Chapter 102

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Itsuki (POV)
Tayuya comes for us buts gets a shocked look on her face and stops abruptly on a tree branch.
Tayuya- What?! What are you doing here?
I notice she isn't looking at us but slightly behind us. We turn around only to see a white haired albino on top of body coffins. He flips off of them and kicks them off the our branch. He leaps off and catches them both and lands on the opposite branch facing away from us.
Kaito- What just happened?
Itsuki- We just got jacked in one swift motion.
Indigo: Pause.
Shikamaru- Sorry you guys. Looks like I miscalculated.
Tayuya- Kimimaru.

Kimimaru- You were taking too long Tayuya

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Kimimaru- You were taking too long Tayuya. And what if our comrades? What happened to our other three men? This from the former members of the Sound Ninja Five.
Tayuya- Why have you come back here? Your body now, your body should be.....
Kimimaru- My body is too devastated to move on it's own anymore. I used the power of my mind.
Tayuya- No way. Now you're cheating death?
Kimimaru- I understand much more now. The strength of my life force has intensified since escaping the prison of human flesh. I've had a taste of lord Orochimaru's magnificent dream. This vessel plus the sacred daughter is an important part of his dream. The vessel has the flesh that lord Orochimaru desires and the sacred daughter can carry his goals into the future. But you have taken too much time retrieving them.
Naruto- Hey jerk! I've had just about enough of this nonsense you're yakking about!
SI- Naruto!
Naruto- I'm taking Sasuke back now! He leaps off our branch and aims a punch at this Kimimaru guy.
Itsuki- Hey wait a second.
Kaito jumps off after Naruto. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tayuya not on her branch but instead looking to intercept Naruto from above.
Itsuki- Kaito!
Kaito- On it.
Still in the air, Kaito grabs the back of Naruto and yanks him back to us. Kaito then pulls his sword up just in time for Tayuya to throw a punch a him. She hits the flat of the blade and Kaito is sent back to us due to the force.
Kaito- Heh. Not bad pinky. That was some punch.
Tayuya- Shut it you idiot!
Kaito- Whatever you say.
He winks at her and she gets al red in the face. Kimimaru jumps down to Tayuya's location, whispers something to her for a couple seconds, then he takes off with both coffins.
Naruto- He's taking Sasuke.
Itsuki- And Akari.
Naruto- We gotta go get them!
Itsuki- Listen Naruto, I want to get Akari just as much as you want to get Sasuke but we gotta keep calm and levelheaded here.
Naruto- I can't calm down! We're losing them! He's gonna take both our friends away from us!
Tayuya reaches for something under her garb and pulls out a flute.

 Naruto- I can't calm down! We're losing them! He's gonna take both our friends away from us! Tayuya reaches for something under her garb and pulls out a flute

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Tayuya- You rodents.
Tayuya *mind*- Albeit one of you is a cute rodent.
Tayuya- I'm gonna end this thing in a flash.
Shikamaru- (whispers) You guys, I have a pla but you have to do exactly as I say.
He tells us the plan.
Shikamaru- All right you got it?
Naruto- Yeah.
Kaito- Yep.
Itsuki- Mhmm.
Tayuya- Well get on with it wimps.
Shikamaru- (pulls out kunai) It's four on one. We go the advantage by a landslide. If we gang up on her, we've got a really good shot. What you you say guys?
IKN- Lets get her!
Tayuya- Ha! It doesn't matter how many of you there are, you're still a group of worthless imbeciles!
Itsuki- Get your head out your ass. We've got the power of teamwork on our side.
Kaito- Here we come!
We all jump off the branch and head to Tayuya.
Tayuya- Bring it on!
Shikamaru swings his kunai and Tayuya blocks it with her flute.
Shikamaru- Naruto, Itsuki now!
Naruto- I'm gonna punch your lights out!
Itsuki- You'll be knocked into next week!
We go sailing over Tayuya much to her confusion. We land in another tree and I turn around to face her.
Tayuya- What the? This whole thing was a trick?! Teamwork my ass you dirty conniving little bastards!
Itsuki- Hey look, I'm not that sorry but instead on focusing on me, well........I'll just let you find out the hard way.
Tayuya- Wha?
Kaito appears to her left with is sword in mid swing.
Kaito- Sword Style: Hydro Blade!
His blade becomes encased in high pressured water and Tayuya sees it too late and gets hit from it the side and gets sent rocketing away. Kaito then turns to me.
Kaito- Shikamaru and I will handle her while you go ahead with Naruto. Oh and Itsuki, make sure you bring our girl back home.
I give him a slight nod and then turned around and departed with Naruto as we continue the chase for our friends.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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