Wildest Dreams

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Disclaimer - If you haven't picked up on it by now, these ideas and characters are James Dashner's...not my own because I'm a peasant and such...but here we goooo 

A/N - Hey did I mess up the updates cause I'm confused? 

Newt's POV 

        "What do you mean..." Autumn asked me cautiously. I had just told her that I might have remembered her too.... I did, sort of. I had a dream about her, but it was more like a memory than a dream. 

        "I had this...dream, sort of. It was like a shucking memory and I really don't — it could just be a dream." I gestured with my hands in an 'I surrender' sort of fashion and looked over at Autumn. Her auburn hair waving away from her face, random bits always stuck up at every angle but I loved them. I smiled at her hand, which was still holding mine. 

        "Go on." She nodded her head, signalling for me to elaborate. 

        "Well it isn't really a solid memory or any —" 

      "Shut your hole and just say it, I really don't care." She rolled her eyes at me in a jokingly exasperated way. Is that even an emotion? I have no idea. I coughed to clear my throat before beginning to recite the dream. I had had this dream a while ago, in the first week she came. It was weird, but I felt like I knew her... 

        "Okay well it was just you and me, it wasn't really that bloody exciting," I kept pausing, stalling. It was just a really awkward thing to talk about and I didn't want to bloody screw it up. "Um, you were there and you were just standing, watching a sunset and I was watching you... and it's not very much but it felt like a memory more than a dream." I shrugged my shoulders at her and she shrugged back, her face showed deep contemplation.

        The truth is I remember it way better than that...and it really felt well real. I flashed back to the dream, I could picture it clearly in my mind. 

        My eyes rested on Autumn, her skin illuminated by the setting sun. Casting oranges and yellows across her silhouette, like the dancing flames of a fire. She smiled, red lips parting to reveal shining white teeth. I felt myself smile back at her, my gaze never leaving. The warm wind picked up, whipping off of the red, scorched surface. We seemed to be high up on some kind of burned out mountain. The rocks were blackened and crumbling and if they weren't, they were stained a deep blood red. But despite the ominous setting I was happy. This was our place, where no one dared to go, and where we could hide. 

        The wind pulled Autumn's dress against her skin, showing off her slight figure and she blushed, turning her cheeks a rosy colour that matched her lips. She let out a brilliant laugh in my direction, it was the purest of sounds. It was strangely perfect, despite the oddity of the whole situation. I had no idea why Autumn was wearing a dress. The setting made it seem like she should be wearing something more covering, something to protect her from the harsh conditions...but here she was on top of a mountain, in the middle of a desert (that she had most likely climbed) in a very nice dress. I smiled once more, I loved that about her...about my best friend. 

        And then the flashback faded into nothingness and I was left with Autumn, it was still us but in a completely different place. 

Autumn's POV 

         My mind was stuck on what Newt had said for the rest of the shucking day. Was that a memory or just a dream? Maybe he could remember me too... And why on earth did these...memory attacks (I guess) start happening? It was a lot to have to attempt to process when you're already worried about so many other things. 

        One of those 'other things' being Brair, the boy had the shucking Creators in his head telling him I was "bad". How was I supposed to fix that? I can't exactly perform a spring cleaning of his brain now can I? I walked quickly through the Glade towards Frypan's, It had been roughly an hour since the Doors had closed and I needed me some food. 

        As soon as I entered the small building I was attacked, sort of. 

        "What happened?" Minho asked practically jumping on me. Alby was behind him and even though he wasn't trying to be seen Gally was there too. 

        "You heard." I retaliated, shoving Minho off of me and into Alby. 

        "Yeah but what really happened?" He asked me, leaning closer on the word 'really'. I hadn't slowed my walking at all, I had one thing on my mind and that was food. 

        "I got some more shuck memories back. But nothing important." I added looking at Alby's surprised face. 

        "Autumn they could help us escape." Alby prodded at me with his words. I shook my head fiercely. 

        "They won't." 

        "Bu—" I had already walked away, pushing through a group of Gladers. I had gotten a few grunts and complains but I ignored them. I had no idea where this sudden anger had come from, but I could feel it building inside me, pressing against the walls, like a dam about to overflow. I just have to say one thing...it was extremely unfortunate that Briar saw everything happen. 

        Gally had caught up to me, he was at my side, grabbing my shoulder with a gentleness that I hadn't known he possessed. For some reason it made me mad. I shoved his hand off with a violent jerk of my shoulder and walked past him. My breathing was steady and my hands didn't shake, a horrible anger branched out inside of me, each layered with an icy calm. And it was terrifying. 

        I had given up on trying to get food, I needed to get out. Get out of the kitchen, get out of the maze, get out of my shucking head! I was almost out the door when I felt a small hand grab my bicep. I whipped around, red hair flying like fire. It was Briar. I saw fear in his eyes and he let go, slowly as if I was a wild animal and any sudden movement might set me off. Turns out he wasn't wrong... 

        "Um, are — are you okay?" He stuttered out, backing away slowly. I grin cracked onto my face, a terrible, terrible grin that practically screamed insanity. 

        "Okay?" I laughed. Not my normal laugh, a high pitched giggle. "I'm fine, perfectly." I squinted my eyes and smiled, before turning away and gallivanted out of the kitchen. I was greeted by the warm air of the Glade and I began to cry. 

        I hadn't cried in so long it seemed, not when I woke up, not when I was stung, so why now? They were uncontrollable tears that leaked out of my eyes. It wasn't loud, violent, racking sobs...they were silent. People cry for attention, because they need something...I was crying because of something else. I was crying for something I couldn't remember.   

A/N - Yes the dream is based on Taylor's songs 'I Know Places and Wildest Dreams', I have no ragrets :)

Also guys sorry this chapter got a little depressing, I needed something to happen so Briar would believe WICKED and blah blah blah... :/

So I think I'm going to change the title to either Irrelevance, The Glitch, Set In Stone, Found, or Fall... Which one do you guys like the best??? Or if anyone has any other suggestions before I change it for realsies :) 



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