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Meowth and I are a little ways into the woods, collecting berries in the trees.

Exept the little pussy cat is afraid of heights, so I have to climb up the the higher branches, which is no fun for me either.

"Rrrhh!" I grunt as I lean forward, laying along a tree branch, my arm stretched out towards a ripe, juicy berry just beyond my reach.

It doesn't take an idiot to know I can't reach it where I am. I carefully scoot up, letting my legs dangle 20 feet above the ground.

"Be careful!" Meowth shouts up.

"Just be ready to catch it!" I shout down.

I brush the fruit with my fingertips, resulting in it snapping off.

"Ah!" I yelp and jump forward, grabbing it with both my hands.

But now I'm hanging at a 90° angle with my hips hooked around the branch, keeping me suspended in the air.

I feel the sickening feeling of my legs sweeping up, making me fall face first towards the ground.

I scream as I cling tightly to the fruit.

If I brake a few bones, at least I saved the fruit.


I'm scared to move. I think the impact actually knocked me silly.

I hear Meowth calling me, but he sounds far away.

Crap. I hope I didn't get a concussion or something.

I open my eyes, and try to make the tree branches that stretch above me stop spinning.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Answer me!" Meowth yells, I can hear him more clearly now.

"I... I..." I can barely talk, it hurts my head to even let a whisper escape from my lips.

Meowth bends over my face, looking directly at me.

"I got it." I say, weakly smiling and holding a shaky hand up, showing him the fruit.

"Perfect! And that's the last one to complete our job! See ya at the cabin!" He says and runs off.

I want to tell at him, tell him to slow down or wait for me, or call a doctor, because I probably need medical attention.

Welp, looks like I'm getting out of this one on my own.

I shakily move my hands to my sides and press on the ground, trying to raise my head, which results in throbbing pain.

I lay back down, trying to stop the immense pain.

I draw my knees up to the sky, and again try to raise my body up.

I just can't do it.

Great. What now? I can't believe Meowth left me. After falling 25 feet from a tree. I can't even move. What a jerk.

I can feel myself slipping from conciousness. I can't fall asleep. I can't...


I hear voices... They're far off. They sound familiar... I know them. Wait! It's Jessie and James!

"It was right around here, I swear!" Meowth says with his strange and quirky accent.

"You shouldn't have left her out here alone Meowth, are you crazy?!" James yells, followed by Meowth yelping in pain.

They seem to be getting further away.

I psych myself up, taking all the energy I can and send it to my vocal cords.

Come on.

I open my mouth to speak, but only a hoarse whisper escapes.

Come on!

"I'm here!" To me it sounds like a shout, but probably a normal tone.

It sends waves of pain to my head, making me wince.

A nausea hits me, making me want to retch.

"Wait, did you hear that?" James says.

"Help." I say a bit louder, making my head hurt worse, like it'd splitting open.

I have to quit. The pain is unbearable.

"Y/n!" I hear a unison of voices call, making me flood with relief.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" James is immidiatly down by my side, trying to pull me up.

"Stop." I whisper in a tiny voice.

He stops, with a confused expression.

"She looks pretty bad. Maybe we should take her to a doctor."

Jessie says, leaning over me.

"Right." James nods, scooping me into his arms, making me nauseous and the splitting headache returns, harder and stronger than ever before.

I'm slipping away again.

No one's pov

Y/n lay unconcious in her hospital bed, with needles and sticky pads and all sorts of things poking and prodding into her.

James sits on the edge of her bed, careful not to mess with any of the equipment.

Jessie sits in the chair in the corner, with Meowth in her lap, taking a nap.

Y/n's eyes flutter, making James look up with tired but excited eyes.

"Guys!" He calls the two's attention.

"She's waking up!" He says, making them rush over.

Slowly, y/n opens her eyes.

"You're okay!" Meowth says, relief flooding his face.

"Yeah no thanks to you." She half jokes.

"Be more careful next time you go climbing trees! You had us worried."

Jessie says, surprising y/n.

She nods, before drifting off again.

James sighs, letting his worry show though again. He truly worried, falling from that high and hitting your head can seriously mess you up.

Just then the doctor walks in.

"Well, bad news is, she has a concussion. Good news is, it's very mild. For 7-10 days I want her to be at home, with no loud noises or physical activity. She needs rest and sleep. She can go he tommorow."

James nods, thanking the doctor.

After a little while of waiting, Jessie and meowth go back to the cabin.

But James stays with y/n.

He tries to keep his eyes open as he holds her cold hand, which had no more equipment and needles in her.

She's only woken up once sinse they left, and she seemed like herself, just a little tired.

She told James to go home and get some sleep, but he refused.

He wouldn't leave her side.

He smiles and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, pressing his finger against her smooth, creamy skin.

Her skin is truly beautiful, so soft and clear. She's beautiful. She's perfect. At least, to him.


Pokemon James x reader pt2!Where stories live. Discover now