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Anyone know what episode this is? Super cute 😍

Anyone know what episode this is? Super cute 😍

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it's movie night. even bad guys need breaks too sometimes.

i'm in my room, slipping off my uniform from today and pulling on grey sweatpants with my tight black t-shirt, and fuzzy socks with little pikachus on the toes. i look in the mirror as i pull my hair into a bun, pouting.

why on earth does james even like me? i hear jessie impatiently call my name, so i skip out into the main room, where my friends sit. i plop down on the saggy couch next to james, smiling up at him with my eyes closed.

he smiles back, making me all blushy. too bad we're watching a horror movie and no a romantic one.

meowth pops the movie in and squeezes between me and the couch arm rest, making me sigh from the crowding.

it starts off fine, but once it shows the creepy clown i'm not so keen on it. i try to act uninterested so they don't think i'm scared by playing with my fingers, leaning on james to get his attention, which stops working after a few times. now he just shrugs me away.

James is scared pf the movie too, but he doesn't pretend to not be. he doesn't care if jessie and meowth think he's a scaredy cat.

i admire that about him. not caring what others think. i wish i could be that bold some day.

i jump out of my skin as a little doll girl named Anna or Bella or something like that pops up on the screen.

i hate horror movies, i always have. what can i say? they're scary.

i can't sleep well a few days after seeing one, so i decided to avoid them as much as i can.

being the youngest and least experienced in the group has its drawbacks, like always feeling like a child, and constantly having to 'prove myself' to them.

I draw back into the seat as if I could faze through the outer layer and submerge into the couch, away from the TV screen.

Then I remember I'm sitting next to James.

I snuggle into his side, pulling his hands into my lap.

I intertwine our fingers and give them a little squeeze, making him squeeze back.

I smile and struggle through the rest of the movie, and by then I'm super tired.

But, I know I'm not gunna get to sleep anytime soon.

I sigh and go to my room, shutting the door and sitting on my bed with the light off.

It's dark in the room, the only light is the pale moonlight streaming in from my window.

I sigh and lay down facing the room, curling into a ball.

I try to think about cute, happy things, like when Flareon fell asleep on my lap, or when growly and James napped together on my bed.

That was cute. I admit it makes me smile, but then the creepy doll's face flashes into my mind making me more scared than ever.

My eyes grow heavy, making me lay my head down on the cold sheets.

Images of various creepy things run through my head, making me sit up and wipe the sweat from my forehead.

I sigh and tip toe to James's room, And creak the door open slowly.

I pull my shirt over my smooth, hairless thighs and tip toe quietly to his bedside, seeing a mop of lavender on his pillow, as the blanket slowly rises and falls.

I smile and pull the cover back gently, and step into the warm cacoon with s blush.

I snuggle against James's back and wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my head on his broad back.

I smile as all my fear melts away, and again it just seems like an empty room.

A peaceful, quiet, empty room, where the only noise is his breathing.

I let my eyes shut as I drift off, the last thing I think of is James's sweet smelling hair.


I've never been so relaxed... I feel fingers running through my hair, making little twirls and shapes.

I smile, making him notice I'm awake.

I open my eyes and squint in the harsh streaming in directly on us.

"I don't recall you coming in here last night." James says with a raised eyebrow, but a hint of a smile.

"Oh yeah... I thought you might be scared, cuz of that creepy doll." I say matter of factly, turning to my side to better talk to him.

"Are you sure, I was the scared one?" He says, still running his hands through my hair.

I close my eyes and sigh in satisfaction, making him blush.

"Sorry, I just... Like when people play in my hair." I say, reaching up to his hair.

I take a strand between my thumb and index finger, running it down to the end.

He looks questionly at me, making me smile. He's cute when he's confused.

You have prettier hair than any girl I know." I chuckle, teasingly tracing my finger down to his jawline.

I gaze into his feel green eyes as he stares right back, making me feel rather blushy.

I feel a pair of lips on mine, making me melt.

Our lips mold together, moving in sync.

I feel a new feeling, his tongue sliding over my bottom lip. Naturally, I let my mouth slack open a bit, and he sticks his tongue into my mouth, making the shy nervousness I used to have return to me.

All at once he pulls away, leaving me looking dumb with my mouth open in such a way.

I look up to see Jessie and Meowth in the doorway, looking like they're about to either throw up, burst out laughing, or both.

"Oh, h-hey, guys... What's up?" I try to rub the wild look from my eyes as I sit up.

"Well, we was just gunna ask if you two want to go the carnival with us... But..." Meowth and Jessie seem to be bursting at the seams from containing their laughter, making me roll my eyes.

"You seem a bit busy at the moment." He says, making Jessie snicker.

Wtf was that chapter lol

If you have requests, I'd love to hear em!

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