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Almost all the furniture in the house was in the movers truck, All of Courtney's friends were outside of the house with her.

Courtney stood in Bridgette's arms crying into her sweater, the movers had just put the last piece of furniture into the truck.

"I don't want to leave." Courtney said in between sobs, Bridgette sighed and hugged her tighter.

"It's okay, we'll keep in touch, I promise." Bridgette said and they separated, Courtney looked at Duncan, who was staring off into space.

Courtney walked over to him, he looked down at her and opened his arms for a hug, she smiled and hugged him tightly.

Duncan lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his body. He buried his head in her neck, he heard her whimper and he immediately looked at her with worry.

When he saw her crying his face immediately softened. "Princess it'll be okay, I promise."

"It won't be okay. I don't want to leave." She said between sobs, Duncan sighed and rubbed circles on her lower back.

"I'll try to visit you, if I can." Duncan said and Courtney nodded, he looked up and saw Bridgette smiling at them.

"Courtney we need to go!" Karen said and Courtney rolled her eyes, Duncan put her down and kissed her softly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, he frowned and pulled away. "Court, you need to go."

"I don't care." Courtney said as she kissed him again, he laughed and grabbed her cheeks. "I don't want to make you late."

"Fine, I'll text you when I get there." Courtney said as she said put her hands on his, he smiled and entwined their fingers.

"Courtney get over here now!" Karen shouted, Courtney rolled her eyes and yelled back. "I'll be there in a second!"

Just as she was about to leave Duncan held her hand and said. "I love you, don't forget that."

Courtney smiled and rubbed her thumb against his skin. "I love you too, ill see you whenever dunkie."

Duncan chuckled at the nickname and kissed her forehead and let go of her hand. She walked toward the car and stepped inside.

Duncan watched as the car started and it drove away, he waved and through the windows he saw Courtney wave back.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." Karen sneered, Courtney smirked and picked at her nails.

"Well now you know so drop it." Courtney said and Karen rolled her eyes.


"We're here!" Karen said smiling, Courtney looked up and saw Scott waving at her.

Courtney smiled and go out of the car, Scott walked toward her and hugged her tightly.

"Scott, I'm happy to see you too, but your crushing me." Courtney laughed, Scott let her go and smiled.

"Sorry I'm just so happy to see you again, it was boring without you." Scott smirked when he saw her cheeks darken.

"Whatever, help me with my stuff." Courtney elbowed him playfully, they laughed and grabbed her suitcase.

They walked into the house and went up to her new bedroom, she placed her suitcase on the bed and began to unpack.

As she was taking her clothes out Scott came into the room and sat on her bed, he smiled and then asked. "So are you dating anyone?"

"No I'm not, and I'm not really looking for a relationship." Courtney said and Scott frowned, he sighed.

"I'm gonna go help you mom, I'll be right back." Scott said and Courtney smiled, she grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

When she yanked him they fell onto the bed, Scott was on top of her, he smirked and her cheeks flushed.

"I was gonna ask, if you lived around here." Courtney said and he smirked.

"I live right next door baby." Scott purred, Courtney giggled and they separated.

"Help me unpack my shit Romeo." Courtney said and they laughed, Courtney grabbed her bathroom bag and walked into her bathroom.

Courtney began to put up her things and she heard Scott snickering, she looked into her bedroom and saw Scott looking in her suitcase.

"What are you doing Scott?" Courtney asked and walked toward him, her eyes widened and he smirked.

"So you wear thongs? Interesting." Scott said and Courtney punches his arm.

"I asked you to help me, not ogle over my thongs!" Courtney said and Scott laughed and held his hands up in defense.

"I was just joking! I don't care if you wear thongs, I'm sorry." Scott said and Courtney sighed.

"It's fine, don't let me catch you doing that again, or I will personally castrate you." Courtney said and Scott smiled.

"Okay, I won't do it again, I promise." He said as he stuck out his pinkie, they used to pinkie swear when they were kids, a habit that never got old between them.

She smiled and hooked their pinkies together, she left the room and continued to put her things away.

About three hours later everything was put away, including the furniture. Courtney sighed and fell back on her bed.

She closed her eyes and felt her bed droop, she looked to her side to see Scott beside her, smiling.

"I am so tired." Courtney groaned, Scott laughed and nodded in agreement.

"I'm so happy your here." Scott admitted and sighed dreamily, Courtney giggled and raised a brow.

"Why?" Courtney asked as she propped her head on her hand, Scott smiled and moved her bangs out of her face.

"I missed you like hell, your so much cooler than everyone else here." Scott said and smiled at the way her cheeks turned a light red.

"Thanks, I kind of missed you too." Courtney said and Scott smiled, he slowly rubbed the back of his neck and grabbed her hand.

"You know I really, really, like yo-" Scott was cut off by Karen coming into the room and giving them a strange look.

"Why are you two on the bed together?" Karen asked and Scott looked into Courtney's eyes.

"We were just talking about school." Courtney lied and Karen walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"So now lets talk about school, or do you want to finish what you were saying." Courtney said and Scott quickly shook his head.

"No! Uh- I mean what I was saying wasn't really all that important." Scott said nervously, Courtney shrugged.

"Well what about school, how is it?" Courtney asked, Scott smiled.

"It's great, my friends will love you." Scott said and and Courtney smiled.

"That's great, well I'm tired." Courtney said and Scott stood up and walked toward the door.

"Well goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." Scott said and Courtney nodded as she felt herself drift off to sleep.

Scott sighed, he looked back at her and smiled. He walked out of the room and left.


I finally fucking updated! Wow!
Lol jk but the next couple of chapters are gonna be pretty messy, just bare with me.
Vote and comment. xoxo ❤️

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