A Connection

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Disclaimer - These brilliant ideas and characters all belong to the amazing mind of James Dashner 

A/N - Sorry there was no update yesterday guys...it was Halloween and I was busy...sowwy :/ 

Also should there be a sequel to this? (Because it kinda effects the title choice...) 

This chapter is in 3rd person POV again, just so you guys know

        He watched her through the images on the screens. That was all they could do, watch. It seemed very old fashion, having to observe with only his eyes, not having any information about her besides what he had gathered. 

        Only in these last few weeks had they learned about a connection they had to her. Serum. She had chosen to inject herself with WICKED's serum, not one of her own invention...theirs. And that gave them a connection, no matter how faint, it was a way to her. A way to understand her thoughts, maybe even to stop her. 

        Autumn had been getting memories back. Not just the ones because she got stung, she had been getting them back in dreams, in thoughts, in random little unimportant tidbits of information, ever since she arrived. He, Thomas had been the first to notice the information slipping back through. A little while back when she had called Newt British. That was the very first sign, none of the other test subjects could remember locations...much less match an accent to a place. It was almost like she was ever so slightly immune to the memory loss serum, like her body was rejecting it, fighting. 

        That was why Thomas had grown to love her so much. She was different, in a very good way. Every time Thomas was assigned to observe her his heart tended to flutter, it was a strange feeling. He doesn't know her, they've never even met, she has no idea who he is, but he knew in his heart that he felt something. 

        Thomas leaned closer to the screen to get a better view. Autumn was crying. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he knew he couldn't risk it. The one time he had saved her had almost gotten him killed and he doubted if he could even reach her again. So he watched, jotting down notes every once and a while. He watched as she ran through the forest, saw from a bird's eye view as she flew through the branches, them snapping back in her wake. She crumpled to the ground when she reached the wall. The screen zoomed in and Thomas was able to see that she had stopped crying, her face was still shining from tears and her look was one unlike any other Thomas had ever seen. And Thomas had seen some pretty bad looks in his lifetime... 

        She stayed there for a long time. Thomas had gotten up for a break, spoken to Teresa and settled back down again and Autumn still hadn't moved. Except something was different now, like the lighting had changed, though ever so slightly. The wind rustled the leaves in an ominous way...Thomas knew what was happening. He had been dreading it ever since he was sent. 

        No...not now. Please not now. Thomas thought, his fists clenched and he banged the against the table. He needed to do something. Right now. But he couldn't, he was helpless in this situation and she was going to die and it would be his fault. 

        Then he saw it, a movement caught his eye. Just in the far right hand corner of the screen, the trees and bushes were rustling and he saw a glint of silver. He was coming and Thomas would have to watch. To take notes all because of this sick experiment. Time slowed down, Thomas sat on the edge of his seat, his face only inches away from the screen as he watched in horror as Briar emerged from the trees and began to approach Autumn. At first she did nothing, something had shaken her up inside...a memory perhaps? She sat, back against the stone wall as he moved towards her, slowly but with purpose. Like an animal stalking it's prey, about to move in for the kill. 

        She looked up and gave the boy a half hearted smile. 

        "Are you gonna stab me?" She asked, Thomas could detect no fear in her voice. Briar didn't say anything, like he was fighting with himself. He saw tears in the boy's eyes and Autumn continued. "Could you really? Could you really stab me, kill me right here?" She gestured to her surroundings before getting up. Thomas could hear beeping in the background, it probably was because of Briar. He was trembling, all over, tears streamed down his face and a look of desperation was set in his eyes. It was sure to set the machines off. 

        "I have to." He whispered, looking at Autumn with pleading eyes. 

        "Then do it." She states simply, finally getting to her feet. Thomas wanted to scream at her. Tell her she's being crazy, tell her to run away and be safe. Briar stumbled forwards but Autumn took a calm step forwards to. 

        "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He squeezed his eyes shut and Autumn advanced. 

        "Because I don't think you can. I don't think you could handle taking someone's life. Ripping that from them. That burden would be on your shoulders for the rest of your shuck life. Is that what you want to be known as?" Thomas watched as she poked a finger at his chest. "A murderer. Briar, the boy who murdered someone because they got sad. That doesn't sound too great." 

        Thomas could see what she was trying to do. She was trying to scare him off, because he would bet everything that he owned that she was terrified. But she doesn't realize that what she's doing might just cause more harm. Thomas watched, every movement making him jump out of his skin. Briar lowered his shaking arm, hanging his head, brown hair falling in front of his eyes. And Autumn pushed past him, knocking his shoulder in the process.  

        He watched her take eyes shut and she took a deep breath of relief. She started to walk away, "That's what I thought." It was the smallest thing, the tiniest thing that could've easily been missed. In one quick movement Briar had moved, spun around and thrust the knife into her back. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched. She saw her stumble and Briar let go, shaking worse than ever, he took three trembling steps backwards and she fell forwards. Landing with a terrible, unforgettable thud. 

A/N - What...umm oops, uh I'll just leave now okay bye... 

Also this IS NOT the end of the book, when it is the end I'll have a next chapter saying 'The End' or it'll say that at the end, so until it says that it's not the end

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