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I woke up to cries of Adhan, and someone poking my side.
Annoying, typical muntazzzz.
"Please remind me why you came back ?"

"For real ?, I know you missed me bishhhh, sha I brought what you asked now get up and eat And get ready then go feed your husband" she said with a smirk, I got up and started changing into a red crop top and high waist skirt toppled by a fatimarh mou abaya, I was happy that I was finally out of that hospital gown.

"Ke banza ce muntaz, what could possibly happen we are in a hospital idi

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"Ke banza ce muntaz, what could possibly happen we are in a hospital idi..." I couldn't finish my statement cause the door was gently pushed revealing Ammi , she looked stressed but beautiful as always , I dropped the mug in my hands and proceeded to step down from the bed and greet her but she rushed to my side and held me.

"Qanuni take it easy , how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay Ammi alhamdullilah" I said shyly
Allah I was shy not typical iskanci Khadija shy no the actual shyness 😂 she smiled and looked towards muntaz

"I hope you're feeding her well"

"Yes Ammi I am but she refused to eat"
Kaiii muntaz can lie as if I wasn't the one that asked her to cook , I gawked at her then turned and smiled at ammi . 

"Wallahi Ammi I've eaten"

"No qanuni I will not hear of it , muntaz bring the food over here let me feed her myself"
Muntaz rushed to the warmers and started loading food on the plate.
I remember how she always complained in school about my non Chalant attitude towards food only junk food.
Issit my fault I mean I have a strong obsession for good food , I yearned kayan dadi(junk)

I thought Ammi was joking but she legit fed me , I was afraid to even breathe Wallahi , and all this while mumu muntaz was video taping and laughing.

I was in the hospital room bored after three ms left with some staff , I couldn't bare it anymore so I got up and tried moving , it wasn't as bad as I thought , I got up, walked around a bit then adjusted my shirt and walked out , I was told by bullz that Afrahs room was beside mine.
I just wanted to see her , I feel comfortable when ever I see her , even if it's for her to give me one of her famous sexy glares, There was laughter coming from the room, I pushed the door gently, Ammi was on the bed with afrah , feeding her while muntaz was video recording and poking her tongue at afrah while Ammi wasn't looking.

I pushed the door and they all looked at me.
"Muntaz I'll need that video"

She smiled and greeted me while afrah glared at her.

"Afaan what are you doing walking around like that , you're supposed to be in bed"Ammi asked and afrah smirked.
Oh so you're happy I'm getting scolded , let's be even then.

"Ammi Am, noi? I came to feed my wife but it seems you beat me to it" afrah choked on the water she was drinking and Ammi rushed to her side.
She stoped coughing and Frowned at me.
Now we are even wifey , or not.

"Ammi am can I borrow wifey please"


Afaan really embarrassed the hell out of me but I guess the torture isn't over yet.

"Ammi am" he called again in his (sexyyy hoarse voice ohh la la, snap out of it) while Ammi was rubbing my back gently.

"Can I borrow wifey please"he asked as sweet as possible but there was traits of sarcasm laced on each word from can" to "please".
"of course Is she not your wife, ja'iri(naughty boy"  Muntaz giggled and I felt like crying.

"Qanuni , your husband is here for you , but if you don't want to go with him tell me and you won't go anywhere okay?" I nodded and stared at him, my annoying husband stood there arms crossed , smirking as if he knew I won't say no.
Dan rainin wayo.

I got up and followed him to his room , he sat on the bed , and left me standing.

"Thank you"I muttered.

"For what?" He asked cocking his brows.

"For saving me , I owe you one" he grinned , I'm not kidding afaan actually grinned.

"You just grinned"

"Did I ?"

"You know you did dufus" I rolled my eye then realized what I said.

"Did you just call me a dufus?"

"Ermmm no, so why did you get me up from my room?"

"You're my nanny remember , you said you owe me one so can you be a darling and come over here"

I rolled my eyes and moved towards him.
He was lying down on the bed, he pulled me towards him placing my head on his chest, everything stopped for a minute and all I could hear was his heartbeat and a sense of protection and security, I felt safe , this is where I belong right here with this annoying man.

"Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are..."

I was brought back to our current situation by a tap to the door , I struggled to wriggle myself from afaans grip but he wouldn't budge.

"Afaan please let me go,someone's by the door"
I half whispered , half screamed.

"No wifey , you have to be romantic" he winked and there was a loud bang on the door again.

"Please baby, let me go" I said on the verge of tears , he carefully let me go and the door clicked open , in the rush to get down I fell and landed hard on my butt, like real hard.

Bullz entered first, looked down on me , then at afaan who was suppressing his laughter from escaping I knew bullz wasn't alone , I glared at afaan to help me up, he burst out laughing then walked to me and helped me up.
God I was so embarrassed.

They stalled in and shared confused looks then the confused look turned to a weird grin.

"Haan no wonder , we were just in your room and found nobody Ashe Ashe Ana nan" mufadaal spoke wiggling his brows.

"Kai ka bari kawai, we need to get married and fast mubarak"

"Ive gotten my soul mate nikam bullz , I'm out of that league"

Bullz punched him playfully as they started shouting, bombarding him with questions.

"You broke our bro code dude , how can you meet a girl and not tell us, your dudes, you know it's bros over hoes remember?"
I hated that bro code shit

"She's not a hoe , she's a girl I'm ready to settle with you idiot , fuck you" I smiled , in as much as I enjoy their little banter , I was exhausted and needed some rest, I whispered bye to his ears and told the guys good night.

"Haan you're not sleeping here with teddy husband"bullz winked
I ignored him and walked pass him then turned and returned his sarcasm.

"Only if teddy husband doesn't call me back"

I ran to my room , and switched on my phone there was lots of get well soon messages from well wishers and a message from afaan , I read the message and literally broke muntazs back cause I jumped on her and screamed, they kept asking what was wrong with me and I pointed at my phone , zara picked my phone from the bed and read aloud.

"Does bora bora sound good 💋?"

My dreammmmmmmm is coming true , I love bora bora with all my life Xx.

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." - Marie Curie"

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now