ONESHOT! young! y/n

73 7 11

3rd pov

Y/n runs down the road, rubbing her eyes with her sleeved hand as tears drip down her dusty face.

She's running, running from a wild Mankey. She was playing outside in the orphanage, when she saw a Pokemon in a bush.

Little did she know, it was a mankey, and she looked it right in the eyes.

Now she's desperately trying to escape the unforgiving rage of an angered mankey.

Her thin legs are about ready to give out, when she trips over a rice ball left exactly where her feet land.

She gasps as her face meets the dirt, making her cry out in pain.

She struggles to raise her head from the ground, but the stomping of mankey gives her a small boost.

She stands to her knees, gritting her teeth as her injuries throb in pain.

It's no use. She falls to the ground, letting out a whimper as she lay in the dirt, too exhausted to fight back.

"MANKEYYY!" she rolls over to her back, gasping as the mankey stomps angrily.

Just when she thinks a punch will land, she hears another voice.

"Yaaaaa!" She looks up to see a Meowth flying at the mankey at an intense speed, and land two good scratches on it's face.

She scrambles backwards as fast as she can, bumping into yet another stranger.

She turns around to the figure looming above her.

She screams and hides her face in her hands as the arbok stands tall, tears running down her face.

"Arbok, return!" A female voice shouts, making her peek out from under her arms fearfully.

The Meowth stands next to two adults, both in white suits.

Before she can react, the two crouch down next to her.

"Aa!" She flinches.

"Are you okay? You look pretty beat up." The woman with pink hair asks, making y/n look up cautiously.

She nods, her bottom lip trembling.

"Why was that mankey after you?" A man with lavender, shoulder length hair says, his tone soft.

"I... I accidentally looked it in it's eyes." She says, wiping her tears away.

"You're safe now kid! And as a payment, how's about you hand over any and all Pokemon you've got?" The Meowth says, making the man hit him over the head.

"Will you watch your big me-outh?" He says, as y/n rubs her knee.

"Ignore them. I'm jessie, of team rocket. The loud big mouthed one is Meowth, and the one with the funny hair is James!" She says kindly, making y/n laugh as the two fight.

The boys notice her giggling, and stop to look up.

"So, what were you doing out here by yourself? Shouldn't you be at your home?" James says, making her frown.

"I don't have a home. I live in a crummy orphanage, where all the kids pick on me. I don't even get dinner sometimes!" She says, balling her fists.

"Aww Jessie, can we keep her?" James says, sparkles in his eyes.

"Sorry, we don't need any more mouths to feed. Sorry kid, but you'd better run along." She waves the child off, as she stands.

"But Jess..." James is cut off by a gentle tugg on his pant leg, making him look down.

Y/n holds her hands up to James, asking for him to pick her up.

He lifts her up under her arm pits, and she wraps her legs around his waist.

"Pleeeeaaaseee? I don't like it there. They're mean." She leans her head against James's chest, making him coo,


"ugh! fine!" She shouts, making the two jump for joy.


what even was that

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