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"Stay close!" I said then felt a hand grab my belt, looking at Hinata. The others held onto him then I shoved through the crowd, getting to the edge so we weren't being squished in.

"I'll call Rin, let him know where we are." I said and went to when arms lifted me. I screamed, calming down as a familiar laugh filled my ears.

"Rin Matsuoka!" I snapped as he set me down, letting me turn to him. I saw the guys from Iwatobi here too then held my hips, Sousuke snorting.

"Better watch it, Rin. She's holding her hips."

"Sorry, Hana. I thought you heard me calling you."

"No, shark mouth asshole!" I laughed then hugged him.

"Congrats on coming in second."

"Haru got first-"

"And he doesn't like hugs." I said then let go, turning as a hand grabbed my arm. I smiled at Tanaka then he eyed Sousuke, who was eyeing me.

"Tanaka, what's wrong?" I laughed then he shook his head.

"Nothing, forget it. I'm gonna head home, I've got... I got homework." He said and left, all of us who knew him well watching him.

"He never does his homework unless told to." Daichi said and I nodded.

"Maybe he didn't feel good?" Aii said and I looked at him.

"Maybe." I said then all of us went to Ukai's shop, getting snacks.

"Coach?" He looked at me as my friends browsed then he sat up when he saw me.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Something with Tanaka. He was with us at the meet then, after, he left to do his homework." I said then his eyebrows shot up.

"He left himself? You didn't tell him to?" I shook my head then he stubbed out his cigarette.

"Huh, I'll talk to him at practice tomorrow, see what's wrong. Oh, I also remembered something. We've got a training camp coming and Aoba Johsai has asked we bring you to control Oikawa." Then I eyed him, turning to look at my brother and his friends.

"Hana, can you come?" He asked and I looked at Coach, nodding.

"Yeah, don't see why not." He nodded then I looked at the picture of the team on the counter.

"Can I?" He nodded then I lifted the picture, seeing my brother was actually smiling.

"Can I?" He nodded then I lifted the picture, seeing my brother was actually smiling

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"I took that one. We had just won a game, they were all happy." He said then I smiled.

"He looks happy." I said and looked at my brother, seeing he was eyeing Hinata with a small smile.

"He's happy with you guys. Thank you, Coach." He nodded then I set the photo down as Rin came over.

"Is your friend okay, Hana? Tanaka?" I nodded then looked down.

"I don't know, honestly. He's never wanted to do homework."

"Maybe you can talk to him." Coach said and I laughed.

"Me? Coach, he barely knows me-"

"Exactly." He said then Rin looked between us.

"You're the coach then? For their volleyball team?" Ukai nodded and lit up another cigarette.

"Yeah, I am. What of it?"

"Ukai, behave." I laughed then he gave me a grin.

"Maybe Tanaka is jealous." Then I sputtered, looking at him.

"Excuse me?!"

"You hang out with a bunch of guys, Hana." Coach said then I laughed.

"Yeah, guys that are all gay!" I said and he shrugged.

"Tanaka know that?" Rin asked and I glared.

"Well, I mean, he knows the team is-"

"But what about us? You literally jumped on Sousuke when you saw him, Hana." Rin said and I crossed my arms.

"And made sure to mention Momo and him dating too." I said then Rin crossed his arms in challenge as the others came over to pay as well.

"And what about Makoto? Rei? Haru? And he doesn't know about me, does he?" Then I was at a loss for words.

"Tanaka isn't jealous!" I sputtered then Rin snorted.

"Oh, he definitely isn't. But, if he is, I'm going to rub it in your face."


"I've got one, and a dick." He smirked then I rolled my eyes, leaning on the counter.

"Are you two always like this?" Suga asked and Makoto laughed.

"They constantly challenge each other like this, it's our entertainment." Then I smiled as the guys paid and we went to a nearby park to just sit and talk, letting me catch up with my friends and all my friends learn about each other.

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