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Duncan walked into the boys cabin smiling ear to ear, everyone noticed and Trent gave Duncan a knowing look.

"He kissed Courtney." Trent said and everyone cheered, Duncan chuckled as he got pats on the back and high fives.

"It's about time! What else did you guys do? come on!" Owen said as he nudged Duncan playfully, Duncan chuckled.

"Down boy! We were stargazing, we stole food and we.. kissed." Duncan said and Geoff came up to him with a smirk.

"She's turning you soft. I knew it!" Geoff said and everyone laughed, Duncan cheeks turned a slight pink and he tried to defend himself.

"Hey man, I am not going soft!" Duncan said as he stuck his finger in Geoff face, Geoff rolled his eyes and moved his hand away from his face.

"It's okay, don't get you panties in a bunch." Geoff said as he sat down on his bunk, out of the corner of Duncans eye he could see the girls turned the cabin light off.

"I'll be right back." Duncan said and everyone gave him strange looks. "Where are you going? Its midnight."

"Courtney has my jacket." Duncan said as he walked toward the girls cabin, he heard the boys laughing behind him but ignored them.

"He loves her." Geoff said and all the boys nodded in agreement.

Duncan walked into the girls cabin and spotted Courtney on her bunk sleeping, he walked over to her and laid in her bed. He put her head on his chest and closed his eyes.

"Duncan what are you doing?" Courtney whispered as she looked up at him, Duncan chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I wanted to cuddle you." Duncan whispered, Courtney smiled against his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll be gone before you girls wake up." Duncan whispered and Courtney nodded. Soon Courtney fell asleep.

Duncan laid there looking down at her laying in his arms, he ran his finger through her hair as she slept peacefully with a smiled spread across her tan cheeks.

Duncan laid his head back and closed his eyes, and sleep consumed him.


Courtney woke up the next morning cold, she remembered Duncan sneaking into the cabin to cuddle her, she smiled and opened her eyes.

She frowned when she realized  Duncan had left, he promised he would but she wanted to wake up to see his teal eyes and his smile.

She got out of bed and dressed in a white tank top, jeans, she contemplated on wearing Duncans leather jacket but she shrugged it on.

She walked into the mess hall and Bridgette followed behind her, they sat down in the mess hall and started talking.

"So are you and Duncan a thing now?" Bridgette asked as she picked at her so called 'food'. Courtney was about to speak until an arm was wrapped around her shoulder.

"Yup she my princess now." Duncan said as he kissed her cheek, Courtney giggled and smiled sheepishly at Duncan.

"That's great, we can go on triple date now!" Bridgette said and Courtney laughed, she looked up to Duncan and he only smirked at her.

"Oh yeah do you want your jacket back, Duncan?" Courtney asked as she took her arm out of the sleeve.

"No, keep it, it looks better on you then it did me." Duncan said as he gave Courtney a goofy smile, Courtney laughed and laid her back against his chest.

"Alright you guys can do what you want, get out of my face." Chef hatchet yelled and everyone scurried out of the mess hall.

Everyone walked toward the campfire and sat down, Courtney smiled at Duncan as she sat on his lap.

Trent sat down and pulled out his guitar, he smiled at Gwen and started to lightly strum on his guitar.

Duncan dug into his pocket and smiled. "Courtney I've got something for you."

Courtney looked down into his hand, and raised a brow. "Oh.. is it a skull?"

"I carved it for you, look at the bottom." Duncan said as he flipped the skull around and there engraved in the bottom was DxC with a heart.

"Oh Duncan, thank you." Courtney said as she took the skull out of his hand and put it into her pocket. She turned around and kissed him.

He smiled and kissed her back. He brought his hand to her hair and played with her hair. She pulled away and laid her head on his chest.

Everyone talked as they sat around the campfire, and Trent slightly strummed on his guitar. Duncan smirked deviously and lifted Courtney's head away from his chest.

She looked at him strangely as he started to kiss her neck, he smirked against her neck and bite down, she gasped sharply.

He licked over the spot he just bit and Bridgette turned to them and her nose turned up in disgust. "Can you guys not have sex in front of us?!"

Duncan flashed a smirked at Bridgette. "Nah we'll just do it in the cabin, come on princess."

Courtney sat up and Duncan slung her over his shoulder, she protested by hitting his back, duncan walked into the cabin and slammed the door.

"That was beyond disturbing." Bridgette said as she looked at the cabin and then back at the group.

"Yeah, are you guys going to the dance on the beach tonight?" Gwen asked as she laid her head on Trent's shoulder.

"Yeah totally." LeShawna said as Harold sat beside her, everyone else nodded and talked about the dance.


Duncan put his shorts back on and Courtney strapped on her bra. Once they we're dressed they sat on the bed and Courtney tried fixing her hair.

"So.. you know that dance, do you wanna go with.. me?" Duncan asked and Courtney smiled.

"Of course I'll go with you, dunkie." Courtney smiled as Duncan ran his fingers through her hair.

"I knew you would say yes." Duncan said as he kissed her forehead, she giggled.

"So that Scott guy. At the beach, is he you friend?" Duncan asked and Courtney raised a brow.

"Yeah we used to make mud pies together when we were younger, why?" Courtney asked and Duncan sighed.

"Cause.. the way he looked at you made me want to punch him." Duncan growled and Courtney kissed his cheek.

"I've always known he liked me as something more than a friend, but I never liked him like that." Courtney said and Duncan sighed in relief.

"If you leave me for him, which you won't, that'd be a total downgrade." Duncan said and Courtney slapped his shoulder.

"Don't talk like that, I would never leave you." Courtney said and Duncan kissed her passionately.

"I know you would never leave me." Duncan said against her lips, Courtney giggled and nodded.


I can't wait to write the next chapter, it's gonna be great.
Vote and comment. xoxo ❤️

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