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For several days after the phone call, Yoongi hid in his studio and Yoki hid in her office. She kept her door closed at all times now, which made Jungkook worry. It was unlike her to be so closed off. He tried talking to her about it, but she quickly shut him down, just telling him not to worry, it would work itself out.

Within a week, however, Yoki was back to her cheerful self and her door was open again. The only time she wasn't the same was when Yoongi was in the same room. She wouldn't speak to him, even when he tried to talk to her. She looked through him like he wasn't even there.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was not fine at all.

He grew more quiet and withdrawn than normal, often even staying overnight in his studio for days at a time. It soon became apparent, even to management, something was wrong.

The team got together with management to talk about the problem with Yoongi. Part of the problem though was that no one knew exactly what the problem was.

We thought it could have something to do with Yoki, but in reality, Yoongi wouldn't talk to anyone, so we didn't really know.

It was decided that someone from the group needed to talk to Yoongi, one on one, and since I was the closest to him I was elected.

But as I stood outside Yoongi's studio, I hesitated pushing the buzzer to be let in.

Yoongi was tight with personal information on a good day, but nearly impossible to talk to the way he was now.

The light from Yoki's office caught my eye.

Could be worth a try.

I leaned in Yoki's doorway and knocked. She smiled, seemingly happy to see me. I didn't often visit her on my own.

"Hi, Hobi! What's up?" Yoki greeted me.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what can I do for you?" she responded, with a smile.

I hesitated, trying to organize my thoughts. I think she could tell I was having difficulty figuring out how to open the conversation.

She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"This is about Yoongi, isn't it?"

I nodded.

Yoki saved the work on her computer and shut it down. She swung her chair around to face me as I took a seat on her couch. 

In that short amount of time, her whole demeanor changed. Smiling, friendly Yoki had been replaced by frowning, irritated Yoki.

"Hobi, do we have to do this? What would you say if I said that I do not want to have this conversation with you?"

"I don't think you can avoid it anymore. Even management is worried about him. Unless you want to explain things to Mr. Bang when he knocks on your door, you should probably talk to me," I said, spreading my hands, indicating it was her decision.

"Part of the problem is Yoongi has depression and anxiety issues. And we're not sure if we should be worried about that, or if this is just some normal thing, like this fight between the two of you."

I could tell she was trying to come to some decision and she didn't like her options. She ran her fingers through her hair and then rubbed the back of her neck in frustration. She sighed in resignation.

"Damn it. What do you need to know?"

"I think at this point, everything," I stated.

She fidgeted with the bracelet she wore, twirling it around and around her wrist.

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