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"Hey, wake up! I need to get you home," I heard, feeling someone shake my shoulder.

I sat up, groggy and confused. Within a few seconds, it all came back to me.

Rubbing my eyes, I cursed, "Damn it all to hell."

Embarrassed, I stood up and headed for the door. "Don't worry about it," I told Yoongi, "I can make my own way home. My car is here anyway."

"Wait a minute, I want to talk to you."

I turned on him, raising my voice, "Why? What could you possibly have to say to me? You've been angry at me since the second you met me."

"Technically, I've never actually met you. And I'm not angry with you," he said, his face acknowledging the fact that the words sounded ridiculous, considering the way he'd been treating me.

"I'm not going to stand here and argue semantics with you. I feel like crap and the last thing in the world I wanted to do today was have a panic attack...in front of you, of all people," I said sharply. Even as I said the words, I was sorry for my tone. He had helped me, after all.

"I didn't know you had anxiety issues. My actions toward you lately probably haven't helped," he said.

"Get over yourself; that panic attack had nothing to do with you. Sometimes, I don't handle crowds very well. And I wasn't ready for so many people in my office," I told him.

A second later, my voice softened, "I do want to thank you though. It was unexpectedly nice that you helped me."

I turned toward the door, but backed up, surprised. The Post-its from the day before were now lined up neatly on the inside of his door.

Yoongi quickly took a step toward me, "Please don't leave. I still have something to say."

He took my hand, turning me around to face him. Caught between the door and Yoongi, his face mere inches away from mine, I stood and waited. That's when I noticed the Post-it of rapper King Min Yoongi was stuck to the top of his computer. I was baffled.

Why would he keep them?

I watched him falter, his gaze slowly moving from my eyes down to my lips and then back up again. My face flamed, as heat rushed into my cheeks. He moved closer, still not letting go of my hand.

Why I did what I did next, I'll never know. "Are you losing your nerve?" I asked him, softly.

My eyebrows knit together as I pretended not to understand what she was asking. The mood in my studio had changed into something else entirely. She leaned toward me and stood on her tippy-toes, laying her lips softly against mine. I pulled back; my breath caught in my throat.

She sighed and turned to leave, clearly regretting her decision.

Without thinking about it, my hands went to her face and I pulled her in for another kiss. My lips moved slowly against hers, the kiss becoming more urgent when I heard her whimper. Her lips parted and I felt the tip of her tongue glide along my lip, sending heat waves all through my body.

Not breaking the kiss, I bent down and picked Yoki up, her legs wrapping around my torso. I carried her to the couch and laid her down. Her hands twisted into my shirt, pulling me down on top of her. I hovered over her, looking into her eyes, still confused.

Why are we doing this?

Hooking her leg around me, she arched her back, pressing her body against me. Suddenly, I didn't care why we were doing this. I only knew I wanted her; I always had, maybe the reason why didn't matter.

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