, a red band shirt, and ripped black jeans with some patches sewn on. The rest of her pose were with her too; Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, and Scorpia. Who was my friend and my only friend as of now, she was in Catra's gang since we were pretty much in middle school.

"What's with the face? You done my homework yet?" Catra stammered, I blinked and frowned. "Catra for the last time, I am not doing your homework anymore!"
This got Catra mad, her eyebrows furrowed and she tapped her foot impatiently, "what did you say faggot?".
Dammit... I totally forgot that I had confessed to a girl in middle school that I liked her and she laughed and just spread the word that I was gay.
"You heard me, or should I say it again? I was kinda quiet"
I deadpanned, next thing I know I'm slammed and pinned to the locker, looking into Catra's deadly cold hetero-chromatic eyes. "You keep talking like that to me and we're going to be having some problems..." She growled.

Dammit...what the hell's the matter with me? I rubbed my now black eye and winced in pain. I guess I had it coming, talking back to the school bully wouldn't end well for you.
I picked up my books off the ground that were knocked down when Catra was busy kicking the breakfast outta me. Luckily, I didn't throw it up. But I did have a few more bruises to my collection on my stomach, and that was bad enough as it was.
"Are you ok Entrapta?" I heard a voice above me ask, I looked up into beautiful brown eyes, unmistakable brown eyes that belonged to Perfuma, a friend I made last year.
I smiled and stood up with papers in my hands, "I'm fine! It was just Catra again!" I could tell that didn't sound very convincing and I sighed.

"Hold still!" Perfuma yelled, I dodged the wet cloth that she was holding and winced. "It hurts!" I whined, she groaned and grabbed my shoulder and held me still. "Too bad it's going to hurt more if you don't let me do this!" I struggled and turned my head as I saw the light blue damp washcloth cover my bruised eye. I yelped loudly in pain and and struggled some more before she drew back the cloth and re-soaked it with hot water. I groaned and sat still, we were in the bathroom and Perfuma was trying to clean my wounds and try to calm my eye which was puffing up slightly.
I could see she was honestly concerned, she always is. I don't know if she's concerned all the time about me, or if she's just generally nice. I have to admit, I like her, she's pretty and doesn't get picked on. And she's sweet, probably too sweet for missing a class to clean me up.

~Perfuma P.O.V~

I patched up some bruises on Entrapta with some bandages I always carry around, specifically for this situation. "You didn't bring a hoodie?" I asked, noticing that the black eye might attract a lot of attention. Entrapta shook her head and looked at me with no emotion, I smiled and just took off my hoodie and handed it to her. "Take mine, put up the hood so people won't see your eye as much, tell the teacher's about it, they'll understand" I chirped, she nodded and pulled it on. She looked kind of cute in it, it was a little big on her but it was fine.
She put on the hood and tucked in some purple hard that stuck out, which took a moment considering the large amount of hair she has.
I liked it, it was very quirky and unique. Much like her, she was her own kind of person, and I respect that very much. Everyone knows Entrapta is gay, ever since middle school. But surprise! I am too! And I think I'm gay for Entrapta...

After I was down cleaning her up I hugged her gently, she hugged back hesitantly and chuckled "oh ew feelings ". I smiled and pulled away, she smiled a little and we stared at each other until Entrapta blinked and turned her head away, I averted my gaze and blushed, noticing she was reddening as well.
"Th-thanks..." Entrapta sighed, I looked back at her but she kept her gaze at her feet. "What for?" I asked, she grunted and shrugged in response "you don't have to keep taking care of me like this, I mean...I really nobody special..." She chuckled sadly. I frowned and took a step towards her and grabbed her hands, she looked back at me and blushed.
"Not that's wrong, you are special, your brain is just mean. Mean and smart" I smiled lightly and hugged her again and she hugged back.
"U-uh th-thanks!" She stuttered and I giggled, she fixed the oversized hoodie and looked back at me once I drew back again. "We should go out sometime" I deadpanned, causing her to turn pink to tomato in a second. I laughed and kissed her cheek, "I'll text you".

I walked out before I heard a small "O-ok!" From the bathroom. I beamed and headed to class, perhaps maybe I can protect more now. I won't let anyone hurt her anymore. Because I love her.


A/N: I did this in a day! Woohoo! There you go Pertrapta shippers! I do ship but I also ship Entrapdak sorta. Idk it's a small multiship.

-Arisu~Senpai ;)

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