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Another unsuccessful day at trying to capture Ash's Pikachu, makes me stumble to my room and fall face first onto my bed.

I bury my face in my pillow in attempts to hide from the embarrassment, letting out a groan of defeat.

We've tried every way to catch the stupid rat, but every time, the 10 year old outsmarts us.

I have nothing against Pikachu, heck, if I had a choice, I'd leave them alone and James and I could work somewhere better.


I lift my greasy-haired head from my pillow, the harsh light making me squint.

I rub my eyes to wake myself up, knowing we have another full day of failure ahead of us.

Forcing myself up, I trudge to the bathroom to shower, grabbing my black tights and f/c sweater to wear after.

Sure, we're supposed to wear our uniforms, but it gets old after a while. Besides, all mine are dirty anyway.

After my shower I slip out to the kitchen to find something to eat, but find only Pokemon food.

I sigh and try calling Jessie, who isn't home. I knock on James's door, which opens after a moment.

"Hey, wanna go with me to town?" I say, James looks like he just woke up.

He gives me a puzzled look.


"Why are we here again?" He yawns, a few stray hairs sticking up, making him soft and tired.

"For the third time, I have to pick up food. Seeing as there's none at home." You search the long aisles for any familiar brands, preferably not name brands, sinse those are more expensive.

This is gunna take a while by myself. So I pull a piece of paper from my pocket and grab a pen from my other pocket, and scribble a few items across it.

"Here. Go get this stuff for me." I instruct, handing him the paper.

He sighs and walks off, leaving me to get the rest.


After quite a while of shopping, I finally wonder how long it's been since sinse I left James.

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice over the intercom addressing me.

"Y/n l/n, please collect your child at line 15." The static signifies the person signing off, making me tap my back pockets for my pokeballs.

All my Pokemon are there, so who could it...

I sigh and walk up to the 15th aisle, seeing James sitting on the worn wooden bench, his arms crossed.

"James?" I have to restrain myself from bursting out laughing.

He looks up with a pouty look.

"You were taking forever! And I couldn't find you." He says, making me giggle.

"Oh, James. You are adorable. Come on, let's go." I shrug towards the check out line as employees give us dirty glares.

Once we get home, there's really nothing left to do.

I bring out all my Pokemon, and walk outside.

"Come on guys! Let's get some exercise!" I say, trying to psych them up.

Flareon and I practice on agility, making her like a squirrel on crack.

After a while James comes outside, and catches me off-guard as I'm showing Arcanine how to use camouflage.

Pokemon James x reader pt2!Where stories live. Discover now