The Boy

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Disclaimer - So if you haven't figured it out by now these ideas and characters are not mine and will sadly never be (that was to the somewhat tune of 'Friends' by Ed Sheeran, idek how but it was) They belong to James, oh brilliant, brilliant James Dashner... 

A/N - I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH OMG! You guys are great, and so nice and supportive and you just make me really happy and thank you! :) 

Also I'm going to Calgary (that's a city) (don't take that offensively because some people might not be from where I am and have absolutely no idea so..) anyways...I'm going to Calgary from Thursday until Saturday to see... MIRANDA FREAKING SINGS and I'm excited, so unfortunately I won't be able to update... :( 

Autumn's POV 

        You could say the complaints I got in the morning were scarce, but that would be a lie. As I walked to Frypan's kitchen, yawing and stretching, instead of receiving some scattered 'hello's' I received quite a few complaints. 

        "The shuck were you shanks even doing last night?" 

        "Why wouldn't you shut your holes, slintheads." 

        "Could you have been any shucking louder?" 

        But they bounced right off of me. We had fun and we smiled and laughed, and I believe that should not be taken for granted here. If everyone would just sit back and realize that our situation wasn't so bad...I mean sure it is kind of horrible, but just look at it like this. We have beds to sleep in, jobs to do and we've built an unbreakable family together. This was the reason for my grinning as I plopped myself down next to Minho. 

        "Hey shank, guess what?" He said bumping shoulders with me. I gave him a small eye roll and replied, my mouth full of food, "What?" 

        "You know there's this thing, yeah it's called chewing your food," he slowed down on the last three words, as if he was trying to explain something to a foreign species. So I proceeded to shovel more food into my mouth and stick out my tongue. 

        "You're disgusting. And we decided that you can run again." My eyes lit up with excitement and I flung my arms around Minho, (being very cautious as to not spit my mouthful of food onto his shoulder). 

        "That's great!" I replied, positively beaming. 

        "Yeah well you've got to run with me." Minho smiled at me then added, "Actually consider yourself lucky." I'm almost one hundred percent sure if his air was long he would have flipped it. 

        "Shut your hole and eat shuckface," I punched him in the arm, but couldn't help smiling. 

        I get to run again. It's kind of strange, perhaps I should be afraid of the Maze, and the Grievers... I wasn't. It didn't seem frightening to me at all really, I knew that Maze. It was some sort of deep connection I had to I had studied it, learned every inch of it, before I had even set foot in the shuck place. I shrugged off the strange feeling and looked around the kitchens. 

        My eyes skimmed over all the faces, searching for my friends. I spotted Alby who had struck up a conversation with a Glader who's back was turned, Newt was still getting eyes halted as they reached Briar. The boy didn't just look tired or worn...he looked terrified. I scrunched my face up and focused on him. His brown hair was sticking out — like he had been tossing and turning all night, he had dark circles under his usually bright eyes and his whole body language was He was standing with his arms over his chest, like he was trying to consume the least amount of space that he possibly could. Something was wrong with him... 

        "I'll be right back." I mumbled to Minho and I pointed to where Briar was. He nodded in understanding and I began to weave my way through the clustered kitchen. When I was a few feet away from the boy I saw his eyes dart up to meet mine, before quickly — too quickly, settling back upon the ground. I saw him begin to move. 

        "Briar." I said sternly and his foot froze in its tracks. His head slowly turned to face me, and I hurried over to him. 

        '"Hey what's wrong?" I asked as gently as I could. His eyes wouldn't meet mine. 

         "It's nothing." He shook his head. This was definitely not 'nothing'. I grabbed his wrist and began leading him through the maze of picnic tables and Gladers. 

        "It's obviously not just 'nothing'." I stated as he was dragged behind me. 

        "Autumn let go." He whispered. We were out of the building now, but I was still leading him away. I stopped abruptly and turned to face him, causing an almost collision. He stepped back hastily but I didn't drop his wrist, I knew if I did he'd run. Trust me I've done the same thing. 

        "Okay now tell me," I turned my head at an angle so I was looking up at his face. "What's wrong?" He didn't say anything so I continued egging him on. "Hey I don't care if you're homesick, or afraid, or you shucking wet the bed. You can tell me." This time he gave a small nod. 

        "I, uh, I don't think it's very normal..." I shook my head. 

        "I don't care. You're talking to me, the queen of not normal, if you haven't noticed I'm not exactly supposed to be here..." I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

        "I got, there was this voice in my head last night." A voice... This is very different, okay... "It was horrible. It was like this scratchy whisper just meant to freak someone out and it said..." he trailed off, eyes squeezing shut. Wait! I had seen this before! Well not actually seen but that is besides the freaking point! When I got stung and I wanted to say what I had seen but passed out! Maybe that wasn't just me, maybe that was something the Creators where doing! A light bulb had gone of inside my brain, triggering thousands of little cogs to spin and churn out thoughts and ideas. 

        "Um it told me that you were a bad guy..." This pulled me right out my thoughts, the bubble bursting. 

        "What?" I asked, surprised. "What did it say exactly?" I focused on his eyes, as if I could determine if he was lying or not. 

        "It said: You are not safe. Trust no one. The girl is bad." He shrugged trying to sooth the awkwardness. The way he said the word 'bad', it was the strongest feeling ever. Like he truly believed it, and had managed to put every nasty word he could think of into one syllable. 

        "I don't know anything more than you... Please, just please don't listen to it, whatever it is." I pulled the skinny boy into a brief hug then walked past him. I needed to find Newt. 

A/N - Sorry guys this chapter is just sort of a filler to make sure all the information in the chapter before...falls into place I guess. Hope you enjoyed anyways :) 



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