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"I don't think this is working guys," I said, "I know when we sent them the pictures, Yoki edited Suga out of the ones we sent her."

"Yeah, and Yoongi just deleted the ones we sent him," added Taehyung, "and he threw away the brownies we took him, just because we mentioned she made them. That one upset me. I would have eaten them; he didn't need to waste the whole pan."

But Jimin insisted we keep trying, even though it seemed hopeless. Everything we'd tried in the last couple of weeks had been immediately shot down. We knew all it would take would be for one of them really notice the other. We'd tried casually dropping fun facts about each to the other, but all it did was irritate them. One time, Yoki even snapped at me—and she was the nice one.

On the other hand, Jimin was sure he had seen them catch each other's eye more than once, and we all noticed they weren't as snarky with each other anymore, even though they mostly ignored each other.

We had one more shot at putting them together. If this didn't work out tonight, we were done.


"Are you ready for today, baby girl?"

I put my arm around Yoki and pulled her close. I was getting very comfortable sleeping at her place now. Again last night, I'd told Namjoon I would be spending the night in my studio. I couldn't believe the others hadn't caught on yet.

"I think so. I'm nervous though. To do that many photos in that short of a time span...so nervous! What if I'm not good enough? This is the first time they've asked me to take on an important photo shoot by myself," Yoki said.

"You're amazing at what you do; don't be nervous," I said, snuggling her.

"You know, it's getting harder and harder to remember to act like I don't like you. I know Jimin has caught me staring at you more than once. I don't think I can keep this up much longer," she told me, trailing little kisses along my shoulder.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too. Pretty soon we'll have to put an end to this little charade and let everyone know. I just wanted to have time for us to get to know one other on our own terms without everyone else's input," I said, as I rolled her over onto her back, my fingers playing just under the edge of her panties. "We woke up pretty early this morning; do we have time?"

I slid my fingers lower and could see the heat creep into her face as she whispered, "We'll make time."


I had been at the location for more than an hour, unloading props and putting them in the various places in the broken down warehouse where they would be used. I was glad Yoongi told me to remember to bring plenty of folding chairs for people while they waited or while they had their makeup fixed.

I double-checked my list, memorizing the order in which they would come.

First to come would be Lee Hyun. He would be simple. Just one man and he'd been doing this a long time. He was good at it. I had already worked with him and we got along well.

TXT would come next. There were five of them. I had to get several group shots and then several of each of them alone. They were newer to the business and younger. I hadn't worked with them yet, but everyone at Big Hit was so professional, I crossed my fingers it would go smoothly.

Finally, the seven from BTS would make their appearance. Oddly, this was the group that worried me the most. Obviously, I knew them very well, but they loved to tease me and I didn't want to seem unprofessional to anyone that might be watching.

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