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The day was finally over. Everyone left an hour ago and I was cleaning up and loading everything into the van.

Yoongi hadn't even spoken to me before he left. Taehyung and Jungkook told me they would be back as soon as possible to help clean up, and afterwards they were taking me out for dinner.

As was typical for me after a photoshoot, all I wanted to do was sit in front of my computer going through pictures. The part that was exciting for me was transforming the photos.

As I loaded chairs into the van, I caught a glimpse of myself in the window. I was filthy. There were particles in my hair, and I had dust and dirt all over my clothes from crawling around on the dirty floor.

I can just imagine what my face must look like.

I bent over to try to brush the dirt from my jeans when I found a large rip in them.

I give up.

It had been a long day and I was tired. I wanted nothing more than a bubble bath, a cup of tea, my computer, and a boring movie playing in the background. I had just pulled out my phone to call the boys to cancel, when they pulled up in Taehyung's car.

"Are you finished loading up everything already?" Jungkook yelled through the window.

He got out of the car and asked for the keys to the van. He told me he would drive it back to Big Hit, while Tae took me home to shower and change.

"Can't we do it another night?" I groaned.

"Look, you have to eat anyway. We won't go anywhere fancy. We'll just eat and take you back to your place, ok? Please come with us."

I know what not fancy is to you guys and it's still going to be out of my comfort zone.   

I sighed, "Fine. I'm going to look terrible next to you and Gucci boy though. Why can't you guys ever just look like regular people, instead of high-end models? I feel so out of place next to you two."

Jungkook put his arm around me and laughed, "What are you talking about? You're gorgeous. I don't think you look out of place at all."

I looked at him skeptically, "Mmm hmmmm."

Some time later, freshly out of the shower and wrapped in a towel, I stood in front of my wardrobe looking for something that wouldn't make me look like a potato next to the guys.

Automatically reaching for my little black dress, I hurried to finish dressing. I normally didn't wear much make-up, but decided to do up my eyes and lips right.

"Ok, I'm ready," I announced, coming out of my room. Tae stood up and whistled, looking me up and down. I did a little twirl for him.

"Um...wow, just wow. Seriously Yoki, you look stunning!"

I blushed and pulled him out of the apartment. "C'mon, JK probably thinks we forgot him, as long as it took me to get ready," I said.


"Yeah, yeah. We're in our usual private room in the back," Jimin spoke into his phone. "Ok, we'll see you in a few. Yeah. Bye."

"Kook and Tae are coming too," he told me. "They should be here in a little bit."

I muttered, "How'd I get so lucky to have the entire maknae line to myself tonight?"

I made a show of looking at my watch and wondered how quickly I could skip out on this dinner. Maybe I'd still be able to make it to Yoki's tonight after all. I wanted to make up with her. I knew I needed to stop letting my insecurities cause a problem between us.

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