Im sorry but who do you think you are?

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"You venture a long way young warrior" he boomed "how did you manage to sneak into Asgard?" He leaned back in his throne assessing me with his beady eyes. I only sat and stared eventually I sneezed in the silence but that only enraged him "answer!", he was met with silence.

 "Show your true form" he then sneered.

I didn't move.

It was silent in the throne room, the woman looked at Odin with a concerned expression no doubt thinking he was mad. 

"Guards, force her" he commanded and I visually tensed, I felt the harsh tug at the collar pulling me back and it burnt into my neck. He was harshly walking tugging the lead backward and I couldn't get a footing as I was dragged back.

 I held on for as long as I could on the brink of tears when after a few whimpers I gave in my wolf form losing its hold. Much to everyone else's horror I shifted clutching the collar in an attempt to yank it off with a grunt and a gasp. But It didn't work.

Friggas POV:
I looked to my husband, Odin with apprehension, I was unmindful of what he was doing, this was a mere creature. 

I failed to comprehend why he would bring such a beast into the palace under such enforcement.

"Guards, force her" he commanded which resulted in me looking back to the animal who tensed in fear. 

It seemed to understand what he was commanding, before I could open my mouth to speak further the guard began to drag the canine back on its hind legs causing a sizzling sound to erupt causing myself to cringe.

 The collar was silver, this was no ordinary animal. I could see the poor thing being dragged and made feeble attempts to escape but to no avail.

 Before I could place a hand on my husband, the creature had shifted into a maiden. Her brunette hair framed her face in a high ponytail which was now messy with attempts to escape. 

Two brown fur canine ears stuck up on her head and a brown tail swished at her side confirming she was the wolf we had just seen moments before. A wolf, that is the creature's name, I had not seen such an animal for a long time.

She clutched the collar around her neck in an attempt to pull it off with a grunt and gasps turned to splutters. My eyes widened at the sight she wore leather undergarments like clothes. It was clear she has been in brawls and disputes as scars littered her waist and sides.

She glared at Odin and huffed panting tiredly as her neck was a strong prominent red. 

"Speak" Odin commanded. She did no such thing which I knew would only anger him. I decided to glance over to my sons out of curiosity. They were both aghast as well but in both of their eyes, I could see a hint of interest and care, although I could see it more in my son Loki's.

"Speak or you will go to the dungeons" my husband continued, she glared at him and then growled baring two sharp teeth ears pinned back against her head.

 I took a step back a bit frightened but through all the anger she had for my husband I could see a hint of fear and sadness it was hard to see but her golden eyes kept a large barrier up. 

"Guards take her to the dungeons" 

 "but father-" Thor started "no my son there will be no debating the matter" Odin concluded firmly and the woman's eyes darted between Odin and Thor's in confusion her brows knitting together only for a moment.

Before the woman could do anymore she was roughly grabbed by the arms and heaved upright by the guards. Her bare soil covered feet barely touching the floor and her head hanging low her matted hair covering it. 

It was clear she was exhausted and could barely stand properly but they tugged her out of the doors regardless.

My sons watched on in dejection and vexation as we all looked back to my love. Odin. "Father who was she?" I could sense the rising frustrations in Loki's voice.

 "no one you need know of" he waved a hand in dismissal "Odin, darling please, inform us on her" I pleaded placing a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me and his eyes softened "Frigga my dear it is matters you should not need to get mixed into" he stated calmly "but darling, you have so far taken an innocent woman to the dungeons" I argued, "she is not innocent!" He boomed tensing "then enlighten me on why that is" I demanded. 

"My sons you are dismissed" He informed and they reluctantly left the throne room with huffs of bitterness and skepticism.

"Frigga my dear, she is not from this realm or any of the 9, she is from another realm the tenth realm that is filled with monstrous creatures" my love started, "I am unsure of how she has managed to venture into Asgard but I am determined to find out the reasoning for it" he finished. 

I sighed but nodded. "I am sorry my darling but it is for the good of Asgard",I agreed although I couldn't help but find a sense of innocence as though she wasn't one to kill someone or something for the mere pleasure of it as most monstrous creatures are made out to be.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now