How Are You? Well I Got Stabbed...

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Disclaimer - Whose characters and ideas and general brilliance are these? James Dashner's..not me :) 

Autumn's POV 

        At first there was nothing. No pain. I didn't even register what had happened until my body had gone into shock. I remember my breathing quickening, my body fighting the cold blade that had embedded itself into my back. Then I felt it, the pain started slowly  — nothing more than a dull throb, but it intensified. I felt Briar let go of the knife, I was no longer being supported and I fell to the ground. The pain wouldn't subside, it was inescapable. It was the worst feeling in the world, like no matter what you ever did in the future it would always hurt. 

        I gasped at it all. That slinthead stabbed me! He actually stabbed me! I squeezed my eyes shut, but nothing could stop the pain, nothing. I felt the blood spreading across my back, I started to shake. I couldn't stop it, the trembling was uncontrollable. I hated it. Hated not being in control of myself, hated WICKED for messing with Briar's head. My vision was blurring, I could barely focus on what was immediately in front of me...and even that was a blur. I tried to stand, I wouldn't die out here, bleeding out, with no one knowing what happened. I wouldn't. 

        But the pain was too much. I was fighting for consciousness and it was a losing battle. No! I thought in my head. I will not die because some shucked up kid stabbed me! But putting actions behind those thoughts proved to be much more difficult than I imagined. I coughed, slipped and fell unconscious. 


        My eyes fluttered open and waves of pain crashed onto me. My back felt like it was burning, like someone had poured hot grease into an open wound. I was laying on my stomach, my face pressed against a soft pillow. How did I get here? I grunted in pain and tried to flip myself over. I winced and bit my lip to stop from crying out. Okay, okay. Don't do that. Instead I turned my head (very slowly) to the side. I was in the Homestead. Had someone found me? Had Briar brought me back? Had he told someone? How long have I been passed out? And how dare I be passed out again!

        "Ow..." I muttered, trying to turn my head to look the other way. I heard frantic scuttling and a crash before the door swung open to reveal Newt, Clint and Jeff. 

        "Autumn." Newt said, a shocked and slightly frazzled look upon his face. I saw his hair was messed up and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Clint and Jeff rushed over to my bed and began to check my wound. 

        "You look like klunk." I told Newt. I saw a relieved smile break out on his face. 

        "Right back at you." He laughed and walked over to my side. He kneeled down so we were face to face, and so I didn't have to move. "How are you?" 

        "Well I got stabbed..." I tried my best to inflict a sarcastic tone, but let me just say...not my best moment. Newt laughed and took my hand in his. 

        "You scared the bloody klunk out of the lot of us." His face showed genuine concern and I smiled at him. 

        "How long was I out for?" 

        "Two days..." Newt said, a mock apologetic look appearing. 

        "Two days!" I moved to sit up but apparent Newt had predicted it because his hand was on my back. "Have I ever mentioned I shucking hate passing out?" I said, relaxing back into the soft bed. 

        "I believe you have." 


        Nothing very exciting happened over the course of the next few days. I was going to be alright, just need to heal and all that klunk. Apparently Briar had ran out into the Maze right after he had done it, didn't tell no one. He still hasn't come back, not that anyone expected one survives a night in the Maze. It had been Newt that had found me, said he was worried because no one had seen me since breakfast. That must have been terrible, finding your friend with a literal knife in their back, bleeding. I hadn't asked him any more than that. 

        I sat up in the hospital bed, a massive bandage around my middle. 

        "We should just like give you a shuck bed here." Jeff said with a smile. He leaned against the doorway as he spoke. 

        "I do believe I've earned one." I smiled back at him. 

        "You're free to go." He finally said after a long pause. He must have known that was what I had been waiting for him to say. I got up — a little too excitedly — out of the bed and walked over to the door. I was reminded of every little step by a sharp pain but it was bearable and I was done with sitting around all day. 

        "Thanks shank." I patted Jeff on the shoulder and then pushed past him. My guess was that I probably looked like a crippled granny when I walked but I was trying to push that horrific thought out of my head. I excited the Homestead to be greeted with a very loud, blaring alarm. The greenie alarm. 

A/N - Sorry this chapter's shorter but two in one day guys *shrugs* 

Also I started watching Teen Wolf like two days ago and I'm on Season 3...

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