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I watched them go through their warm-up drills then stood, leaving the gym and grabbing my earbuds. I went to the bunks then looked in my bag, seeing my jogging clothes were still there.

 I went to the bunks then looked in my bag, seeing my jogging clothes were still there

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I got them on then slid on my running shoes, going outside as I pulled my hair up. I plugged my earbuds into my phone then put them in my ears, going to a trail that led through the woods as I played my music. I began jogging down the trail but soon lost myself to my thoughts, all of them about number 5 of Karasuno's boys' volleyball team.

Tanaka's POV
I groaned as we stopped for lunch then looked around, not seeing Hana anywhere.

"Hey, where's Hana?" I asked then Kageyama looked around worried, not seeing his sister.

"Hana?!" He called, all of us looking for her.

"She was in the gym, wasn't she?" Kuroo asked and I nodded, setting my food down.

"Yeah, she-"

"She ran out after a few minutes." Bokuto said and I looked at him.

"Where did she go?" He shrugged then Coach came running around the corner.

"Kageyama!" He came over with Takeda then I eyed him.

"Your sister, we can't find her. She left for a jog this morning but she hasn't come back." He said then I looked at his watch, seeing it was now 2 in the afternoon.

"Which trail?" Daichi asked then we went to the trail.

"We go down it in pairs, look everywhere." Daichi said then we nodded, Kinoshita coming with me. Even if we were in a group, we slowly split apart as the trail split.

"Hey, she'll be okay, right?" Kinoshita asked and I looked at him.

"I dunno, I hope so." I said as we walked but soon got to a bridge that crossed some river.

"It's broken, she didn't come this way." I nodded then we went back, seeing Asahi and Nishinoya coming back as well.

"This one just ends, she didn't come this way. You guys?" I shook my head then Nishinoya sighed.

"Poor Kageyama, he must be worried." I nodded then we went back towards camp, seeing Kageyama and Hinata but they hadn't found her either. We were the first ones to return and I noticed everyone was waiting.

"Well?!" Kuroo asked and I shook my head.

"None of us-"

"Kageyama!" We turned then I saw Enoshita and Narita running up, a broken phone and her earbuds in Enoshita's hand.

"We found this, we couldn't find her anywhere." He said then I looked at her brother, who looked like he had seen a ghost. He wasn't moving, his skin nearly white, and his eyes trained on the phone.

"Kage-" I looked up as the others came back but none of them had Hana.

"Is that hers?" Suga breathed then Kageyama managed a nod.

"She's gone." He breathed then took off down the trail Enoshita and Narita came from.

"Kageyama!" I ran after him, hearing others following us, then soon caught him as he stopped. I looked at the ground in front of him then saw a bunch of dirt had been kicked up, a small bit of blood, and a piece of fabric.

"Kageyama, she's oka-" I started but he ran after the drag marks in the dirt, all of us following him.

"Tobio!" Hinata yelled but he wasn't stopping, he just kept running after his sister.

"Coach, call the police!" Daichi yelled as we ran then we got to the river, the bridge broken.

"Another trail that leads to the bridge." Kinoshita said and I nodded, looking at Kageyama.

"Hey, she's gonna be oka-"

"You don't know that!" He yelled, turning on me so I could see the tears in his eyes.

"You don't know that she'll be okay! None of us do! She could be dead, tortured, who knows! Now I have to call my mother and tell her that her daughter, who she fought with last night, is now missing! The last thing my mother did with my sister was fight, that could be the last thing she does in Hana's life! How do you know she's going to be okay, Tanaka?! How?!" He yelled then Hinata ran forward, hugging him tightly.

"She's okay, Tobio. I know she is, she's strong." He said then Kageyama hugged Hinata tightly, Coach Nekomata getting us all back to the camp, having to actually force Kageyama to walk before he did it himself.

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