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Opening the door to the dance practice room, I looked around the large open room to see which of the members were present. All the members of the dance line were there, acting like fools as usual. I walked over to Taehyung and called Jimin and Hoseok over.

"Can you guys do me a favor tomorrow?" I asked.

Jimin looked at me curiously and replied, "Depends on what the favor is."

"I have a friend coming to spend the day with us tomorrow and I want you to be...um... considerate of her," I stated, watching Taehyung scrunch up his thick eyebrows in confusion.

"One, when would Jin hyung ever allow us to be rude to a guest? Two, what do you mean by be considerate? And three, her?" Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrows.

Hoseok added, "Yeah, who is this friend? I thought we knew all your friends. Have you been holding out on us, Kook?"

Hobi and Tae made kissing sounds at me. They can be pretty ridiculous at times, so I reached over and smacked them both on the back of their heads.

"It's not like that; she's a girl in my photography class. She's really fun to be around once she's comfortable with you, but she's a lot like Yoongi hyung. She can sometimes get overwhelmed and then just wanders away to sit on the sidelines until she regroups, and then she comes back," I explained. "All I want is for you guys to leave her alone if she goes off by herself."

Jimin wondered aloud, as he sat on the floor stretching his legs, "Why would you bring her here to this kind of chaos if she's likely to become overwhelmed? Why wouldn't you just hang out with her at the dorm?"

I scanned the room to make sure a certain member wasn't hiding in the shadows.

"Like I said, she's a lot like Yoongi hyung and he doesn't really seem to have any friends outside of us. I thought maybe if they were around each other, he might just...I don't know...become comfortable with her? Maybe they would be friendly with each other."

At that statement, the other boys laughed at me, predicting that Yoongi would definitely try to strangle me in my sleep.

Min Yoongi was the president of the introvert nation. He was not comfortable with people he didn't know; he was a homebody; he was a workaholic. To top it all off, he didn't always think about his words before he threw them at people, thus earning him the reputation of being savage. He sometimes came off as having no feelings.

Jimin put his hand on my shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Are you seriously trying to set Yoongi hyung up with a girl?"

The door to the practice room suddenly swung open, startling me. I quickly turned to check who was coming in and took a calming breath when it was only Jin.

"Yes and no, I guess. I would hang out with her anyway, but I was specifically bringing her here for him. I mean, I wasn't even going to introduce them. I just wanted to see if they naturally gravitated toward each other, that's all," I replied, still watching the door for Yoongi's arrival.

I could hear Tae telling Jin about the girl I was bringing as a gift for Yoongi tomorrow... his words, not mine. Jin sauntered over to hear for himself what was going on.

After hearing my half-baked plan, Jin asked, "But why here? Why not just introduce them?"

"Well, think about it...if we're here practicing all day, he can't escape to the Genius Lab, right? He'd be stuck here," I explained. "Plus, I don't want to introduce them. I want to see if they just come together on their own. Personally, I think they probably won't; neither one of them is exactly outgoing around other people. I just thought it would be interesting to try."

Jin checked himself out in the mirror while he stretched out his arms, shoulders, and chest. I could tell he was running this plan through his mind, trying to decide if it was a good idea or not. I understood his hesitation. It was hard to even imagine a girl that would be able to take Yoongi's sometimes abrasive personality.

Jin yelled at me, "Hey, JK!"


"Maybe you should tell us a little bit about this girl."

We all sat in a circle on the floor, pretending to stretch, just in case the choreographer came in. We were all experts at looking busy, just in case any staffers were watching.

I thought for a moment and said, "First of all, her name is Yoki. She's tiny and fragile looking. She has shoulder length, straight black hair, which is super shiny, almost glossy looking. It was actually the first thing I noticed about her."

"What about her personality?" asked Hoseok. "If she's actually fragile, then it may not be a good idea getting her together with Yoongi."

I smiled and leaned over to stretch my hamstring, "See, that's the thing...she does come off that way at first, until she's comfortable with you. At first, she's timid and she doesn't talk much. Also, she has a few social anxieties and gets overwhelmed in certain situations."

Taehyung frowned and asked, "Wouldn't Yoongi scare this girl to death? Why would you do this to her if she's your friend? I agree with Hobi; this may not be a good idea."

"That's why he said he wasn't going to introduce them, just sort of see if they find each other, right Kook?" explained Jimin. "Plus, if you don't introduce them, then Yoongi won't have his radar up."

Around the circle, heads bobbed up and down in agreement.

Thinking of Yoki's personality, I continued, "The thing is, once you get to know her, she's a little different; it just takes her a while to get there. She still doesn't talk much, but when she does she's sassy and funny and, not going to lie, her sense of humor can be surprisingly naughty."

"But she would need to be thick-skinned to be around Yoongi," brought up Jin.

"Like leather," agreed Hoseok.

"Or more like armored steel," added Jimin. "Can she take what he dishes out?"

"As long as we give her enough time to adjust to us, she'll be fine. I think she's tougher than she looks," I assured them, hoping I was right.

In my head, it all sounded reasonable, but their hesitation was making me question myself.

The choreographer, Yoongi, and Namjoon finally came into the practice room.

Three and a half hours later, every one of us lay on the cold, hard floor, our chests heaving, trying to catch our breath. Our choreographer and dance instructor were brutal.

Within five minutes and without any conversation with any of us, Yoongi picked up his water bottle and said he was going back to his studio to work.

I saw Taehyung and Jimin pass a look between them. They knew I was right; Yoongi really didn't have a life outside of Bangtan and work.

"Ok, here's another layer to the plan; tomorrow, we'll invite her to have dinner with us too," commented Jin.

Namjoon looked around, confused, "What are we talking about? Who's coming to dinner?"

I nodded my head, "Alright guys, Operation Yoongi begins tomorrow."

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