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Duncan slammed the car door, Bridgette and Geoff followed behind him, trying to reason with the fuming punk.

"Wait till I get my hands on that dirt boy, I'll give him something worse than a bruise!" Duncan fumed.

Bridgette sighed and placed a hand on Duncan's shoulder. "Do you think it's mature to beat him up? Why don't you sort this out like a mature person."

"Fuck that! This will teach him not to touch my princess." Bridgette rolled her eyes at his statement.

"She's not yours Duncan."

"Whatever, where does she live again?" Duncan asked

"375 Westbrook." Bridgette said and gave him the GPS, his eyes widened.

"That's like two hours away!" Duncan said and Bridgette smirked at him.

"Step on it! If you go fast we'll be there in like an hour, go!" Bridgette said and Duncan obliged.

He drove like a maniac, not stopping at red lights, going way over the speed limit. He did everything you were told not to do in drivers ed.

Soon they were at Courtney's house, he parked the car and saw Scott and Courtney walking toward the front door, perfect.

He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and Bridgette suddenly got very worried and nervous. "Now Duncan lets think about this before you go and do something stupid."

"Malibu theres nothing to think about. Now stay in the car, this might get nasty." Duncan said and he stormed toward the front door.

"Hey dirt boy!" Duncan yelled, Scott and Courtney both turned. Scott nearly shit himself when he saw Duncan.

Duncan looked at Courtney's hand to see she had a hand brace. Suddenly he felt rage coursing through his veins.

He stormed toward Scott and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall on the ground. Duncan quickly got on top of him.

"Don't you ever touch my princess ever again!" Duncan yelled, Courtney backed up as she saw Scott slowly smirk.

Scott suddenly threw Duncan off of him, he fell to the ground and Scott tried punching him but all he did was scratch him on the face, a deep scratch.

Duncan smirked and punched him in the nose, Scott groaned in pain and fell back on the ground. Duncan looked up to see a completely horrified Courtney.

He looked back down at Scott and smirked. Scott looked up at him and yelled. "I think you broke my goddamn nose!"

Duncan only smirked. "Oops, my mistake, maybe this will teach you to keep your dirty paws off of my princess."

Courtney ran toward Duncan and gasped, she pointed to his cheek. "Duncan your bleeding! Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Duncan let her drag him inside, she walked toward the bathroom, washed her hands, and grabbed a med kit.

She walked back into her bedroom and sat down on the bed, he sat beside her and she opened the med kit.

"He got you good." Courtney said as she applied pressure to his cheek, he smirked.

"But I go him better. Didn't I?" Duncan said smugly, she only smiled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I see your wearing my jacket." Duncan said as he felt the leather jacket, Courtney blushed and nodded.

She grabbed a water battle and rinsed his wound, Duncan smiled sheepishly and looked into her onyx eyes.

"All my clothes still smell like you, like strawberries." Duncan said and Courtney giggled.

"Your jacket still smells like you, cigarettes and peppermint." She smiled.

She grabbed the gauze and put a small square to where his cut was, she smiled at her handy work.

"You know, Malibu was planning this trip to lake wawanakwa, you should come." Duncan smiled.

"I would love to come, your all cleaned up now. If you want you can leave."

"Wait it still hurts, maybe if you kiss it it'll feel better." He poked out his lip and Courtney laughed.

She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, his face softened and he let out a sigh. "Much better."

"You know I really fucking missed you." Duncan admitted, Courtney only blushed and nodded sheepishly.

"I.. missed you too.." Courtney said and they found themselves leaning into one another, just as their lips were about to connect the door swung open.

Her eyes shot wide open and she pushed Duncan off the bed, he fell on the floor with a grunt. Bridgette smirked.

"Am I interrupting something?" Bridgette asked, already knowing the answer. Duncan gave her an annoyed look.

"Yeah you kinda were! I was totally about to lock lips with her!" Duncan pouted and crossed his arms.

Bridgette raised a brow and turned to Courtney. "Is that true?"

"Y-yes its true.." Courtney laughed nervously, Bridgette sighed.

"Alright girl talk! Duncan get our now." Bridgette ordered, he huffed and left the room.

"Are you sure you want to do that again?" Bridgette asked, Courtney sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know.." Courtney said and Bridgette smiled, she placed a hand on Courtney's shoulder.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other, that true love." Bridgette said, Courtney looked up at her and raised a brow.

"True love? Are you hearing yourself? That only happens in the movies." Courtney rolled her eyes.

"No but what you two have is something I can't put my finger on, it's strange but fascinating."

"Yeah yeah, whatever girl talk is over I'll see you on that wawanakwa trip."

"Alright bye Court! Figure out if you want to go out with him Okay?"

"Okay. Bye Bridgette!"


Bridgette walked back to the car and saw Duncan and Geoff laughing their asses off.

"Did you see the way you punched him! It was hilarious!" Geoff yelled, Duncan laughed.

"I think I broke the fuckers nose! It was sick!" Duncan yelled and but the keys into the ignition.

"The best part is, is that princess totally wants me back, score!" Duncan laughed and put the car in drive.

"Was it worth it?" Bridgette asked, Duncan gave her a 'duh' look and rolled his eyes.

"Of course it was worth it, that was years of me wanting to knock his ass out." Duncan said as if it were nothing.

"Ugh, men." Bridgette rolled her eyes, Duncan and Geoff only continued to laugh their asses off the hole way back home.


I was laughing so hard while I was writing the part where Duncan and Scott were fighting, my sides still hurt!
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