Chapter 2

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One morning shortly after their confession, a strange man appeared at the orphanage. He was tall and lanky, with curly hair poking out from a maroon top hat. He gave off a menacing aura that made all the children hide when he entered the orphanage. "I'm looking for a particular child," he said to Madam Maria. His glance fell behind her to where Jimin and Elena were standing.
"I knew I sensed you," Jimin growled. His true form emerged and he spread his wings out,
shielding Elena from sight. "Sparrow."
"My prince," Sparrow bowed deeply, although he wore a sarcastic smirk on his face.
"Let us speak outside, so as not to bother the others, no?"
Elena blinked and suddenly the three were standing outside the orphanage.
"What do you want, Sparrow?" Jimin asked, scowling."Who is he?" Elena whispered worriedly to Jimin. She could tell something was off about the visitor from jimin's reaction.
"Hell's messenger. There's one reincarnated for every King of Hell. This one is my father's." Jimin whispered back.
Sparrow began speaking again. "The King requests your immediate return. Although you have been previously left to your own devices, he worries that you've grown soft on humans." He spat the word out as if tasting something particularly unpleasant. He glared at Elena, who was peaking over jimin's shoulder. Elena quickly ducked back behind jimin's wing.
"You can tell my father to fuck off!" Jimin shouted as he suddenly hurled chains of black pulsating energy at Sparrow. They wrapped around Sparrow's limbs and threw him to the ground. Sparrow slammed his hand on the ground as he fell and black markings appeared in a circular
pattern radiating out from his palm. The markings glowed red and three demons rose up from
the ground. One was a huge minotaur, one resembled a dragon, and the third was a bubbling black blob. Human heads continually emerged from the blob and screamed, only to be swallowed up again by the mass. Elena covered her mouth so that she wouldn't scream in fear. "Bring him to the King!" Sparrow shouted as he broke the chains Jimin had conjured. Jimin cursed. He leaped up and black tendrils extended from his body, impaling the demons. Black blood squirted out from the dragon and minotaur, but the blob absorbed the hit. Jimin was yanked out of the sky toward the blob, being pulled by his own tendril. He dissolved the
tendrils and instead dug his fingernails into his palm, drawing blood. The blackish red blood swirled out from his hand and formed a large knife. He hurled it at Sparrow, but the minotaur jumped into the air and hit it, redirecting it towards Elena.
She screamed and ran as the knife sped toward her. However, when it hit her, it morphed into a fluffy cloud and surrounded her. The cloud lifted her up and carried her away from the fight. Elena remembered words Jimin had said to her once before at the orphanage: "Since my power is an extension of me, and I love you, it will never hurt you." With Elena away from the fight, Jimin allowed his consciousness to seep away and his feral
instincts to take over. He was more powerful that way, but had near zero control of his actions.
Elena peered out from the cloud and watched the demons clash. She desperately wished to help Jimin, but knew she would only get in the way. "Please stop fighting..." she cried to herself. She shut her eyes in an attempt to stop her tears from falling, but suddenly she felt herself being lifted up and found herself face to face with the minotaur. She screamed bloody murder and struggled in its grip, but it was useless. The minotaur easily quashed her movements by squeezing her in his giant hand. Elena began to see stars as her small body was squished. "H-help me, Jimin !" She cried quietly using her remaining breath. Even in his feral state, Jimin heard her plea and rocketed toward her. However, in his desperation to get to her, he let down his guard. The blob rose up from the ground in front of the minotaur right as Jimin was about to barrel into the beast. The blob engulfed him with a sickening squooosh. Jimin struggled to free himself but his energy was being sapped away by the blob's goo at a rate faster than he could replenish it. "My goodness, you sure have gotten strong." Sparrow said as he approached them. He waved his hand at the minotaur, who still held Elena in his grip. "King's orders are to kill the girl."
"NOO!" Jimin screamed. "Please! No! I'll do anything, please!" He pleaded. "I'll go back,
please, just don't hurt her." Sparrow raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You sure are attached to her, aren't you?" He chucked.
"Fine. I'm not a heartless demon. But still..." he approached Elena.
