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I returned several hours later with everything I could think of that Yoongi would need for the next several days. I checked in with the nurses and walked into Yoki's room.

Yoongi had laid his head down on Yoki's bed and was sound asleep, still holding her hand.

A nurse came in to check Yoki's vital information. She eyed the bags I brought and asked if one of us was staying with her. I told her it would take God himself coming down and removing Yoongi before he would leave her.

She smiled and before she left she told me the couch made into a bed and the linens were in the cabinet. I thanked her and set about making up the bed for him.

I wasn't sure how long Yoongi had been asleep, but I knew he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. I leaned over him, gently shaking his shoulders.

"Hyung, wake up. I brought you some food. You need to eat."

I shook his shoulders again and he groaned, lifting his head. His eyes were puffy and it was obvious he had done a good bit of crying.

He rubbed his eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's late afternoon," I answered. "How much sleep did you get?"

"Maybe a couple of hours here and there," he nodded his head toward Yoki, "There's been no change."

I opened the bag and brought out his dinner, setting it on the table next to him. He just sat there staring at her.

"Yoongi, you need to eat," I told him. "You have to take care of yourself now. She needs you to be healthy."

I knew it was a dirty trick to use her condition as a way to get him to take care of himself, but if it worked I would do it again.

"This is what we're going to do. You're going to eat every bite of that food. Then after you take a shower, you can lie down and get some proper sleep. I made up the bed for you. I'll stay and watch over her while you sleep," I told him, trying to sound authoritative so he wouldn't argue with me. 

I normally wouldn't get away with ordering Yoongi around, so I figured he must be truly exhausted when he agreed.

While Yoongi was eating, the doctor in charge of Yoki came in and spoke to us about her condition. He explained to us about her head trauma, making sure we understood all about the induced coma. He said she was lucky there were no spinal issue—no broken neck, no broken back.

They had managed to fix everything internally wrong during her surgery last night. As long as she didn't develop an infection, she should heal internally.

However, she had a massive amount of broken bones. Several consecutive ribs, the bones in her leg and her arm, and her pelvic bone, all down her left side, had been damaged. The only good news was none of them had been crushed; they were clean breaks.

The broken ribs would require another surgery, which they would be doing the next day. Even if she healed quickly, she could be in hospital for a long time.

Over the next four days, we fell into a routine. Yoongi stayed, refusing to leave her. The rest of us took turns bringing him food, relieving him so he could sleep, and, in general,  keeping him company.

Yoki never moved; she never made a sound.

However, whenever Jimin would sing to her, her hand would jerk. The nurse said it was just an involuntary reflex movement, but it only happened when Jimin sang, so we chose to believe differently. And so Jimin would come and sing softly to her for hours.

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