Irrelevance Is Key

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Disclaimer - These ideas...they aren't mine...they belong to James Dashner...(I really wish they were though :/) 

A/N - Hey so is there any specific things that you guys want to see in this story? Like an awkward situation or other characters, you know... (Also please don't say more romance because like I said before this story isn't really gonna do that...and I have a plan for it) Just like things in general...okay thank you all so much :) 

Also the first part of this chapter is going to be in third person perspective and with the WICKED staff, just in case it gets confusing...

        Dozens of eyes flickered around, focusing on multiple screens. Everyone in the room was hard at work, observing, calculating. Everything seemed fairly normal, well as normal as life could be working in such trying conditions in an apocalyptic world... 

        However these exterior forces were not the only things that had the employees at WICKED extra tense. There was one massive problem that just kept causing more and more problems. And that was a girl, Autumn. The day was remembered well, by everyone in the room. The day that a girl with brilliant red hair broke into WICKED and inserted herself into the Maze. It was confusing for most of the staff, the majority wondered why on Earth someone would want to place themselves in such conditions...and with a memory wipe. 

        That was the unusual part, she wiped her own memory. That was what none of the staff understood. And that is what made it so hard to predict what was going to happen and how to stop it. At first it seemed as though maybe everything would resolve itself and that the Maze would continue to run smoothly after overcoming a small bump, but then she interfered once more. No one understood how she managed to do it, to call a Griever to herself. But she did, she summoned a Griever so that it would sting her and she would get some memories back. 

        This brought up the question of why she wiped her memory in the first place back up to the table. Which is exactly what the staff had been trying to understand, but they were never in her head before. They had never even met her before. They had no means of understanding her and thus had no means of bringing her crashing down. It was truly a perfect plan.  

        WICKED had sent another boy in. They wanted, needed everything to go back to normal, they weren't ready for things to be different yet. Thomas and Teresa weren't ready yet, Group B wasn't ready yet. This girl, this seemingly irrelevant child had nearly thrown all of WICKED's planning down the drain, and she needed to be stopped. 

        If this boy was the answer then they needed to use him. They were not going to send him in, he was a backup, a fail safe, if anything was to ever go wrong with a Glader that the Gladers themselves could not handle he would be sent. A seemingly irrelevent newbie who has no skills... He won't be able to do anything immidietly, the Gladers will know something is wrong. WICKED has begun, as of now, sending him telepathic messages. Messages stating that things are very wrong there, and that these people want to hurt him and that he can not trust anyone. He needs to be convinced that they are bad, especially Autumn... 

        It must be a slow process, one that goes completley unnoticed. Autumn has taught us best really, irrelevance is key. 

A/N - So this chapter is very different...What did you guys think? Yes, no, should this be a one time thing or would you like more chapters like this?  

Also this chapter is short because two updates in one day (lucky turds) and I wasn't sure if this writing style would be good so... 



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