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It's like, what, 12 am? Around that time anyway.

I can't seem to get to sleep, tossing and turning.

Must be all the caffine, and recovering from my fall a little over a week ago.

I kick the covers to the foot of the bed, and release growly.

He yawns and curls up on the left side of my bed, his warmer-than-average skin making me even hotter.

I sigh and roll out of bed, deciding maybe some food will help me get to sleep quicker.

I sneak to the kitchen, the only sound is growly's deep breathing and the slight creak of the floorboards.

I haven't told Jessie or James, but tomorrow is actually my 15th birthday.

I don't like my birthday though. It reminds me of disappointing birthday parties, always hoping my parents would surprise me with a partner, but all I got was socks and cheap toys.

Which, to a little kid, socks is a fate worse than death.

I pull the cold handle, opening the fridge that makes a shiver run down my spine, and goosebumps rise.

Let's see... I'll be able to drive... That's fun. Not without an adult, but who cares. I do alot of things a normal 14/15 year old wouldn't do for their entire life in a day.

Let's see... Pokemon food... Milk... There's cake that Meowth stole. He'll probably be mad I ate it, but who cares.

I pull out the box and hope it doesn't make too much noise, while staring at the window.

The moon is full and bright, beautiful even. I've always fancied myself to be a bit nocturnal, in ways that freak me out a bit.

Like, I'm more creative at night. And staring at the full moon fills me with hope and peace.

I take a small bite of cake and nod, making a subconscious decision to go outside.

I could use the door, but where's the fun in that? I grin ear to ear and push the window frame open, which let's put a groan, complaining from the pressure.

I climb out quietly, almost like a ninja.

I bite my lip as I look at the pale countryside, full of mysteries and adventure.

I want to go into the woods. Something is calling me out. I find my feet moving below me, and decide to go with it.

After walking a good way, I see a light ahead. Voices whispering something in a harsh tone.

I stop abruptly, and the female's head snaps up.

"Did you hear that?!" She hisses to the man wearing familiar clothes.

"Hear what?" His voice is oddly familiar...

She turns back around to him.

"Mm, nevermind. As I was saying, she's bound to be around here somewhere. That old hag is paying us loads just to get that little brat back to them. We have to keep looking a little longer." She says, like the plan is set in stone.

"Now wait just a minute!" Something snaps in my mind.

Oh my gosh! Butch and Cassidy! Who are they looking for? Do they know we're right across the hill from them?

I take a step and open my mouth to say something, but Cassidy catches me off guard.

"How sad. Bringing her back to her oh so loving parents, and on her birthday, too." She cackles along with Butch, and my voice leaves my throat.

I stand there, too scared to move.

But I thought we were friends? And my parents are paying them to kidnap me?! On my birthday?!

I take a cautious step back, every sense of peace and comfort the night brings me dissapears like fog on a sunny day.

U feel like they may pop out from anywhere, at any second, and grab me.

I turn and move ungracefully through the bushes and trees, hoping they don't hear me.

I feel awkward and weird, almost anxious, about being out so late. If they were to kidnap me right now, no one would even notice until morning.

And they wouldn't even know where I went, or who took me, or why! I have to get home!

I push off a rock like a spring, forcing myself into a sprint. I might be loud, but that doesn't matter to me now. All that matters is I get home.

I want nothing more than to be in James's bed right now, snuggled up in the warm blankets, his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me against his chest.

I don't stop running until I reach the house, and dive into the window.

I jump to my feet and slam the window close, making a horribly loud smacking sound, but I couldn't care less.

I lock the window and take a step back, like something may pop up and jumpscare me.

I get another surgery of adrenaline when the light switches on.

"What are you doing?!" Jessie shrieks, startling me out of my wits.

I turn and stumble backwards, looking at the three confused and angry faces.

"T-there, in the woods, th-they were there! They're trying to kidnap me!" I can barely talk, my hands shaking and goosebumps make my skin crawl.

"What? Who's in the woods?" Jessie walks over to the window. I'm so happy she's not angry.

"They are! The people, cassy and... Crap... What's his name?" I rack my brain, trying to remember the guys name.

"Look, you were just dreaming. Go back to bed before I knock you out myself!" Jessie storms off to her room, leaving me and Meowth.

"There really were people! They were taking about me! And how my parents put them up to this, and how it's my birthday, and-and..." They both look at me with wide eyes, confusion and tiredness.

"It's your birthday?" Meowth says after a pause.

I sigh, shaking my head at the two.

They're adorable, adorably stupid.

"Yes... But, I mean..." My face flushes, all the surppresed emotions swirling  inside me.

"Nevermind. Forget about it." I mumbles and storm off to my room.

Growly cocks his head at me as I lay back down, after securing the lock on my window.

Whew. What a night.

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