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Jungkook was going to be picking me up soon and I was stuffing things into my duffle bag in a rush to be ready before he came. He had invited me to spend the day with him at Big Hit, watching practices and such. He told me to be prepared for a long, busy day. I was excited; it wasn't every day I got to mingle with Idols. Well, actually maybe I did; after all, Jungkook was my friend.

He texted me that he was in front of my building, so I grabbed my bag and skipped down the stairs.

"You ready for this?" he asked, as I closed the car door.

I grinned at him, "I am. I'm a little nervous, though. I brought my camera and computer, just in case."

"Don't worry. Everyone is really nice and they can't wait to meet you. I hope you're prepared; they can be a little crazy," he told me, with a smile.

"Let's get this show on the road then."

We walked through Big Hit's empty hallways toward the dance practice room.

How bad could it be, I thought, this place seems pretty empty.

When Jungkook opened the door though, I realized why the hallways had been so deserted; everyone was in this one room. I discovered later they were all either staff, management, extra dancers, stylists, makeup artists, or of course, the members of BTS themselves.

I hung back behind Jungkook, suddenly shy, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward.

As soon as we walked into the room, several young men rushed over to meet me. I smiled shyly at them and wished the floor would swallow me up.

Jungkook pointed at each member and introduced them, "Yoki, this is Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung, Jimin hyung, and Taehyung hyung. Guys, this is Yoki. She's in my photography class; be nice to her!"

"Hi guys! It's nice to meet you all. I didn't realize it would be so busy here. Sorry if I'm in the way today," I said to them.

Taehyung came right up close to me, measured how tall I was next to him, and responded, "But you're just a tiny baby! How could you possibly ever be in the way of anything?"

With those words, he suddenly picked me up by the waist and twirled me around and around in circles. It was hard not to laugh as I grabbed onto his shoulders, having some vague memory of my appa doing this same thing when I was a child.

After just a few moments, Tae set me back down on my feet and steadied me, keeping his hands on my waist, in case I was dizzy.

"Jungkook said some of you were a bit bonkers, now I know what he meant," I laughed, shaking my head.

Tae grinned, "I think you and I are going to be friends; I feel it!"

I held both my hands up towards him, palms facing out. "Whoa there, big guy! Maybe you should get to know me a little first," I jokingly chided him.

But I could already feel a good connection with him, so I leaned into him and whispered loudly, "But I feel it too!"

For the next half hour, we all talked and got to know each other. I felt at ease with them almost instantly, which was unusual for me. At some point, Namjoon wandered over to meet me, apologizing for not being there sooner.

"If you ever need anything, come to me," he told me, "I'm the one in charge of these nuts."

"That's what she said," I automatically responded.

The second the words were out of my mouth, I wished I could pull them back in. I clapped my hands over my mouth. My eyes had to be the size of saucers; I was so embarrassed.

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