As Long As They Don't Touch

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Disclaimer - James Dashner...the name of a legend, a legend that built all these characters and places that are unfathomable to my peasant of a mind

Autumn's POV

I picked up the pace as I walked back towards the little, rundown kitchen. My foot had barely stepped over the threshold before I was being pulled back by a strong arm. I turned my head to see Minho.

"What?" I asked irritably.

"Running." He replied with an overenthusiastic smile and sarcastic nod of the head. Shuck! I forgot, I can run the Maze again. Sorry Newt, I'll just have to wait and see you when I get back...

"Ohhh yeah," I replied and turned so I matched Minho's pace, which was quite quick. "Whoa, what's the hurry shank?" I asked, noting the deathly serious look on his face.

"Hmmm?" He asked, not bothering to look at me. I rolled my eyes up into my head.

"Okay Mr. Serious Face." I replied poking his cheek. At first he looked alarmed, but a smile crept onto his face. "Seriously though, why are you being so serious?" I asked, making sure that I had used the word 'serious' as many times as socially acceptable.

"I was just thinking, it wasn't a mistake that you got shucking stung was it?" I could feel the warm blood drain from my face, probably leaving it a ghostly pale. I studied the ground with my eyes and answered.

"I don't know..." Which was the truth. I had been wondering the exact same thing and I just...didn't know.


My breath came in ragged puffs. The sun scorched down into the walls of the Maze, as if it intended to fry us all. It was about midday now, the only time the sun was really actually visible. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine, I could run without pain, there was no surprise Griever's that lurked around corners. Everything was good.

"Almost lunch time?" I asked, panting between each word. I turned my head to see Minho nod and I almost tripped over a rock. Minho let out a laugh, that he seemed to have been holding in.

"You are really one of the clumsiest people I know." We had slowed to a light jog — almost walk.

"Well then you must not know a lot of people. Because I am graceful as shuck." I added an attempted leap across the stone floor of the Maze for affect. He laughed again, this time it seemed to come easier.

"See nothing to worry about." I smiled and he smiled back. We sat down at his usual lunch spot and pulled out some sandwiches, he cracked a joke — causing me to laugh. Minho, I hate to admit it to myself...but you really are one of my best friends...


"Autumn!" there was a yell, followed by a crash as I heard Newt chasing me. "Give the bloody thing back!" He yelled at me with a smile.

"Never!" I replied in a sing-song voice and darted towards the Deadheads, clutching his bag. I bit my lip to stop from smiling as I ran (slower than normally because reasons...) towards the out-skirting trees.

"Why do you even want the shucking thing?" He asked, lagging behind me just a bit. The approaching twilight turned the sky from a dusty blue to a magnificent deep purple, dotted with glowing stars.

"Hmmm. No reason." I laughed at myself and ran deeper into the woods. Brushing past twigs that were outstretched, like grabbing hands, but they couldn't touch me. Today I seemed to emit a bubble of happiness, I couldn't be harmed.

Breathing in the still warm air I turned backwards to make sure Newt was still chasing me. He was. I let out a small shriek as I was pushed to the ground. I closed my eyes and tensed my muscles, but the landing was soft and for once, the ground was forgiving. A muffled thump caused my eyes to fly open.

I looked up to see a matching set of deep brown eyes, hovering only inches above my own. However they didn't dissapear as they normally would, they stayed. Staring into my own and Newt didn't move. We just remained there...almost touching. It was a trance, something beautiful, that you wish you could just bottle up and lock away, to have forever.

But I knew I couldn't have forever, so I moved my head. Just slightly upwards, hinting that Newt should move, but he didn't. Instead we were only closer and everything was beautiful.

"You know if you put your lips in front of mine they are gonna get kissed."

My heart skipped a beat, fluttered, skyrocketed straight out of my chest actually. I felt heat prickle in my cheeks as I rolled out from under Newt. Did he just... there's no way... just joking... what...

"Maybe one day..."

A/N - Also sorry this is so short... I'm getting ready to leave and I have a bunch of homework, but I figured I should update for you guys since I'm going to be gone for two days... :(

(Also if you get how the title and the chapter are related I love you)

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