Chapter 4

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At lunch time Elena realized that in her rush that morning, she hadn't had time to pack anything for lunch. Although it didn't matter too much since she didn't have much in the way of food anyway.
She sighed sadly and her stomach rumbled. Jimin noticed her discomfort immediately and snapped his fingers softly, making a mountain of delicious food appear in his backpack.

"Hey Elena," She looked up from rummaging around in her bag and met Jimin's dark eyes. "I packed way more food than I can eat. Do you want some?"
Elena smiled widely. "You are so nice. Thank you, but I-I'm ok! I couldn't take your food. That's your lunch!" Mmm, she's too sweet for her own good. Jimin thought to himself. "Then at least keep me company?" He asked and flashed a smile. Before she could answer he grabbed her hand and ledher out of the classroom. "Let's eat on the roof." He said.
"Other people piss me off."
"Ah, well, we aren't actually allowed on the roof..."
Elena said reluctantly, unwilling to go against the will of the first person to treat her kindly in years. They reached the top of the stairwell and Jimin grabbed the doorknob. "And it's usually locked-" The door opened with an easy click and the sunlight streamed through the opening. Elena was somewhat dumbfounded. She'd tried
the roof before to be alone since none of the other students ever wanted to talk with her, but it had always been locked.

Thinking about the other students made her heart sink. She should tell
him that she probably wasn't the best person to choose as a friend.
"Just trust me, ok?" She jumped a little as she was jolted out of her thoughts by Jimin's voice. He reached out and tucked that same piece of hair that she had fiddled with earlier behind her ear again. He was trying to find every excuse in the world to touch her. It was so difficult keeping his desires in check...but he had desperately wanted her to want him back, but he knew that wouldn't happen on the first day they met.

They sat down on the roof and Jimin unpacked an unreasonably large amount of food from his bag. Elena's eyes were wide with amazement. "How did you get all that to fit in there?"
"Magic," he replied.
He wasn't lying.
"I told you I have too much. If you don't help me eat all this...
I'll just feed it to you," he said playfully as he opened a bag of carrot sticks and stuck one in Elena's mouth. Her eyes brightened a little as she chewed on the carrot.
Her eyes quickly dulled though as she remembered what she wanted to tell him. "j-jimin ..." She started slowly. Jimin had to suppress a growl of pleasure from erupting from his chest. Damn, my name on her lips just sounds so... right. He thought. But he paused at the obvious waver in her voice.

She was anxious about something. What was it? Who was making her sad? Anger started to boil inside him and he fought to keep his eyes from changing back to their normal crimson color.
"I'm really happy we bumped into each other this morning, and thank you for being so nice to me." Her voice wavered. She really didn't want to distance herself from him, but she also didn't want to make his school life as miserable as hers. She wanted him to be happy. "I just don't think you should hang around me too much." She looked up and met Jimin's eyes, which had darkened considerably. All the playful, happy sparks she had seen before were gone, snuffed out by an almost murderous intent.

"Why?" he asked, his voice rumbling deep in his chest. He knew he was losing control but he couldn't help it. He'd just found her again and already there was something trying to take heraway...
"It's not you at all!" she exclaimed, frightened by his sudden change in demeanor. "It's
at school, and, well, everywhere, I guess... People just seem to not like me." Her voice trailed off before snapping back with more explanation, trying to appease him.

She didn't want to make him angry. "And I think you'd be happier having someone else better as a friend. You know, someone who people like more, and is funnier, an-mmpf?" She stopped short as a piece of macaron was put in her half open mouth. Jimin chuckled, his attitude shifting right back to warm and kind. She was so silly. It's not that people didn't like her, it's that they all loved her too much. It had made his jealousy run rampant as a child, so he cast a curse of sorts that would keep anyone but him from getting close to her.

"I hate everyone anyway." he said. "Except you, of course. So don't worry, that doesn't bother me at all. On the contrary, it makes things a lot easier."
Elena's concern was replaced by confusion. "W-why do you hate people? I suppose they might do
bad things sometimes, but they are good! And I'm sure everyone loves you since you are so kind." She paused.
"And... why just me?"
Jimin looked up at the clouds passing over the sun. She was too pure for her own good. "People are definitely not good, Elena." I should know, I'm the fucking Devil after all. He scoffed quietly and purposefully ignored the second part of her question. He could see she was becoming more distressed, so he changed the topic quickly. He hated seeing her sad or upset. "Do you happen to know what books we need for math, Elena?"

Her face lit up again and she happily told him all he needed to know as they snacked on the rest of their food. She decided to put her questions and doubts on hold. He was new, and the last thing she wanted to do was bombard him with philosophical dilemmas about the nature of humanity. Or her own worries, for that matter.
There was one thing nagging at the corner of her mind though. She was sure she hadn't told him her name, and the teacher always called her by her last name Daves . So how did he know...?

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