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Yoki. That was her name. I learned it as Jin scolded me for the way I behaved towards her the day before.

"You will apologize to her," Jin ordered.

I sullenly shook my head, "I shouldn't have to; she was rude to me too!"

"After you attacked her," Namjoon backed up Jin. "I agree; you need to apologize, the next time you see her. No arguments. Just do it."

Both Namjoon and Jin were used to having their orders taken seriously.

I saw Yoki several times over the next week, but it was always just a quick glance of her here or there with the other members...down the hall, or leaving the Big Hit building, or running from Tae through the dorm.

My wish that her visit was a one-time thing was obviously not granted; she was actually around quite often now. However, she was never in my direct vicinity, so I used that as an excuse to not apologize.

It doesn't even seem to bother her, I thought resentfully, she just totally ignores me anyway.


Hoseok and I leaned over Yoki's shoulder as we looked at the pictures she had done of us.

She had finished editing and was now putting the data on a memory stick, so she could take the pictures to Big Hit to have them approved for social media.

"I like these," said Hoseok, "considering we were dancing and not posing, you got some amazing shots. Some of these are from interesting angles, too. Are you getting better grades in class that Kook is?"

"Hey, not fair! I have to miss a lot of classes," I protested.

It was hard for me to keep up with my classes since we were gone so often. Still, I was finding my own way though.

Yoki gathered up her things and put them in her bag. She had a meeting with PD-nim soon. He wanted to personally take a look at her photos.

"C'mon Yoki, you don't want to be late for PD-nim," I warned.

I secretly knew there was more to this meeting than just having her photos approved. PD-nim had talked to me a few days ago to get my opinion of Yoki's photography skills. Big Hit's junior photographer was leaving, and they needed to find a replacement. I knew it would be Yoki's dream job, so I talked her up big time.

"Why don't you take your portfolio with you too? Mr. Bang would be interested in seeing it. He always takes a personal interest in our hobbies."

"Well, he doesn't really know me and I'm not Bangtan, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have it with me, just in case," she answered. Yoki picked up a couple more memory sticks and a portfolio book and put them into her bag. "I'm all ready to go."

I drove to the Big Hit building and we went inside. I showed her the way to PD-nim's office.

"I'll wait out here for you. Don't be nervous," I said, with an encouraging smile.

"Why would I be nervous?" Yoki asked. "Why you being so weird, Kook?"

I sat in the outer office and played on my phone. I twiddled my fingers. I flipped through a few magazines.

After about half an hour, the main photographer, Mi-sun, came in and was immediately shown into Mr. Bang's office.

Hmm, hopefully a good sign.

A few minutes later, Hobi stuck his head in the door, "Nothing yet? She's still in there?"

I nodded. He came in and sat down by me. The seconds ticked by slowly.

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