Valentines Day

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Greystripe: Hey, Tigerclaw! What's with the flowers?

Tigerclaw: *rolls eyes* It's Valentines Day!

Greystripe: It is? *rushes off to find flowers for Millie*


Brackenfur: Hey, Greystripe! What's with the flowers?

Greystripe: Duh! It's Valentines Day!

Brackenfur: Really? *rushes off to find flowers for Sorreltail*


Firestar: Hey, Brackenfur! What's with the flowers?

Brackenfur: Don't you know? It's Valentines Day!

Firestar: Oh my StarClan! *rushes off to find flowers for Sandstorm*


Firestar: Hi Sandstorm! Look at these flowers I brought you!

Sandstorm: Uh, thanks. But why?

Firestar: Heh. It's Valentines Day. I didn't forget this year!

Sandstorm: Firestar, that's sweet of you but... It's October.

Firestar: :0 It is?

Sandstorm: *walks off shaking head*

Firestar: *meets Brackenfur and Greystripe*

Brackenfur: Dude, Greystripe! It's not even Febuary! Thanks for the embarrassment! >(

Firestar: Yeah! Geez Greystripe!

Greystripe: :0 it wasn't me! Tigerclaw-

Tigerclaw: *behind bush* *troll face*

Firestar: Grrr what was that for Tigerclaw?

Tigerclaw: April fools, suckers! Its not Valentines Day!

*all pick up sharp sticks*

Tigerclaw: Uh oh. *runs*

Firestar, Greystripe, and Brackenfur chase Tigerclaw out of sight*

Millie: Like kits...

Sorreltail: Toms... *smh*

Sandstorm: *checks calendar* And it's not even April!

Millie: *facepaw*

Sorreltail: *facepaw*

Sandstorm: *facepaw*

The End

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