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"Scott did what?!" Karen yelled, Courtney rolled her eyes and laid back against the couch.

"Look mom, he kissed me and I punched him. Like you always taught me." Courtney said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"I thought you liked him." Her mom frowned, Courtney only shrugged and kicked her feet on the coffee table.

"Well I didn't. Now my friends are going to lake wawanakwa, can I go?" Courtney asked.

"Only if you take Scott with you." Her mom said and Courtney scoffed and said. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm sure he's really sad right now." Her mom said and Courtney sighed.

"Fine he can come, but if he touches me I'm going to punch him again." She sighed.

"Alright go pack." Her mom said and Courtney obliged. She went upstairs and began to pack her things.

When she was packing her things she heard a knocking at the window, she raised a brow and walked toward it.

When she came to the window she was greeted by a smirk. She rolled her eyes with a smiled and opened the window.

"Sup princess." Duncan said as she sat on her bed, he leaned against the wall and she smiled at him.

"Hi Duncan. What are you doing here?" Courtney asked, Duncan smirked and walked toward her, sitting next to her on the bed.

"I wanted to see if farm boy was fucking with you again, and I wanted to try something." Duncan smirked.

"He isn't, we haven't really talked since the incident. What do you want to try?" She asked.

"I'm going to need you to be very still." Duncan said as he leaned into her, she found herself leaning into him until she heard his voice. (A/N twilight vibes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Don't move." He said in a deep voice making her shiver with excitement. She did as she was told and let him lean into her.

She felt heat all around her body when she felt him brush his lips against hers. Just as their lips were about to connect they heard footsteps coming toward her room.

She immediately pushed Duncan off the bed, causing him to fall on the floor with a loud thud. The footsteps got louder.

"Hide!" Courtney whisper yelled, he nodded and crawled under her bed. The door opened and Karen walked in.

"Courtney are you okay? I heard some noises up here." Karen asked, Courtney quickly nodded.

"Yep I'm Fine. Never been better!" Courtney said with a fake smiled, Karen raised a brow and walked toward her.

She pressed her hand against Courtney forehead and gasped. "You're burning up!"

"Mom I'm perfectly fine. I promise." Courtney said and she nodded and left the room.

Once the door closed Duncan came out from under her bed. He smirked at her flushed face.

"Nice going princess. Didn't think you would make it." He chuckled, she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How about we finish what we started. You know the thing you wanted to do?" Courtney purred. Duncan smirked and walked toward the window.

"Would love to princess but it's late and I'm tired." He faked a yawn and opened the window, Courtney smiled.

"Whatever bye." Courtney waved, he was about to crawl out of the window but he turned to her and smiled.

"Wait until we go to the lake, I'll have a surprise for you." Duncan said with a light blush spread across his cheeks.

"Okay Dunkie, go before my mom see you." Courtney smiled at him, he nodded and left, closing the window behind him.

Courtney blew out a pint of air, she sat down on her bed and held her hand to her chest. He plans were sweaty and her heart was beating out of her chest.

Why does he do this to her?


It's officially the day they leave for lake wawanakwa again, she was excited because the last time they stayed there they had a limited amount of time there.

Also Duncans surprise, she was curious and anxious for that.

Unfortunately she had to ride with Scott, there was no sound in the car except for the blaring radio. She didn't want to speak to him.

She still had her hand brace, the doctor said that she would be able to take it off in about two weeks. Or two weeks of hell according to Courtney.

When they arrived to lake wawanakwa she immediately grabbed her things and bolted out of the car.

She met up with everyone at the campfire, when Gwen arrived she brought a pale blonde girl.

Gwen smiled at the the girl and they walked up to the group, Gwen spoke. "Guys this is dawn a good friend of mine."

"Hi dawn." We all introduced ourselves and everyone decided to play a game of beach volleyball, because of the perfect weather.

Courtney set down a towel on the beach and sat down. She grabbed her book and opened it to her recent page.

She looked up and spotted dawn and Scott, they were talking and laughing together. She smiled and looked up at the volleyball match.

She saw a shirtless Duncan, with sweat dripping down his chiseled chest. His neon green Mohawk looked like it was shinning in the sunlight.

She smiled and focused her eyes on her book, but every so often she would look up to see Duncan laughing, and she would smile every time she saw him smile or laugh, or be happy in general. It made her happy.

She thought back to what Bridgette said the other day. "Figure out if you want to go out with him again."

She looked up to see him looking at her, when he caught her eye he blushed and looked away. She smiled half expecting him to lure at her.

She was pretty sure she made her decision now, and that was yes, she did want to go out with him again.

They didn't have much time together, like a week? Courtney wanted to go back in time and relive that week over and over again.

She remembered when he used to lay his head in her lap, and she would play with his mohawk. She found out that he had a sensitive scalp, and he liked it when she wound run her fingers through his mohawk.

Soon the group was done with their volleyball match, and it was almost dark. Courtney was about to walk into the mess hall DJ pulled her aside.

"DJ? What is it?" Courtney asked, DJ smiled warmly at her and spoke. "Duncan has a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah! Where is he?" Courtney asked DJ smiled and shook his head.

"He wants you to dress up." DJ said and Courtney nodded with a confused look.

She went into her cabin and did her hair, she put it up in an elegant bun and put on a floral romper.

When she was done DJ guided her to the place that Duncan was, he placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the trees and to the shore.

When she got to the shore she gasped, Duncan looked up at her and his eyes widened and his jaw went slack.

"Hey princess."


Jk I'm literally about to write the next chapter, I think about 1 or 2 more chapter of this book.
Vote and comment. xoxo ❤️

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