My Fault

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Disclamier - James Dashner, the man who put himself in hsi own bloody movie, is the creator of these wonderous ideas and characters...not myself (unfortuanlety) 

A/N - Also this chapter is gonna be really sad...sowwy :/

Newt's POV 

        It had been a week since Autumn got stung. A whole bloody week and she hasn't woke up! That wasn't normal! Gally woke up a day after he got the serum! How come that shuckface got to wake up and not her?! It wasn't fair! Alby and Minho had tried to talk to me but I wouldn't let them. I wouldn't let anyone. It was my fault that she was like this. My fault that she's laying unconscious in that shuck bed and not me! I could have saved her! It was all my fault. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying or screaming...or both. 

        I heard someone running from downstairs. I paused my though train for a moment to listen. 

        "Newt!" I heard the voice yell. "Newt she moved!" 

        I was on my feet and out the door before Gally even got to my door. Wait Gally? I pushed the thought aside and bolted up the stairs. I flung myself through the door and stood there. I was frozen, staring at Autumn. She looked nothing like the brave girl I had known a week ago. She had grown pale, her ginger hair was laying knotted and messy around her head. And she was bruised and scraped, her veins were green and every one of them was visible under her skin, which had been pulled taught around her bones. 

        She had 'moved' before of course, but that was Changing moving. Screaming, thrashing, terrible types of movement. Gally was in the door behind me. 

        "Newt. She grabbed my hand." I turned behind me and raised an eyebrow at Gally. "But it wasn't angry or anything. It was like her." He scratched the back of his head. "It's hard to explain." How come she grabbed Gally? Why not me? Because you were shut in your room! My brain was arguing with itself. I nodded and sat down in a chair. 

        "Ever happened before?" I asked Gally. 

        "No." was all he responded with. I sat there watching her. She seemed to be breathing normally not in the quick rapid breaths that everyone else going through the changing had. I noticed that Gally had left the room...good. 

        I turned back to her. Something was different. The air had seemed to become still, the dust particles had stopped circulating and the sun had gone behind a non-existent cloud. I couldn't tell if I was making up the setting to match my mood or if any of it actually happened. Then she sat up. 

        I jumped back in my seat almost causing it to tip. She looked directly at me, her eyes were open but they were vacant. My breathing slowed and I inched towards her, she hadn't even blinked. I looked down at her cold hand, her veins were even visible there in all their rope like glory. I reached out to grab it but she looked down at me. 

        "This is your fault." Her words were slow and sharp. 

        "Everything." It pierced me like a blade 

        "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Every word was a blow that sent me stumbling backwards. 

        "You could have stopped this." She was right. I was almost at the door. 

        "It is all your fault." 

        I was gone. Running and running. I ran out of the homestead and through the Glade. It was only about midday, the doors were open. I was a Runner. I ran. 

        It's all my fault. She's right...I could have saved her. My fault. Only me. It really is all my fault. 

        I felt wet tears leaking out of my eyes but I blinked them away. I ran faster. I ran until I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I felt like dying, I would run until I died. 

        It was my fault. She will never forgive me. It's all my fault. I made her that. I'm the reason. It's me. If I just died it would all go away. 

        I sprinted around corners, down long corridors, I sprinted until I collapsed. I was laying on the stone by the cliff. My breaths were ragged. Why were they still coming?! Why can't I die? I thought about throwing myself off the cliff, but I would never hit the ground. I would never die. I looked around, still struggling with my breathing and my eyes settled upon the walls. 

        The massive, hundred foot tall walls and cold, unforgiving stone floors. I closed my eyes. Just please, please let me die.  I took a step towards the wall. It was relieving. It was like with each step a weight was being lifted off my shoulders. I began to walk faster and then I began to climb. I climbed until I reached the top. 

        By now all the weight had gone. I was free to die now. Everything would be okay if I was just dead. I leaned forwards and let myself drop. 

Minho's POV

        I squinted my eyes, there was something on top of a wall up ahead. It was too small to be a griever...and the only other things here are people... I picked up the pace to a sprint, but it was too late. I couldn't tell who it was from here but I saw it. 

        The person leaned forwards and started to fall. He was coming into sight now. My eyes were wide with fear. I had no idea what to do. This guy was going to hit the ground, hard and right in front of me. I took a few steps back and to my horror saw the sun reflect off a head of blonde hair. Oh my god it's Newt. I felt them, the hot steamy tears escaped my eyes. That shuckface! What was he doing? How could he leave us here? I thought he actually cared about his friends! 

        Then something happened and I'm not sure whether it's good or bad. His foot caught. It tangled in the ivy that draped the Maze walls and it held. I heard a crack as newt's ankle surley broke and he swung into the wall. I'm not sure whether the shock from the break or the smash into the wall was what knocked him out but he was out. 

        There he was only about ten feet above me. A broken boy in more ways then one... 

A/N - I am so sorry about this chapter :( 

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