Chapter 5

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For detention, Elena was tasked with cleaning the classroom. Everyone else besides Jimin had gone home for the day. Elena used the school office's phone to call in to her job, and luckily her manager had let her off easy. But that's a whole shift's worth of pay I won't get. She thought sadly to herself.

I've been saving up a little for an actual apartment, but it looks like I'll have to cut into that money to buy food "Why the sad face? Is my cleaning sub-par?" Jimin joked. Elena smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing! Thank you so much for helping me. You really don't have to, you know."
"I want to. Plus there's this place I've been wanting to go for dinner. It opens tonight. Care to join?" He walked over and stood next to her as she paused cleaning the window.

"I'd love to! But...well, I don't have a lot of extra spending money right now and-"
he cut her offwith a wave of his hand.
"My treat, for showing me around today." Elena opened her mouth to protest but she found his finger pressed up against her lips. "No buts," he said. His finger lingered on her lips and moved ever so slightly back and forth. He marveled at how soft they were and he longed to cover her mouth with his... He moved his hand from her lips and cradled her cheek in his hand.

He leaned forward until their noses were just a breath away from touching.
"J-Jimin ?" she asked quietly. He felt his eyes shift and and a slight sting on his back as his wings threatened to emerge. It was so damn hard controlling himself around her.

He shut his eyes to keep her from seeing their blood red color and instead breathed in deeply, becoming intoxicated by her sweet scent... I bet her skin is even sweeter, and her mouth pure nectar. He exhaled sharply and a small lustful growl formed in his throat. Why was she still so far away? She needed to be closer, in his arms, pressed up against his body, his tongue in her sweet mouth... He stroked her cheek with one hand and moved the other to the small of her back, pulling her closer to his body.

He felt Elena shudder under his touch and his eyes snapped open to see her puzzled and frightened face. Fuck! he cursed himself. He could still feel his body raging against him, trying to shift into his Devil form and make her his... He turned around abruptly and left the classroom before his instincts took over. As soon as he was out of sight he transported himself away until he could calm down.

Elena was left in the classroom completely baffled and scared of what had just happened. Why
had Jimin gotten so close? His touch had been warm and gentle but she had felt his desperation was frightened of it. His scent of spices and warm woodsmoke lingered in her nose and the places he had touched still tingled as if he were somehow still touching her.

She was jolted out of her daydream when someone else entered the classroom "Hey, Elena, can I talk to you for a second?" Elena was lost for words. Her longtime crush of three years, who also happened to be the most popular boy in school, was standing in the same room, wanting to talk to her. The boy was slightly taller than Jimin and had dirty blonde hair. His eyes sparkled even in the absence of light and he radiated warmth.
"O-of course, taehyung." The first time they had met was Elena's first day of high school. She had been lost, and taehyung had found her and led her to the right place. He was the only person to havetalked to her kindly since she could remember.

Unfortunately, he was always surrounded by friends or fawning girls, so Elena was forced to admire him from afar, only hoping they would get a chance to speak again. Taehyung came a few steps closer and Elena felt her heartbeat speed up.

"That new student, park Jimin? He's not a good guy. I think you should stay as far away from him as much you can."
He ran his hands through his hair. He looked worried.
"I think you've got the wrong idea!" Elena said. "He's actually very nice, I don't think he would ever do anything bad..."
Her mind trailed off to a few minutes beforehand and what he had said at lunch, causing her resolve to waver.
"I know it's harsh to judge people so quickly, but you can trust me. You could say I know him, and it's really for the best if you steer clear. Alright?" he asked gently. Elena stayed quiet. She knew jimin wasn't a bad person. He had been so sweet to her today, and none of it had seemed fake. Even after knowing him for such a short period of time, she desperately wanted to trust him.
"Thank you for the warning, taehyung. I'll be sure to be careful." Elena smiled reassuringly at him, trying to keep a massive blush from crawling up her cheeks.

He was much more handsome up close. Taehyung smiled back and turned around to leave. Before he exited, he turned back and said, much to Elena's delight, "If anything happens just tell me, ok? I'll look out for you." Elena saw something gleam on taehyung's back, and for a split second she thought she saw beautiful white wings tucked gracefully back on his shoulder blades.

Elena closed her eyes and shook her head, and when she opened them again, he appeared normal. The door to the classroom shut and Elena's legs grew weak. She plopped down on the floor, a blushing mess.

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