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"W-What?" Courtney stuttered, Karen sighed and placed her hand on Courtney's shoulder.

"My business moved and so are we, now go pack up your things." Karen said and Courtney felt a tear run down her cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Courtney said and Karen narrowed her eyes at Courtney.

"Watch your tone! I saw how much fun you were having with your friends and I didn't want to ruin it." Karen sighed Courtney scoffed.

Karen eyed Courtney up and down and gasped when she saw she was wearing a leather jacket. "Who's jacket is that?!"

"None of your business!" Courtney yelled and she stormed upstairs, she slammed her door and locked it.

She threw herself onto her bed and cried into her pillow. She didn't want to leave. What about her friends? What about Duncan?

She cried harder when she thought about what she was going to tell Duncan, a long distance relationship would be too much to bare.

Her thoughts were interrupted by knocking at her window, she looked up and saw Duncan at her window.

She stood up and unlocked her window, she walked back to her bed and cried into her pillow.

Duncan quickly walked to her and brought her up to face him, she sobbed and hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong princess?" Duncan asked as he stroked her hair, she whimpered and wiped away her tears.

"M-my mom said we are moving." Courtney stuttered and Duncan frowned, he hugged her tightly and she sat in his lap.

"Where are you going?" Duncan asked. The thought of her leaving was eating him alive right that moment.

"I don't know, but she told me to pack." Courtney said and she got out of his lap, she walked toward her dresser and started packing.

"What you can't go! What about us?" Duncan said as he grabbed her hands, she shook her head and entwined their fingers.

"I don't know about us, I'll figure it out." She said as she stuffed her shirts into her suitcase, his jaw dropped.

"Your really going to move? Courtney think about us, and everyone else." Duncan pleaded, Courtney opened her drawer and threw her shirts into her suitcase.

"Why can't I move! It's my mother's choice, not mine!" Courtney defended, Duncan yelled out of anger and grabbed Courtney so she would face him.

"Because I love you! I love you so damn much, and I don't want you to leave, please." Duncan pleaded, Courtney kissed him passionately.

He melted into the kiss and brought her closer to him, she slowly pulled away and gave him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can handle a long distance relationship." Courtney said and Duncan felt a pang in his heart.

"What do you mean? No, no we can work this out!" Duncan was hysterical, Courtney looked at him with glossy eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry but it's over, maybe it just wasn't meant to be." Courtney said and Duncan's jaw hung open.

"Are you hearing your myself right now? Courtney your the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Duncan said and Courtney sighed.

"You mean a lot to me Duncan but I can't do this, I think you need to leave." Courtney said as she opened her window.

"What- Courtney please, don't do this." Duncan pleaded.

"Duncan I'm sorry, maybe one day we'll meet again but it's over, I'm sorry." Courtney said and Duncan sighed.

"Fine." Duncan said and he stepped out of the window, as she was about to shut it he stopped her.

"I love you." Duncan said, Courtney looked down at him with glossy eyes and smiled at him.

"I love you too." Courtney said and with that she shut the window, she watched as Duncan walked to his car and drove away.

She locked her window and cried, she walked toward her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes and face were red, she wiped away her tears and packed all of her things in her bathroom.

When she was done she walked back downstairs and her mother was waiting there. "Who were you yelling at upstairs?"

"None of your business." Courtney sneered and walked toward the movers truck, she put her bag into the front seat and sighed.

She walked back inside and walked up to her bedroom, she slammed the door behind her and flopped onto her bed.

She brought the skull Duncan carved for her out of her pocket, she smiled and laughed a little when she turned the skull over.

DxC <3

"I'll miss you." Courtney whispered as she held the wooden skull in her hands, she placed in onto her dresser and fell back onto her bed.

She closed her eyes and sleep consumed her.


I'm cryingggggg
Trust me this hurt me to write this, but I'll make up for it in later chapters.

Vote and comment. xoxo ❤️

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