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I pull out Psyduck's pokeball, preparing to battle.

I take a deep breath, and swim out the mouth of the magikarp submarine, with psyduck by my side.

Lapras prepares a hyper beam, unable to see psyduck and I.

Psyduck looks back at me. I can't talk under water, so I spell out 'disable' in sign language.

Psyduck uses disable, but not before Lapras Knicks me with hyper beam.

The last thing I see is a burst of light surrounding me.

Third person? I'm not sure reeeee

Psyduck fails to stop the hyper beam from knicking y/n's side, knocking her out.

She immidiatly floats to the surface, her pokeballs sinking to the ocean floor.

She drifts far from Ash and the others, and team rocket. Away from everyone and everything.

As Psyduck loses the battle, he faints, making him no help to y/n.

Your pov

I feel heat on my skin, the heat of the sun. But all I see is black.

I curl my fingers which takes way too much effort, and feel a damp powder sift through my fingers.

I hear the crash of the waves on the beach, they sound close, like I might feel the water lapping at my feet at any second.

But I'm too out of it to realize this isn't good. I turn my head to the side in attempt to wake myself up, but it only makes my head pulse.

I open my eyes, and am met with the searing brightness of the sun. I squint and turn away, to the horizon, where the sky is pink.

Wait, where am I? I begin to panic, but am to weak to react physically.

I try to sit up, which takes much effort, leaving me breathless.

I look down at my clothes, seaweed wraps around my legs, keeping them from being sunburned.

I look around for any signs of Jessie and James, or anyone.

I reach around my back for my Pokemon, but none are in their place. I look around, twisting my torso, which actually causes much pain.

That seems to trigger my memory.

The Lapras, getting hit by hyper beam,  that all happened this morning.

The sun is about to set, and I have no one. What on Earth do I do? I feel tears prick my eyes, I want to double over and cry, but also want to get up and search for team rocket.

I wipe my wet eyelids and try to stand, only to be hit with a shooting pain in my side that makes me cry more from the intensity.

After a few minutes I finally make it to my feet, then I turn towards the trees.

Maybe I should stay on the beach, there's no doubt Jessie and James are looking for me.

But what if there's people here? I should go search.

I take a stiff step forward, followed by another step, wincing each time my torso clenches or twists.

Finally I make it to the tree line, I instantly lean on the palm.

The trees are spotted with berries, which make my mouth water.

I hobble over to the lowest hanging branch, and stretch my arm as high as I can.

It's no use. The fruit is still a good 2 feet from my grasp.

I look around, and see a Scyther.

At first I'm relieved, but then realize wild Scythers can be dangerous.

"Hey, scuze me!" I half shout half whisper.

The Pokemon turns to me, towering over me even though it's like 5 feet away.

"Uh..." I nervously back up, from the glare it's giving me I'd say this is not a friendly Pokemon.

"Scy?" It turns it's head, probably trying to work out if I'm a threat or not.

I glance up at the fruit, making my mouth water again. I haven't eating all Day, and laying in the sun for hours has made me super dehydrated.

It looks up too, then down at me.

It raises it's arm scyth thing, making me recoil. I shield my face with my arms, squeezing my eyes closed.

But the impact doesn't hit me, instead I hear a "thud". I look up, the Scyther staring at me.

I look down at the fruit on the ground.

"Oh! Is this..." I clear my throat from the raspy and soreness caused by dehydration.

"...for me?" I ask, looking up hopefully at the Pokemon.

"Scy, scy." It nods, filling me with joy.

"Thanks." I try to bend over and pick it up, but my side sends me another streak of pain.

I fall to my knees, my side hurting worse than ever now.

"Scyther!" The Scyther shouts, making me jump and look up at him.

He stands there, looking down at me, when I hear two large and far apart footsteps getting closer and closer.

Two grey figures apear from the shadow, one I recognise as a rhydon, and one a Rhyhorn.

"Scy scy!" "Rhyyyydon!" The three Pokemon go back and forth a few times, man I wish I could speak Pokemon.

Finally they turn to me, each one giving me a glare harder than the last.

"Scy scy!" Scyther tells me, and Rhyhorn steps up to my side, crouching super low.

"You...want me to get on?" I ask, pointing at myself.

The all nod.

"Oh... thanks." I'm not sure how to ride a Rhyhorn, they're so bumpy and tall and with my injury I don't know how to get on.

I feel myself being lifted up, and plopped down between the two grooves on rhyhorn's back.

I look back at the Pokemon, and rhydon gives me a thumbs up.

I smile gratefully at him, and try to ignore the pain rhydon accidentally inflicted from lifting me up so roughly.

The all start walking towards the bushes at the same time, at a slower pace for my sake.

Let's just hope they're not taking me somewhere to kill me.

This will be fun eeeee

Pokemon James x reader pt2!Where stories live. Discover now