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Courtney walked toward the dock, she passed by Scott and she smiled at him. He smiled back and began talking to dawn.

She smiled at the couple, she may be the one for him. She shook her head with a smile and passed by Gwen and Trent.

Trent was singing to Gwen, while lightly strumming his guitar. Gwen was smiling with a blush spread across her pale cheeks.

She caught Courtney's eyes and the two girls smiled at each other. Courtney winked at Trent and he sent her a wink back.

She walked toward the dock, and sat next to Duncan. She rested her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Hey princess." He kissed her forehead and smiled. She smiled back and looked at the water, the sun was just starting to set.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked, Duncan looked at his cabin and shrugged. "Geoff and Bridgette were getting a bit too heated. So I left."

"I hope we never get like them." Courtney shivered at the thought, Duncan laughed and shook his head slowly.

"Oh no, we will never be like that. At least I hope not." Duncan made a face of worry, Courtney giggled and kissed his jaw.

She trailed her kissed to his lips and kissed him softly, he smiled and kissed her back. When they broke apart he spoke. "I think we might be worse."

"Way worse." Courtney said breathlessly, she pulled him back into a kiss that he happily returned. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

When they pulled apart the two were gasping for air, he chuckled and looked into her onyx eyes. "Yeah, were way worse."

"Hey Duncan." Courtney whispered, he hummed urging her to continue. She moved her head away from the crook of his neck and smiled. "I love you."

He smiled and kissed her cheek, his teal eyes met her onyx eyes. They two falling harder for one another. "And I love you."

The two laughed and kissed each other. They held the other close to them, never wanting to let go.



Yes I know shitty Ending. Bleh
I want to thank all the people who read this story, I loved reading all your guys comments and I hoped you liked this story. Much love! 💚

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