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Today was that perfect kind of day everyone looks forward to every day. I looked around, admiring the view. Over my head were beautiful blue skies, with fluffy white clouds floating by. The leaves on the trees were dancing in a light breeze and the lawn was perfectly manicured, flowers and bushes dressing up the landscape like a lady going to church.

The only things ruining the panorama were the rows and rows of gray and white marble headstones.

I sighed and trained my eyes on the one headstone in front of me. It suddenly hit me how horrible it must have been for Yoki when she lost her entire family at once. She was a teenager, alone, and suddenly missing a mother, father, and two brothers.

I also understood firsthand the guilt she must have felt. She was in that car too, but in that moment only she escaped death, ending up with just a small scar on her cheekbone. Some things were hard to explain and harder to live with.

Nine months ago, Yoki made a choice to save my life, risking her own. That action and the days that followed taught me that life was precious. You needed to live every day like it was your last.

I had been putting important things off because I was too busy with my career. I thought, there's time later for that vacation I've always wanted to take; there's time later to show my parents how grateful I am for them; there's time later to make friends; there's time later to find love or start a family.

People, pay attention to my words; sometimes later does not come.

I looked down at Yoki, kneeling at her family's gravesite arranging flowers, beyond grateful I didn't lose her. She died twice that day, eight months ago, but she kept fighting her way back to me, long after I'd given up hope.

As small and fragile as people thought she was, Yoki was the strongest person I know. She fought her way back from death's doorstep over and over.

The physical therapy she does on a daily basis was harder than anything I'd ever seen Jin or Jungkook do at the gym.

And once she truly believe that I loved her, her faith in our relationship has never wavered. Her faith in me was rock solid; even when I didn't deserve it, she believed in me.

"Baby, can you help me up?" she asked, reaching out for me. I grabbed her hand, pulling her up and hugging her.

Yoki didn't move as easily as she used to. The trauma from getting hit by that truck caused her left side to be stiffer and weaker than it used to be. She didn't ask for help often, but getting up from the floor or the ground was something she has trouble with.

She wasn't a photographer anymore, because she wasn't agile enough anymore. However, she and Mi-sun came to a compromise. Since she can't do photo shoots anymore and he's never loved the computer work of editing, they've teamed up. He took amazing pictures and she turned them into beautiful works of art.

As we walked back to the car, I smiled as I thought back to this morning. Because I'd taken so much time off work while she was in the hospital, I pretty much hadn't taken any extra time off since then. So today was special, it being our first full day together since she came home, months ago.

We slept late, and even when we woke up, we didn't rush to get out of bed. I have discovered that I am a championship cuddler. There was nothing better than relaxing in bed, slowly kissing, hugging, and touching the one you loved for hours on end.

Yoki now has many scars; some from surgeries, some from the accident itself. The only time she was self-conscious of these scars was when we were in bed. She thought they were ugly; I thought they were beautiful.

The scar from the surgery to repair her ribs ran from beside her breast almost down to her waist and was very sensitive.

While we were cuddling this morning, I started kissing the side of  her neck and then pulled off her shirt and trailed my kisses down her body along this scar.

Oooh, when she started making those little out-of-control breathy sounds, it got me heated up every time.

However, we hadn't been truly intimate since the accident, mostly because I was afraid of hurting her. But this morning, she took the decision out of my hands, taking control.

She rolled over, straddling me, saying, "My King, I think it's time. I know you're afraid, but I need this... I need you."

"Baby, are you sure it's all right? I don't want..."

She cut me off, leaning over to kiss me. Then she pulled back, locking eyes with me, "I swear if you keep talking, I'm going to put a gag on you."

From the look on her face, I could tell she wasn't joking.

Reaching up to kiss her, I reached around her, cradling her bottom; this girl had a behind that men would go to war over.

Within a couple of minutes, I was moaning and hard from her slowly grinding on me.

Because it had been so long, I knew it wouldn't take much to make me climax if I didn't slow things down and focus on her pleasure. But she never gave me a chance.

She backed up a bit down the bed, pulling my boxers off and throwing them across the room. Her own lace panties landed somewhere nearby a few seconds later.

"King Min Yoongi, I don't need any foreplay or fancy moves, I just want you... right now," she whispered, crawling back up to settle herself on top of me.

It wasn't pretty; it wasn't worthy of a description in one of those silly fan fictions written about me that make me sound like a dominant sex god, which I am not.

We were awkward and too needy, like two virgins fumbling around in the backseat of a car. Was it the best sex I ever had? You're fucking right it was.

And round two was even better.

I don't lecture Yoki about not calling me oppa anymore, even though she still doesn't. I've grown rather fond of being called King Min Yoongi, which is way better than oppa if you think about it. She often shortens it to My King now, which it just as good.

This morning I did something... something I'd been thinking about for months. Something that nine months ago, I wouldn't have even considered because of my job.

I put a diamond ring on Yoki's finger. And four months from now, I'll put the matching band next to it, making her my wife... my Queen.

I once said, "If you take music away from my life, there would be nothing left."

I don't believe that anymore.

Yoki made me understand that no one could take music away from me, because the music came from within me.

Music needed me, not the other way around.

For the first time in my life, I felt lucky to be me. I had a family, six Bangtan brothers, and her.

And those were enough for me.

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