Chapter 14

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Itsuki (POV)
Naruto was on the outside of these barriers along with Makoto and Haku. I could still see everything.
Naruto- All right! You two are history! Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Itsuki- Wait no!
Zabuza throws shuriken at Naruto and he's not gonna be able to dodge in time. Suddenly, they get cancelled out by Haku's needles.
Makoto- The Hell was that for Haku? He was about to die.
Zabuza- Haku, what are you doing?
Haku- Zabuza, this boy, let me fight him my own way. Please.
Naruto- Bring it on!
Makoto- I say let us do it. We'll just have a fifth person dead on the ground soon.
Zabuza- Hmph. So you want me to leave this to you two. Is that it?
Makoto- Damn straight.
Zabuza- As usual, you're too soft Haku.
Haku- Forgive me.
Itsuki *mind*- You know he's right. I may be covered up in scratches but his needles didn't hit anything vital. Almost as if he did it on purpose. The same can't be said for Makoto. I was just lucky his arrows didn't hit anything important.
While Haku jabbers on to Naruto, I take one of the needles out of my skin and throw it at him. Makoto catches it out of the air.
Makoto- Tsk tsk tsk.
Haku- We haven't forgotten about you four. Some warriors accept defeat gracefully. They know when they are beaten.
Akari- Oh we're not beaten. (Everybody stands up slowly) We're just getting started.
Makoto- Yes! We get to play somemore!
Haku- So be it. Let's finish our battle then. To the death!
Naruto- Hey where you going?
Haku- It's ok Naruto. We'll have our fight next.
Makoto and Haku step back into the mirrors.
Itsuki- Here they come.
They appear in front of us and nowhere else. I slowly reach for a shuriken.
Makoto- Behind you idiot.
There not in front of us anymore but instead they are behind us.
Itsuki *mind*- They transported in an instant. But how?
Now they start to appear in all the ice mirrors with arrows and needles at the ready.
Itsuki- Shit!
Akari- Everyone cover up!
We get struck by needles and arrows from all directions again. Once the volley is through, my knees give out and I fall on my back.
Akari- Itsuki!
Kaito- Bro!
Itsuki- Don't worry about me. Just bleeding a little is all.
Kaito- A little my ass! You're bleeding from every cut and you have lots of em!
Itsuki- I'll be fine.
Itsuki *mind*- The key to this Jutsu has to be the mirrors. If we attack from in here and Naruto attacks from outside, then maybe we can pull this off.
Naruto- Hey guys. I snuck in here in save y'all. Pretty cool move huh Sasuke?
Sasuke- Naruto you are a complete loser!
Itsuki- The Hell were you thinking?!! You should've helped from the outside!
Akari- If we make it outta here, I'm kicking your ass.
Kaito- Ditto.
Naruto- What's you guy's problem? You should thank me for coming in here to help you!
Sasuke- Naruto, if we're all in here....Forget it! I'm tired of your mistakes!
Naruto- And I've had it with your attitude! Believe it!
Sasuke- That's it! I'm destroying these mirrors!
Itsuki- (gets up) I'm with you.
Sasuke- Fire Style...
Itsuki- Storm Style....
Sasuke- Fireball Jutsu!!
Itsuki- Double Storm Beam!
Fire comes out of Sasuke's mouth while lightning beams come out of my hands. The collaboration of our attacks hit the mirrors but don't faze them in the slightest.
Naruto- That didn't do anything at all!!
Kaito- Way to point out the obvious!
Makoto- That was weak.
Haku- You'll need way much more power and heat to melt this ice.
We get hit with another round of arrows and needles and it puts us all on the ground.
Naruto- Where are they coming from? Are they clones? We've gotta find the real ones! Which one is it!
Haku- Look into every mirror as hard as you'd like.
Makoto- It ain't gonna do a damn thing kid.
Naruto- Oh yeah?! Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Akari- No you imbecile!
The clones all go for a mirror but Makoto and Haku switch from mirror to mirror as they take out the clones with ease. Naruto falls back on the ground near us.
Haku- These mirrors only project our image. It allows us to transport ourselves at light speed. Through my eyes at least, you all appear to be moving in slow motion.
Itsuki- Damn it! We're getting nowhere with this shit.
Naruto- So I couldn't break a mirror. Big deal. He's not gonna stop me. I'm not giving up and I'm not gonna lose here. Because I have a dream and no one's going to take it away from me. Someday I'll be respected in my village. That's my dream, to be the greatest Hokage!
Haku- Dreams Huh? It was not my desire to be a shinobi. It's painful. I don't want to kill you. But if you advance, I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace the shinobi way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This bridge will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream just as you fight for all of yours. Please do not blame me. I fight for someone who is precious to me. I live for him, and I can face death for him so that his dream may become reality. That is my dream. And for the sake of that dream if I must, I will act as a shinobi and take all of your lives.
Makoto- Haha. So you've finally found your conviction Haku. Let's waste them!
Itsuki- (stands up) So you're willing to finally kill us? That's good. If I want to be the best in the world, that means that I have to take out both of you. (Gets into fighting stance) Bring everything you've got!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Peace.

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