"We can't very well have you remembering any of this, can we?" Elena whimpered as Sparrow grabbed her head. Her mind became blank and her eyes closed. Sparrow had erased all of her memories of Jimin.
"FUCK YOU!" Jimin bellowed. His eyes glowed red with rage and he was emitting an impressive amount of energy. Unfortunately, it was all absorbed by the blob.
The minotaur dropped the unconscious Elena on the ground as Sparrow whisked the demons back to hell.
The king of Hell was a fearsome beast. Unlike Jimin, he was barely humanoid and as big as a
two story building. His eyes were small and red, implanted in a face of wrinkled black skin that stretched to cover a snout that housed rows on rows of sharp teeth. Horns spiraled out from the sides of his head and extended down to his muscular shoulders. He had six arms, two where normal human arms are, two protruding from his chest, and two from his back. In each arm sat two to three succubuses, who were moaning and pleasuring themselves by rubbing their womanhood on his muscles. "My son," the Devil snarled from his throne.
"If I should even call you that. I hardly think a portion of my power imbedded in some human qualifies you as being anything less than mortal." A succubus screamed and bounced up and down as she came. The king lifted her up by her neck and brought her genitals to his mouth, lapping up the juices that squirted out with his long forked tongue. "That stupid oracle," the king said, dropping the spasming succubus onto the ground. Jimin glared at the succubus and she burst into flames. Jimin smirked as her screams of pleasure
morphed into screams of pain. It had been awhile since he had killed anything, and his demonic bloodlust shone through as he slowly dismembered and disemboweled the succubus using telekinesis. Even while restrained, he had more than enough power to make that pitiful being suffer. The king ignored the screams of the succubus, continuing as if nothing at all were happening. "The oracle was particularly satisfying to kill. But now I'm left with you, the little abomination destined to surpass even me in power." Jimin glared at his father in anger and disgust. He knew of the prophecy. The oracle of ages had created him by taking some of the Devil's power and implanting it in a human baby. The prophecy said that he, jimin, would be the the most powerful demon to ever exist and that he would be the last in the line of rulers of Hell, destined to rule for the rest of eternity. The oracle was a supernatural being, incarnated only when the universe had something it needed to accomplish. Jimin vaguely wondered why he of all people was chosen, but he frankly didn't really care. All that occupied his thoughts now was Elena. His whole being longed to be with her again. Jimin strained against the bonds that shackled him to no avail. If he directed any power at the restraints they only absorbed his power and became stronger. His mind churned, trying to think of a way out. I was able to use my power to kill the succubus, so maybe...
"Let me make a deal with you, father." Jimin drawled. While he talked he took control of as
many surrounding demons as he could, drawing them closer. If he could just weaken his father enough to escape the bonds... "Let me go. Let me do what I want, and I'll let you continue ruling over Hell. I won't kill you as long as you don't get in my way." Jimin was lying through his teeth. He fully intended to kill his to kill his father once he was strong enough. He wanted to make an example of him so that no one would dare question him again.The Devil stood up and bellowed in laughter.
"Do you take me for a fool? I know your game."
Jimin felt his mind control over the demons slip away. Damn it! He's on to me. Jimin thought to himself. The Devil conjured a stake of dark, undulating power and hurled it at Jimin, impaling him in the stomach. "I'd kill you if I could. Damn that oracle's curse!" He withdrew the stake, leaving jimin bleeding out. His blood spurted out from his midsection, creating a pool on the floor. Jimin coughed up more blood and looked at the gaping hole in is stomach, which was already starting to heal. It hurt like fuck, but jimin knew well that his father couldn't kill him. The oracle had ordained that should the Devil kill Jimin, both would die. However, jimin smirked at the thought, nothing was ever said about him killing the Devil.
"I've prepared something special for you, though." The King laughed.
"A special chamber that
should restrain you for all eternity. Your bonds will continually drain you of your power and transfer it to me. You will never be able to surpass me, you little bastard." Jimin spat on the ground in front of him, his wound already healing. "Just try me," he growled back. The king walked down and grabbed Jimin by the throat. He dragged him to the cell and chained him up with thousands of shackles. Finally he shut the door to the room and sealed it shut, locking jimin in for a little over a decade.

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