Chapter 19

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Fiona's P.O.V

Once I get to my brothers house,I go to the door and listen to see who's here.I hear Stefan,Damon,and Elena talking.Gosh does Elena ever go to her house.I then open the door and storm inside.Once I'm to the living room where,there sitting,I say"Where is Elijah?"My brothers look shocked I'm here,yet Elena just says"Who are you?"She looks at me like I'm a freak,so I just ignore her.Damon then speaks up and says"Fiona,what,how,when?"It was pretty funny to see Damon stumbling over his words.I just smirk and say"You didn't answer my question brothers,where is Elijah?"Stefan then steps in front of Elena and I almost laugh,they were picking the doppelgänger over me again!Damon then says"What do you mean,we don't know where he is?"And he smirked at me!I just sigh in frustration and say"Don't lie to me Damon,I know he's here,so bring him to me."Stefan then speaks up and says"What do you want with Elijah,and how do you know him?"I just smirk at him and say"You don't need to know Stefanie,I just need you to give me Elijah back now!"Even though I was acting calm on the outside,I was freaking out on the inside.I needed Elijah back!He's one of my best friends,and he's the only one that can keep me safe from Nicklaus.Stefan seems shocked at what I said,and a bit annoyed at the old nickname.Damon,on the other hand,seems like he's trying not to laugh at the old nickname we gave Stefan when we were children.Stefan then say's"Why do you need Elijah back,how are you still alive and,how do you know Elijah?"I just chuckle at him and say"One question at a time big brother,let me try to answer them,ok none of your business,like you care,and none of your business."My brothers seem surprised at my answer,and Damon says"Of course we care,why wouldn't we care,your our baby sister?"I just laugh a humorless laugh and say"Oh really,you care,where was that when we were human?Once Katherine came it was like I never existed to you to except every once in a while.At first I was hopping you two would snap out of it and we could play a game or something,but after a while,I realized you didn't care any more.I cried myself to sleep every night because of you two,and you think you deserve to call yourselves my brothers,yet all you did was give me pain?!I had no one left,since father hated me,and mother died a month after I was born!And once I went missing,you two only looked for me for a day,if that,and then the next day you acted as if I never existed!I hoped Katherine compelled you two,but I was watching over you two and she never did!You just forgot!But I met a man when you two started to forget me,and he truly loved me!But he broke my heart to.And even after all you two did to me,I still protected you and liked after you.Heck I was tortured over a hundred times from people looking for you two!Now are you going to give me Lijah or not?Please just give me back Elijah."By the end of my outburst,I was in tears,and my brothers were shocked.Even Elena had tears flowing down her cheeks from my story.I realized my brothers were staring at me in shock,and what looked like pain?I look at my arms to see what there looking at,and I see it,my scars.I had a concealment charm on myself so none of my scars from my many fights and torchers would show.I guess in my burst I didn't realize my concealment charm had come off.Luckily it's not the same charm that hides my sent from Klaus,otherwise he would be able to find me.Damon then finds his voice and says"Where did all these scars come from?"I still have tears coming down my face and try to wipe them away before I answer.I then say"Well,you two have to many enemies that want to know where you are,and my ex did to."I said the last bit a little quieter than the rest hopping they wouldn't hear me,but with there vampire hearing,they did.Stupid vampire hearing.Stefan then spoke up,but he had tears running down his face while Damon was close to tears.He said"Who is your ex,and why were our enemies after you?"I just smiled and said"Well every time I herd that people were after you two,I would hunt them down and get rid of them,but I didn't know that some people had partners who were after you,and they would come for me for revenge.They weren't very happy about me killing there partners,do they would torture me for that,and others would torture me for information."Damon seems a little confused and asks me"How are you still alive,and you didn't say who your ex was?"I smile and laugh a humorless laugh.I then say"Fine I'll tell you,but no interruptions.Well it all started when Katherine came to live with us."

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